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Hello Misshalfway,

" You are trying to argue the merits of the BofM "

" You can't wait until someone will actually discuss the actual text and the doctrine in the pages rather than dance around it "

Okay my friend, I will not dance around a discussion of merit or doctrine.:

You say you want to discuss the actual doctrine ( teachings ) of BofM. Can you tell me where in the BofM Jesus teaches ( doctrine ) about eternal progression? Can you tell me where in the BofM Jesus teaches ( doctrine ) about Jesus Christ being the " spirit brother" of Lucifer? Can you tell me where in the BofM that Jesus teaches that men can become Gods? Can you tell me where in the BofM that Jesus teaches that God once was mere man of an earth before he became God of ours?

Why are none of these teachings ( doctrine ) mentioned or supported by the very book ( BofM ) that claims to fullfill the Gospel in its etirity??

God bless,


OK. Finally, it came to light where you have been reading and gathering your infromation about the LDS church and what your true intentions are for being here. It is obvious that you already made up your mind in regards to the BoM and the doctrine of the Church.

I think the exchange has run its course.

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OK. Finally, it came to light where you have been reading and gathering your infromation about the LDS church and what your true intentions are for being here. It is obvious that you already made up your mind in regards to the BoM and the doctrine of the Church.

I think the exchange has run its course.

Hello my friend Islander,

Are you suggesting, AGAIN, that I leave the forum?? ( LOL):lol:

Dear Islander,

I wanted to let you in on a little secret ( This little secret may allow for people like you and I to have discussions of our perspective faiths without the " threat " of " hidden agendas " or " anti "that you so often scream.). The little secret, in case you have not noticed from my last 268 posts, is that I am Catholic.

To be clear, Catholic means that I do not believe in JS, BofM, or any other of your prophets teachings. If I did believe as you do THEN I WOULD HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE LDS. I hope this lends MORE transparency for you as you " finally figured out my true intentions as well as why I am here ".

Why, I wonder, has " the exchange run its course ". Is it because I am not LDS, is it because I have a different belief than Islander.

Are all Islander exchanges ONLY for people who are looking to convert to your Church?

Are all Islander exchanges ONLY for people who will give similar testimony as YOU?

If one is not LDS, should people like me be allowed to be on this forum with you??

BTW, I would have rather you answered the questions in my post :), rather than paste them and tell me " its run its course, you have finally figured out that I am not LDS":)

Lastly, Is it your opinion that if one has " already made up their mind about BofM and the doctrine of the Church " they should not be posting or sharing any more?? That, IMHO, would certainly eliminate most people on this forum ( INCLUDING YOU ):)

God bless,


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and trust that Jesus is at the helm and will not allow the church or its doctrines to go astray.

Do you feel that you have been taught by the Spirit in your life? Are there doctrines in your faith that you felt particularly compelled by and needed clarification because of confusion or differing opinions from those around you? And how have you come to your conclusions.....conclusions that you trust are in harmony with the mind and will of God?

Hello Misshalfway,

Thanks for sharing :)

First, YES indeed, I have and still do struggle with some of the " teachings " of my faith and have been given comfort on some and remain a little confused on others. I would offer that in my experience, ALL of my friends from different faiths have similar journeys of " confusion".:) ( Ceeboo certainly included ). I would ( like August ) also add that some of the " no so pleasent history " of the Catholic Church, for me, is very sad.

Your comment of " you trust that Jesus is at the helm and will not allow the Church or its doctrine to go astray". Is very similar as to why I am convinced my faith is so solid.

The only change I would make is " I trust that Jesus is at the helm and will not allow HIS Church to go astray" as he so BOLDLY PROMISED us all.

