Service and Teaching


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Hi Everyone:

I use the name Woman because I consider it such a blessing and am so grateful for the gifts of being a woman. My passion is service. It was not always this way in my life but since joining the Church, 12 years ago, I know the Gospel is the only truth out there. I've found joy as spoken of in the Scriptures, by being blessed to be able to serve in the Temple, The House of our Savior. By being able to give service I've also been blessed to be able to teach others of the Temple.

I'm divorced but that does not define, it's an event that happened. I'm a mother, but again that does not define me, it's an event that happened. I am a Daughter of God and hopefully this is my defining self. Reading is a passion of mine. Of course the scriptures, but what helped me find the Savior was the book, Jesus the Christ. Since then I've read and reread it. More recently, I've found two books, Change Your Brain Change Your Life and A New Earth. These are wonderful books and help me give more service and teach as well as remain teachable.

I don't believe we should stifle our emotions but I do believe we must regulate them. Anger and offense have no place in the Gospel as I can see.

Eph. 4: 29

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Blessings and Peace,


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