Latter Days


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"A sweepingly romantic story" (LA Times)

"Will resonate with anyone who has fallen in love" (Out Magazine)

"Latter Days is sweet, sexy and affecting." (The Advocate)

So I opens up the newespaper to find a movie to takes my new bride to, cuz as you know I'z taken myself a second wife. And whats do I spyz and the Irvine University 6-plex? What looks to be a gay Mormon movie.

What the dealz?

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Guest Taoist_Saint


A movie that deals with actual problems within the Church instead of just showing LDS audiences what they want to see (The RM, Singles Ward, etc).

How dare they?

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Anybody see "Angels in America" on HBO? 3 characters in that were Mormon, the husband was gay and the wife suffered from a drug addiction and mental problems (the 3rd was Meryl Streep who played the gay man's mother). Despite all that, it actually stuck to the facts about the church. Yeah the guy was gay, yeah the wife was crazy, but overall I would say it didn't portray the church in a good or a bad light, just sort of a realistic light.

The church was not the MAIN issue or point of the movie either though, but it was a factor considering the man was fighting his homosexual urges and finally surrending to them and the fact he was Mormon was a bit of irony to the whole plot of things.

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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Jan 30 2004, 07:02 PM

I haven't seen it...why is it distorted? There are gay Mormon missionaries. And lots of gay Mormons.


Being a member of the LDS Faith I don't think that it is a clear portrait of Mormonism. The media is very opportunistic and if they can try and tag homosexuality with Mormonism they sell tickets. If they sell tickets they pad their pockets based on fallacies. Sure there might be some who are as you say but that is not the majority. That is my thinking of a distorted view of the church.

I have not seen the movie "Yet" either. ;)

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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Jan 30 2004, 05:42 PM


A movie that deals with actual problems within the Church instead of just showing LDS audiences what they want to see (The RM, Singles Ward, etc).

How dare they?

Okay Tao,

I'll bite. Here's the story, straight from the movie's website:

Christian (Wes Ramsey), a hunky, 20-something, West Hollywood party boy gets more than he bargains for when he tries to seduce 19-year-old Elder Aaron Davis (Steve Sandvoss), a sexually confused Mormon missionary who moves into his apartment complex. When Christian exposes Davis' secret sexual desire, Davis' rejects Christian for being shallow and empty, The encounter shatters each boy's reality and draws the two into a passionate romance that risks destroying their lives.

So tell us all about this problem of hunky party boys hitting on missionaries that you say exists in the Church.

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And while your busy explaining how the Church struggles with gay party boys hitting on missionaries, Tao... this just in from the GayWebMonkey:

he Saint of Latter Days

Characterized as a romantic drama, Latter Days is about Christian a handsome waiter at an L.A. restaurant who flirts from guy to guy without so much as a thought in his pretty little head. When his roommate Julie discovers that the gorgeous group of young men who moved in next door are Mormon missionaries, she and Christian bet on whether he can seduce one of them. Christian takes the bet, and soon finds out he may get more than he bargained for.

I am left to wonder if the Church will ever be able to effectively deal with this dilemma. Two questions:

1. Just how widespread is the problem of betting on the potential seduction of gorgeous missionaries by roomates of gay party boys, and

2. Will Christian be able to effectively deal with getting more than he bargained for?

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Guest Taoist_Saint

The only truth in the story is that there are gay missionaries.

The missionary character in the movie seems to be "in the closet".

I admit that the rest of the story is silly. I probably won't go see it anyway.

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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@Jan 30 2004, 07:16 PM

I probably won't go see it anyway.

But rest assured that even though you are appathetic, there are others out there fighting the good fight, asking the hard questions and taking bets on whether hunky party boys will be successful in their seduction effort toward Mormon missionary.

Thank goodness for films like this in place the The Singles Ward. Onward and upward says I.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is some slight good to this movie, at least in my opinion. It seems that whoever is trying to get the message across that gays love each other just the same as a heterosexual loves someone of the opposite sex. However, most of the facts that dealt with mormonism were from a non-mormon's perspective, ie. Aaron talked about on his mission that he was supposed to do certain things rather than he chose to do them. There were other things also. Also, I think, Christian (such an odd name, eh?) seemed to play up the gay angle too much, and seemed to be too stereotypical. But he slowly changed into someone that you would consider normal except for his sexual preferences. I think it was purposeful maybe to get people to get comfortable with gays like how they THINK they are and then have him turn into something slowly that the director/producer/whatever wants people to think of gays. The film company is a gay company along with the producer and director. There were some weird parts too. Aaron doesn't know how to cry. Some stuff looks like high school acting but I thought the film was good. You need to go in with an open mind and keep your wits about you. I noticed there were a few parts where I could understand people getting up and leaving. I thought the sex scene closer to the end of the movie was well done and quite moving.