God bless,


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Hello my friend Islander,

Are you suggesting, AGAIN, that I leave the forum?? ( LOL):lol:

Dear Islander,

I wanted to let you in on a little secret ( This little secret may allow for people like you and I to have discussions of our perspective faiths without the " threat " of " hidden agendas " or " anti "that you so often scream.). The little secret, in case you have not noticed from my last 268 posts, is that I am Catholic.

answers To be clear, Catholic means that I do not believe in JS, BofM, or any other of your prophets teachings. If I did believe as you do THEN I WOULD HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE LDS. I hope this lends MORE transparency for you as you " finally figured out my true intentions as well as why I am here ".

Why, I wonder, has " the exchange run its course ". Is it because I am not LDS, is it because I have a different belief than Islander.

Are all Islander exchanges ONLY for people who are looking to convert to your Church?

Are all Islander exchanges ONLY for people who will give similar testimony as YOU?

If one is not LDS, should people like me be allowed to be on this forum with you??

BTW, I would have rather you answered the questions in my post :), rather than paste them and tell me " its run its course, you have finally figured out that I am not LDS":)

Lastly, Is it your opinion that if one has " already made up their mind about BofM and the doctrine of the Church " they should not be posting or sharing any more?? That, IMHO, would certainly eliminate most people on this forum ( INCLUDING YOU ):)

God bless,


CeeBoo. I have been told this in the past by Islander myself. Instead of answering questions, he yelled "moderator, moderator".

The following questions below have been avoided by many. They seem to have been deemed anti. People read about things, people want answers from the horses' mouth, except no one wants to clarify or answer these questions. Lds say, "what are your intentions"? I say "what are your intentions" for avoiding theses questions/not answering them. If your heart is in the right place, you are obligated to answer these questions, it is called witnessing.

Originally from CeeBoo.

You say you want to discuss the actual doctrine ( teachings ) of BofM. Can you tell me where in the BofM Jesus teaches ( doctrine ) about eternal progression? Can you tell me where in the BofM Jesus teaches ( doctrine ) about Jesus Christ being the " spirit brother" of Lucifer? Can you tell me where in the BofM that Jesus teaches that men can become Gods? Can you tell me where in the BofM that Jesus teaches that God once was mere man of an earth before he became God of ours?

Why are none of these teachings ( doctrine ) mentioned or supported by the very book ( BofM ) that claims to fullfill the Gospel in its etirity??

Edited by jazzy225
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Just a side note here.......

There are many on this forum who enjoy doctrinal and religious conversation and who enjoy fielding questions about our faith. I am one of them. I have just as many questions about the Catholic faith and others too. Some I have asked. Most have not been answered or even acknowledged on this forum. So, I can imagine how it may feel to ask what feels like an honest question and then to have someone (like me in this case) question the intent of the inquiry.

Having said that, there are many times when I have been naive and moved forward with answers only to find the person that I am speaking to tramples under their feet the things that mean so very much to me. And sometimes.....even in this conversation there has been at times a sarcastic tone or defensive tone when these differences and offerings (as ceeboo says) are discussed. I would much rather share and answer questions under different circumstances; where mutual respect and understanding are present. I know that my intent is not necessarily to convert. I can't do that anyway. :) That is the job of the Holy Ghost. And you know, there is that element when discussing faith. I am sorry for any pressure that may be there. I am afraid it goes with the territory. :) But I know myself pretty well and it is my desire to be fairly and accurately understood rather to convince anyone or to go to blows over who is right and who is wrong. And if someone is deliberately reading things into my words or turning my words against me, I choose not to be part of those conversations.

I don't know what it is like to be Catholic. It is a world that is as foreign to me as any and I know that I possess much in the way of ignorance in that regard; the terminology alone trips me up. Something that I am trying to overcome -- but something that I am sure makes me unknowingly insensitive at times. I have been trying to read the things that Carol has given me and then doing some reading on my own. I hope that helps.

