What guys want- Repost


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You know, "they" say that men are the stronger gender...

Yet men do not push a human being out of their bodies, and they do not (most of them) have to clean up bathrooms.

I think I prefer giving birth than having to clean two bathrooms once a week.

I think it must have been better doing #1 and #2 outside. Sure, there was no toilet paper, and the fear of something biting you in the butt was ever a reality, but at least nobody had to come behind and wipe up all the splatter.

I think I am gonna heave...be back in a minute...

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Ok how bout we just cut it off that way they have to sit down on the seat! My word talk about emasculating a man, making him sit down on the toilet seat instead of standing. It is every man's right to be able to stand and pee, that is about the only thing we can still do that girls can't. (Yes I know technically they can but who wants pee dribbling down your leg)

And why are we so fixated on the toilet seat thing. I think question #13 deserves some further light and knowledge. I can't stand a women that won't let her man be a man. If you can do the job, do it, is right but there comes a time where your guy has got to feel somewhat useful. But to sit there the whole time and nag about how it should have been done really makes me irate.

:lol: #13 Ok, I have to appreciate that one. It's sad seeing a guy being henpecked by his impossible to please wife, but I have to say that the time our son peed all over the bathroom floor and my husband dealt with this by sloshing straight Pinesol all over, I couldn't stay silent. Oh, the fumes. I was feeding our second son who started crying and I could hardly stand it myself. I think I said something like, "Are you trying to kill us???" But maybe that example doesn't apply because I didn't ask him to clean it up. :D

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