One of the Reasons for Sexual Immorality In Our Day

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Wanderer, thank you for pointing out that possessing the virtue of chastity really has nothing to do with one's marital status.

I was 37 before I found my sweetheart and was married. I'm so glad I married him. A great sadness on my part is not being able to have children; but, that's been a fact since I was a teenager.

I am so glad I went on a mission before getting married. However, there were many long, lonely years I lived through before finding Beau again. I agree that getting married is really about maturity level and preparedness rather than age. It still bothers me to hear of girls getting married as early as 14 in the pioneer days. Wow, I don't think their bodies were matured enough at that age to bear children well!

As far as immorality goes, I think our society by and large teaches such a skewed view about romantic "love." We have been taught that this love is the only true love one can feel, and that it supercedes all other kinds of love that we can express. We all need to love and be loved, and we are taught that it can only be found this way, through sexuality. The media is really guilty of this.

What a ploy of the adversary!! I believe that is why immorality and confusion about our sexual roles is at an all time high right now. If we could realize that the ultimate love we are seeking for is Charity, or the pure love of Christ, then I believe there would be far less concern to find this fulfillment through sexuality.

Maybe this is a naive point of view. I know for years I dreamed of finding my "prince charming" and of getting married. I have to admit, sexuality had a big role in my "dreams." It took me a long time to realize that what I was really wanting, feeling such a drive for, wasn't a prince charming, so much as it was to feel God's love. I realized this after not being married for so long and being told that I couldn't have children. There is a time and a place for marital intimacy. I realized for myself that I could never find the edification and fulfillment I was so driven to find through simple sexuality/romantic love.

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I think you hit the nail on the head right there.By the time my kids go to collage I'm afraid a B.A or B.S will be the equivalent to having high school diploma now.

It's awesome if they find a B.A that's worth something but it seems like now you can do 8 years to get the professional job or 2 years to be that professionals aid.I haven't seen alot of in between.Even the aid stuff is going up in price.We have a school here that offers 18 month certificates in massage therapy or CNA for $10,000-$14,000.

Perhaps the reason is that we now encourage everyone to go to college and get a degree. How many schools are full of kids that don't need to be there? How many programs have been created to accomodate athletes (not all athletes) and standards lowered for reasons of "fairness"? It is so obnoxious of businesses to require a four year degree to even apply or interview.......doesn't matter the type of degree....unless it is a specific field.I have been in sales for 18 years......(Financial Advisor) and some of the sharpest and most succesful people that I have met in my field do not have degrees and they are managing millions of dollars and paying taxes on over a million dollars in income per year. My wife just earned her Master's degree......she was shocked at how easy it was and the work amounted to busy work and how many people were going to recieve the same degree and were absolutely inept....yet they paid for it and showed up. Perhaps we should focus kids on career paths in high school or apprenticeships instead of selling them on why everyone should go to least then every high school grad will have an employable skill.

Edited by bytor2112
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Perhaps the reason is that we now encourage everyone to go to college and get a degree.

Supply and demand? I have thought about that.

Perhaps we should focus kids on career paths in high school or apprenticeships instead of selling them on why everyone should go to least then every high school grad will have an employable skill.

I've always thought the same thing.I even recall many schools in my area dropping "real world classes" like shop, auto shop , home ecc and world of work(you went to work for 4-6 different companies to see what it was like) while adding things like trig, biology 4 , Spanish 4 etc. Our high school councilor was like go to collage or go into the military.

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My eighth grade son is in advanced geometry......geometry in 8th grade???..... and in his 3rd year of spanish.?? How many kids sit through geometry and algebra I and are totally clueless as to why they are there and then go to college....take the ame classes and wonder the same thing. There is no shame in repairing air conditioners or owning and operating a lawn maitenance company or becoming a mechanic or learning how to repair wrecked cars. Not everyone is going to become a doctor or engineer and shouldn't feel pressured to do so for status. Telling kids they can be whatever they want is a bit deceptive....maybe telling them that they can be happy in life and that a job is what you do.....not who you are....IMO.
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There is no shame in repairing air conditioners or owning and operating a lawn maitenance company or becoming a mechanic or learning how to repair wrecked cars. Not everyone is going to become a doctor or engineer and shouldn't feel pressured to do so for status. Telling kids they can be whatever they want is a bit deceptive....maybe telling them that they can be happy in life and that a job is what you do.....not who you are....IMO.

I hope you can instill that attitude in your son. It took me a long time to figure that out.

Now instead of spending 8 years in school and thousands of dollars to learn how to exercise an injured muscle. I've spend a few months and a few hundred dollars learning how exercise to avoid getting an injured muscle.

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For myself.. I firmly refuse to get married until i'm nearing the end of my college studies. It's responsible IMO. I can't imagine paying all the bills that come with being married AND tuition while managing my school work also.

Supporting them comes first. So I won't be supporting anyone until i'm able.

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I love to hear about those that have set a date when they are gonna get married. Kinda takes the excitement out of it don't ya think? Give me a break. If you close your mind to the opportunities now do you think the same ones are gonna come around later? I am definitely not an advocate of saying that one is absolutely sure they are or are not going to do something. Stop for a minute and think about what it is that God wants you to do. Get on the same page as Him. Maybe you are supposed to wait until your 45 to get married or maybe you are supposed to listen to the prophet and not put off finding a mate until you, in your miniscule wisdom, deem yourself "ready."

And I don't think telling your kids they can be anything they want is deceptive at all. It is all in how you say it. If you say it emphasizing that they should be something that they have no interest in then you aren't doing them any favors. On the other hand if you are sincere and when your kid comes to you and says they want to be a ditch digger and you don't jump all over them then saying that is a wonderfull thing because they know you mean it.

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Bytor2112 and Hordak,

This is an interesting topic you've brought up. We're told "an education will get you places". I got a bachelor's degree and spent another 3 years working at a grocery store. Under employed I guess. I have since moved on and obtained a Master's degree in education. And 2112, your wife is absolutley correct, it was just busy work, and pay tuition. I just obviously announced it here, but I don't think most people I know at work are aware I have an MS. All's it did really was move me up the pay scale. (Which is good...) My brother has a bachelor's in business and pulls electrical wire. His father in law has an MS in ag from UC Davis and is a truck driver.

My grandfather got his high school diploma in 1970 at the age of 51 so he could be a post master. It always embarrassed my grandma. But today at 88, he lives like a king. He learned to save and invest well.


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