I doubt that any of you understand what is like to be LDS and to have your words discredited on a regular basis and to have to deal with blatant attacks that often come on this forum. The boldest of which our moderators take care of pretty fast. It is hard sometimes to know if you answer a question, how you will be received. It has made me somewhat cautious and gunshy. In this case, I was hesitant to answer Ceeboo because I felt a possible attack coming on. And I paused for a moment. But then did try to answer when I felt it safe to do so. But I am not sure I was understood either. I mean discussing the KFD isn't exactly something I talk about everyday with people. It is hard sometimes to come up with the best answer on a dime. I would rather try to build on common ground and laugh a little along the way instead of compromising friendships. And I would hope to feel a trust and a respect before I risk to answer as well.

Islander.....honey.....I don't know where that post came from. But it deeply saddens me. This conversation was just taking a turn for the better. What good comes from posts like that?

Perhaps we all just need to give each other a giant break here. Discussing religion is difficult under the best circumstances. I am sorry for my many failings. But as always, I am open to answering questions if they are received with compassion and peace.

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CeeBoo. I have been told this in the past by Islander myself. Instead of answering questions, he yelled "moderator, moderator".

The following questions below have been avoided by many. They seem to have been deemed anti. People read about things, people want answers from the horses' mouth, except no one wants to clarify or answer these questions. Lds say, "what are your intentions"? I say "what are your intentions" for avoiding theses questions/not answering them. If your heart is in the right place, you are obligated to answer these questions, it is called witnessing.

I hope my last post answers this post. Can you really say that "No one" wants to clarify? I think it is more that no one wants to clarify if the listener is bringing a contentious spirit. We want to discuss these doctrines in the environment of the Spirit of the Lord. Contention drives away the Spirit and in that circumstance, none involved can benefit from its enlightenment.

Why should I "witness" as you put it, when the person I speak to has such contempt? Even the Savior in these cases would rather take a stick to the dirt than engage in debate.

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Just a side note here.......

I doubt that any of you understand what is like to be LDS and to have your words discredited on a regular basis and to have to deal with blatant attacks that often come on this forum. The boldest of which our moderators take care of pretty fast. It is hard sometimes to know if you answer a question, how you will be received. It has made me somewhat cautious and gunshy. In this case, I was hesitant to answer Ceeboo because I felt a possible attack coming on. And I paused for a moment. But then did try to answer when I felt it safe to do so. But I am not sure I was understood either. I mean discussing the KFD isn't exactly something I talk about everyday with people. It is hard sometimes to come up with the best answer on a dime. I would rather try to build on common ground and laugh a little along the way instead of compromising friendships. And I would hope to feel a trust and a respect before I risk to answer as well.

" just a side not "

NO, more like a wonderfull contribution for ALL ( Ceeboo at the top of this list ) parties concerning the very difficult method ( internet ) we are using to share such enormous personal beliefs.:), with no ability to use body language, tone, or a humble smile.

Thanks ( Misshalfway ) for that extremly usefull post IMHO.:)

I would add that, YES, absobatooootly, I have no idea what it is like to be LDS. Thanks for lending that perspective.:).

God bless,


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I hope my last post answers this post. Can you really say that "No one" wants to clarify? I think it is more that no one wants to clarify if the listener is bringing a contentious spirit.

If we can't get answers from the lds, are we to rely on Anti sites? If you go to and do the chat thing, ask simple questions, the screen will stay blank.

If anyone asks me a question, I will get the answer to them whether I like it or not. I am obligated to share all aspects of what I believe, not just the aspects that sound good.

Miss Halfway, if lds were to answer the questions asked. People would not leave here feeling as though they have been deceived.

CeeBoo, is the last one to be contentious here, he laid it on the line, some (islander) didn't like it, so he is yelling for a moderator to step in. In fact islander, you seem to have all the answers, how about you answer the questions being avoided that were written by CeeBoo.

If the lds church is the true church, what do the members have to worry about, just answer the questions.

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I think what happens is that threads like this get buried and they all have the exact same questions with very similar discussions. I've wanted to create an FAQ type of thing for this very reason, but it's quite a daunting task. It would definitely help, though.