It's hard to critique something you don't know anything about.

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Feb 15 2004, 01:45 AM

It's hard to critique something you don't know anything about.

Meaning, I suppose, that I don't know anything about it.

Wrong. I know 'about it' just what I quoted, right off the movies website. That is the part I criticized.

I hope you enjoyed your sweeping romantic movie that resonates with anyone that has been in love. There is no topic so pure or uplifting enough (missionaries in the service of spreading the gospel) that some slime bucket hound will not try to exploit by truning it into something vile and reprehensible (betting on whether a gorgeous hunk can seduce someone who has been called and ordained into defiling his covenants and engaging in, premarital homosexual sex.)

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Feb 15 2004, 01:45 AM

There is some slight good to this movie, at least in my opinion.  It seems that whoever is trying to get the message across that gays love each other just the same as a heterosexual loves someone of the opposite sex.  However, most of the facts that dealt with mormonism were from a non-mormon's perspective, ie. Aaron talked about on his mission that he was supposed to do certain things rather than he chose to do them.  There were other things also.  Also, I think, Christian (such an odd name, eh?) seemed to play up the gay angle too much, and seemed to be too stereotypical.  But he slowly changed into someone that you would consider normal except for his sexual preferences.  I think it was purposeful maybe to get people to get comfortable with gays like how they THINK they are and then have him turn into something slowly that the director/producer/whatever wants people to think of gays.  The film company is a gay company along with the producer and director.  There were some weird parts too.  Aaron doesn't know how to cry.  Some stuff looks like high school acting but I thought the film was good.  You need to go in with an open mind and keep your wits about you.  I noticed there were a few parts where I could understand people getting up and leaving.  I thought the sex scene closer to the end of the movie was well done and quite moving.

It's hard to critique something you don't know anything about.

That is just the point....they are trying to sell homosexuality as only one part of what would otherwise be a perfectly normal person, and how homosexuals are okay. But whenever someone is sinning in one area of their life, they are effected deeply in the rest of their life. It is very apparent to those who haven't become too conditioned and brainwashed otherwise to see it.

The first step to any step from virtue is to become tolerant of the sin in others, then acceptence....then eventually embracing it for oneself, if not in exact duplication of the sin tolerated, then in another sin more suited to one's own desires and weaknesses.

IOW step one: selling tolerance and understanding of sin for some.

step two:acceptence of that sin as normal or not evil for some.

step three: reclassifying sin as not sin....

step four: All is rationalized into acceptable life style such thing as sin...just different styles and people.

This was the process of how the hatred for Jews began. It started as an attitude of some that was tolerated, but was recognized as wrong. Then it advanced to an attitude of some that was accepted and not judged. Then it became an attitude that was prominately adopted. Then it moved on to murder.

It is interesting that in one it is trying to tolerate a people of sin, and in the other an intolerance that is tolerated.

They both can lead no where. It proves the need for absolute uncompromised boundaries of moral, ethical, and righteous values.

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Originally posted by Snow@Feb 15 2004, 11:14 AM

Meaning, I suppose, that I don't know anything about it.

Wrong. I know 'about it' just what I quoted, [right off the movies website. That is the part I criticized.

bold added

Yes, you obviously don't know anything about it. What if someone said God was a man once? What would you tell them? Could you tell them they are wrong?

As God once was, man is; as God is now, man will become, or whatever it says. Why do you even attempt to critique something you have never seen. Regardless of what you said, there is still 2 hours of information which you haven't seen.

And peace, you seem to think that homosexuals need help.

whenever someone is sinning in one area of their life, they are effected deeply in the rest of their life

You seem to move forward the idea that homosexuals are somehow worse off, sin-wise, than the rest of us. What makes homosexuality any more greivous[sp?] than any other sin? And if it isn't why should you care if homosexuality is ok or not, when you have your sins which you know yourself are not ok.

To all of you: fix your sins first before you go and try to change others. Don't change others to your unperfect self when you yourself aren't. Eh, don't take that the wrong way. I'm not better than any of you.

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