I am happy to share my testimony and I don't mind sharing the same things over and over again through the months, but other members might be newer and feel a bit exasperated because sometimes there are those who come trolling with the same or similar question. That's the sad part because it leaves the sincere investigators to feel put off. That's not our intention, though and it's something that we as members of the LDS faith need to work on more as well. I'm gladdened to know, and it has been my experience, that the sincere folks stick around and make new friends and learn as they go along while the trolls and anti's leave embittered or are banned because they become contentious.

I hope that we as LDS members can always have an open mind and open heart as we continue to share our witness to the many more that come in the future with the same questions about the Book of Mormon, continuing revelation, King Follet, etc, etc, etc.

Best wishes.

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Hello my friend Islander,

Are you suggesting, AGAIN, that I leave the forum?? ( LOL):lol:

Dear Islander,

I wanted to let you in on a little secret ( This little secret may allow for people like you and I to have discussions of our perspective faiths without the " threat " of " hidden agendas " or " anti "that you so often scream.). The little secret, in case you have not noticed from my last 268 posts, is that I am Catholic.

To be clear, Catholic means that I do not believe in JS, BofM, or any other of your prophets teachings. If I did believe as you do THEN I WOULD HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO BE LDS. I hope this lends MORE transparency for you as you " finally figured out my true intentions as well as why I am here ".

Why, I wonder, has " the exchange run its course ". Is it because I am not LDS, is it because I have a different belief than Islander.

Are all Islander exchanges ONLY for people who are looking to convert to your Church?

Are all Islander exchanges ONLY for people who will give similar testimony as YOU?

If one is not LDS, should people like me be allowed to be on this forum with you??

BTW, I would have rather you answered the questions in my post :), rather than paste them and tell me " its run its course, you have finally figured out that I am not LDS":)

Lastly, Is it your opinion that if one has " already made up their mind about BofM and the doctrine of the Church " they should not be posting or sharing any more?? That, IMHO, would certainly eliminate most people on this forum ( INCLUDING YOU ):)

God bless,


I suggest that the issue is a lot more simple than the sinister and avoidance patters you claim I take. There are many non-members, including some of the moderators in this forum. Contrary to what you hae done and the positions you have taken they understand what we are trying to accomplish in the forum. I tried to point out that nothing of what you bring here in terms of questions and "arguments" is original. And yes, the expressed purpose of the forum is to offer clear, truthful and uncontaminated information about the church and its doctrine. It gives a voice to the members of the church to declare and express their belief on their own rather than being defined by others. We also have threads for support and experience sharing. If you want answers to your questions go and research those on your own. Several forum members have offered you links to resources you may find useful if that would have been your true intent. But you continue to insist in bringing the argumets back to the forum. That speaks for itself about your motivations, I suggest.

If, as you declare, are comfortable in your faith, do not believe the claims of origin of the BoM, find the doctrines of the LDS Church incongruent with your own view of religion and you see no possible way for it to be true then the exchange stopped bein profitable. Arguing does nothing to advance the goals and spirit of the forum. I find distracting having to answer questions that have been asked for 150 years. They are the same exhausted and faded argumentative scripts that surfaced in 1830 with some modern seasoning for taste.

I have said this before but redundancy has its place in history, if your position is fixed then we should move on. You obviously have not read the standard works, you opted for the quick "How to argue with mormons" forums and bring those arguments here. It is been done before and we should not spend our time in such arguments since they lead nowhere. We do not have to defend our faith and the doctrine thereof. Ultimately, truth exist independent of us and stands on its own for us to comprehend. Awareness of that truth is an individual phenomenon rather than a collective historical experience. You either develop the insight to ascertain the truth as revealed by God or you don't.

I am more interested in sharing and discussing with those that are trully seeking to understand and search after the things of God. We trust that ALL can find their own way to the truth for the Spirit is the guide and the Book of Mormon the evidence of the claim we make that Christ speaks today.

The rest, my friend, bares no relevance to the work we are engaged in thus of no interest to me. Again and again the prophets have counseled not to contend and, by far, that is what you attempt to do consistently. It is my position that such has no place in the forum and robs all involved of a truly meaningful experience. So that is the reason for my suggestion that you move on to more productive activities for you, perhaps. You are not interested in what we offer here. All I do, almost always, is question the motivations and offer a practical suggestion :).

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I only speak for myself and not Carl/Ceeboo or August-but I come here to learn of the Book of Mormon and the teachings and doctrines of the LSD Church. I am indeed Catholic-but I enjoy learning about other faith traditions in a tolerant manner.

I beleve that can be accomplished. I am one for tolerance and love shown to my fellow christians on the journey of faith and in seeking truth.

Let us find common ground of first love and understanding toward others on that journey.

Let us approach our differences in a loving and caring manner.

I may not believe the Book of Mormon or Doctrine and Covenants-but I am open to learning about them-and the life of Joseph Smith and the trials and tribulations that members of the LDS Church faced and are facing today in their journey of faith and in seeking the truth as they see it. Much good can be found in their doctrines and teachings-and much good can be found in their gentle and caring spirit. Gordon B. Hinckley the former President/Prophet of the LDS Church- -I have heard many of his speeches/sermons/fireside chats, etc--what a man of faith! I may disagree with some of his teachings-but I am hopeful- he will be welcomed into the presence of our Heavenly Father with a friendly smile on our Heavenly Father's face!

May Our Heavenly Father bless each of us in our journey of faith and in showing tolerance and love to those we meet on that journey.


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Carol and Carol,

I welcome your discussion. As long as we are all civil with one another, I have not found you to be otherwise, then I do not mind answering they questions. If it is a question I would rather not go in to or answer or do not feel qualified to answer then I will leave that to someone else.

Let us all remember to be Christlike in our posts and in our responses and this site will be able to do a lot of good.

Ben Raines

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I suggest that the issue is a lot more simple than the sinister and avoidance patters you claim I take. There are many non-members, including some of the moderators in this forum. Contrary to what you hae done and the positions you have taken they understand what we are trying to accomplish in the forum. I tried to point out that nothing of what you bring here in terms of questions and "arguments" is original. And yes, the expressed purpose of the forum is to offer clear, truthful and uncontaminated information about the church and its doctrine. It gives a voice to the members of the church to declare and express their belief on their own rather than being defined by others. We also have threads for support and experience sharing. If you want answers to your questions go and research those on your own. Several forum members have offered you links to resources you may find useful if that would have been your true intent. But you continue to insist in bringing the argumets back to the forum. That speaks for itself about your motivations, I suggest.

If, as you declare, are comfortable in your faith, do not believe the claims of origin of the BoM, find the doctrines of the LDS Church incongruent with your own view of religion and you see no possible way for it to be true then the exchange stopped bein profitable. Arguing does nothing to advance the goals and spirit of the forum. I find distracting having to answer questions that have been asked for 150 years. They are the same exhausted and faded argumentative scripts that surfaced in 1830 with some modern seasoning for taste.

I have said this before but redundancy has its place in history, if your position is fixed then we should move on. You obviously have not read the standard works, you opted for the quick "How to argue with mormons" forums and bring those arguments here. It is been done before and we should not spend our time in such arguments since they lead nowhere. We do not have to defend our faith and the doctrine thereof. Ultimately, truth exist independent of us and stands on its own for us to comprehend. Awareness of that truth is an individual phenomenon rather than a collective historical experience. You either develop the insight to ascertain the truth as revealed by God or you don't.

I am more interested in sharing and discussing with those that are trully seeking to understand and search after the things of God. We trust that ALL can find their own way to the truth for the Spirit is the guide and the Book of Mormon the evidence of the claim we make that Christ speaks today.

The rest, my friend, bares no relevance to the work we are engaged in thus of no interest to me. Again and again the prophets have counseled not to contend and, by far, that is what you attempt to do consistently. It is my position that such has no place in the forum and robs all involved of a truly meaningful experience. So that is the reason for my suggestion that you move on to more productive activities for you, perhaps. You are not interested in what we offer here. All I do, almost always, is question the motivations and offer a practical suggestion :).

Hello again Islander,

Thank you for that :)

God bless,


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Carol and Carol,

I welcome your discussion. As long as we are all civil with one another, I have not found you to be otherwise, then I do not mind answering they questions. If it is a question I would rather not go in to or answer or do not feel qualified to answer then I will leave that to someone else.

Let us all remember to be Christlike in our posts and in our responses and this site will be able to do a lot of good.

Ben Raines

......and then maybe on the days when we aren't so perfect and we stumble, maybe we could be more gentle and forgiving with one another.

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I believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be the restored church of Jesus Christ. Yes I believe there was a great apostasy and a falling away by members of the Christ's church. I do believe that a restoration was needed to bring back his church. I believe (for whatever reasons) that it took many, many years for that restoration to come about and I believe that a boy in earnest pray asked to know which church to join and he was told by God the Father and his son Jesus Christ, to join none of them. I believe the Book of Mormon to be sacred scripture and teachings for our times. This I have prayed about and received my witness of this truth.

I know that my beliefs come from my interpretations of scriptures that differ from the Catholic's interpretations of the same scriptures. I have heard your understanding of the scriptures and I understand your explanation of those scriptures, I just don't agree with that understanding. Differences can be discussed, but if one party wants to try and discredit the other's belief then we just have to call it quits. We need to just agree to disagree.:)

Dear friend ceeboo -- we often answer questions and 'let the chips fall as they may' -- but you are just not satisfied:p :D


Thank-you for that site you mentioned in one of your posts. Good stuff!!!!:)

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Dear friend ceeboo -- we often answer questions and 'let the chips fall as they may' -- but you are just not satisfied:p :D

Hello my dear friend Candyprpl :)

I do so appreciate the testimony you have shared and I do respect it.

You offer that you ( LDS ) do often answer the questions but I'm not satisfied:confused:

Where, can you tell me ??

I have originally posted the question, ii has been pasted a few times by jazzy, and other than " testimony " there has still been no answer.

I have gotten responses ( NOT answers ) to my question.

So please, if your willing, answer my original question.

God bless,


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I have gotten responses ( NOT answers ) to my question.

So please, if your willing, answer my original question.

What??? You can't be serious.

Please be more specific about how your questions were not answered.

You were given answers as to who Mormon was and why biblical accounts didn't include the name.

You were told why the BofM isn't the sum total of our doctrine.

How is it that you feel you were only given testimony?

My jaw is literally on the floor.

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I have gotten responses ( NOT answers ) to my question.

So please, if your willing, answer my original question.

God bless,


Maybe I'm just being ignorant -- what's the difference between responses and answers?:confused:

I can't see a time where our responses were not answers to the best of our various abilities. If you need answers that are going to convince you of something -- oh boy, are we all in big trouble!:lol:

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Misshalfway and Canndyprpl,

" jaws of floor"

" can't be serious "

" whats the difference between responses and answers "


I am not real sure how to respond.

Let me try another way,

Ceeboo, ( that is me ) asked the LDS members ( that is you as well as all other LDS members here on this forum )


What I have recieved up to this point, 5 full pages of thread later, has been alot of personal testimony, reasons that the BofM is not the COMPLETE view of the LDS, accusations of just being " anti", methods where I can ask the heavenly father if it is true,

reasons why these threads seem to get buried, reasons why I just do not accept these answers and so on and so on and so on.

My original question STILL remains, it ( I would think ) should be a rather simple answer to a rather simple question. ARE THESE TEACHINGS OF LDS FOUND IN BofM, IF SO CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHERE. IF NOT, JUST SAY THAT THERE NOT.:confused:

God bless,


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Forgive me here, but this seems like such a contradiction. One is telling us.....charging us to "witness" and another is discounting any and all testimony. It is tremendously confusing.

One asks me to answer Ceeboo's question. And I do. And yet I am charged with dodging questions and leaving people feeling deceived. I think Skaf and Islander are right that these questions ARE answered over and over.

At this point, I am reluctant to answer when what is offered isn't received or given any credibility. At this point, I don't know what either of you want. If you are reading websites about how to argue with Mormons and coming here to practice, gosh, that is just a show stopper for me. If you truly want answers to the truths of the universe then please, read the BoM and go to the Lord with your questions. He most certainly can do better than I can. I am not sure there is anything more that we as a forum can do to satisfy you.

You guys try answering all these questions and see how well you do.

I am just being honest.....I hope you can respect that.

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All teachings of LDS church are not found in Book of Mormon. No one ever said, of it they did they shouldn't have, that the Book of Mormon contains all the truths of the Gospel. We have additional scripture as in the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and also a living prophet to tell us the will and mind of the Lord for us today.

Thanks for helping me to understand the question. I tried to find it in the five pages but it was lost in there somewhere.

Ben Raines

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All teachings of LDS church are not found in Book of Mormon. No one ever said, of it they did they shouldn't have, that the Book of Mormon contains all the truths of the Gospel. We have additional scripture as in the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and also a living prophet to tell us the will and mind of the Lord for us today.

Thanks for helping me to understand the question. I tried to find it in the five pages but it was lost in there somewhere.

Ben Raines

Hi Ben,

Thank you for answering my question.:)

I am not now, or ever, going to judge your LDS beliefs on this, ( Because I have NEVER read the BofM ) I wanted to know if these LDS teachings were supported by the BofM,

NOTHING MORE, thanks again for giving me the info I was asking for. ( now I am exhausted)

God bless,


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My original question STILL remains, it ( I would think ) should be a rather simple answer to a rather simple question. ARE THESE TEACHINGS OF LDS FOUND IN BofM, IF SO CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHERE. IF NOT, JUST SAY THAT THERE NOT.

This was my answer to your question, ceeboo. How was this different from what Ben just said?

The Book of Mormon was PART of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the re-establishment of the kingdom of God on the earth. The Book is a record of another group who testified and talked of Christ and his gospel. It is a record of their dealings and their spiritual history. It is meant to be the keystone of our religion and part of our foundation. It is not meant to be the whole of it.

Perhaps one simple follow up question could have prevented all of this.

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Forgive me here, but this seems like such a contradiction. One is telling us.....charging us to "witness" and another is discounting any and all testimony. It is tremendously confusing.

One asks me to answer Ceeboo's question. And I do. And yet I am charged with dodging questions and leaving people feeling deceived. I think Skaf and Islander are right that these questions ARE answered over and over.

At this point, I am reluctant to answer when what is offered isn't received or given any credibility. At this point, I don't know what either of you want. If you are reading websites about how to argue with Mormons and coming here to practice, gosh, that is just a show stopper for me. If you truly want answers to the truths of the universe then please, read the BoM and go to the Lord with your questions. He most certainly can do better than I can. I am not sure there is anything more that we as a forum can do to satisfy you.

You guys try answering all these questions and see how well you do.

I am just being honest.....I hope you can respect that.

Hi Misshalfway,

Thanks to Ben,

You no longer have to wonder what my " motivation " was to ask such a rediculous question as this.:confused: Because I have finally gotten my answer.

" reading websites as to :::::::::::" I am surprised that came from you.

At any rate, I do now have my answer to the question I had.

I will be VERY CAREFULL in the future if I have more.

God bless,


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This was my answer to your question, ceeboo. How was this different from what Ben just said?

The Book of Mormon was PART of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the re-establishment of the kingdom of God on the earth. The Book is a record of another group who testified and talked of Christ and his gospel. It is a record of their dealings and their spiritual history. It is meant to be the keystone of our religion and part of our foundation. It is not meant to be the whole of it.

Perhaps one simple follow up question could have prevented all of this.

OR perhaps a simple ( yes/no ) to my original simple question could have as well.

And NO, there was not an answer to my question in your response.

Edited by ceeboo
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