What's the hold up?


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What's the hold up? What would you say are the main roadblocks to the spreading of the gospel? What are the main reasons our missionaries are rejected? What is Satan's main hold on people in general? Do these roadblocks differ from one nation to another? Take those who get the discussions but don't go into baptism, what are the most common reasons for their decision? What roadblocks are YOU facing?


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What's the hold up? What would you say are the main roadblocks to the spreading of the gospel? What are the main reasons our missionaries are rejected? What is Satan's main hold on people in general? Do these roadblocks differ from one nation to another? Take those who get the discussions but don't go into baptism, what are the most common reasons for their decision? What roadblocks are YOU facing?




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Good quesion A-Train... and I was going to answer a hold up is when a man point a gun at you and takes your money... very funny I know!

Here are my stones on my field.

1. School books. In Finland they have agreed on each religion to check or even wright what they want to teach about their religion. Often schools are encouraged to visit the schools and get a sightseeing with someone they can ask from and many do too. In Orway they stil use books written by someone else. Mostly someone who is either ignorent or rather tell the stories that strike to anyone as odd than to tell the truth.

2. The opponent keeps free lessons in other churches against us, telling all sorts of questionable things to those present, which they take as truth.

3. Internett is full of negative things about us and somehow people find them first. If you google in finnnish mormonismi or mormonit... you can find 3-5 good sides in teh first 15 pages!!! in Norwegean there are about 3 bad sides in 15 pages.

Doctorinarily there are a few full stops

4. Trinity, It often stops there. They cant respect our belief of 3 separate persons.

5. That Hevenly Father and Jesus have a resaurected body. Some call them meatlumps.

6. That we babtise for the dead.

7. That their leaders say we go to hell. And in generall many believe they are the only ones that will be saved.

8. They think we say we are the only ones that are saved... it depends on what you thinkis saved. Mere resaurection is to be saved IMHO!

9. They just simply cant stand the tought of JS

10. Plural marriage.

11. In general many dont think they dont stop to think, they are just shouting and repeating things they have heard from someone else, usually someone they consider wiser or a frend.

12. ofcourse they say they need only the Bible.

Also these I meet frequently:

13. If we tell our opinion on an other netside not mormonism they think we are atacking and if they came to mormonism netside and scolds at us and our religion telling goships about us, they are good?

14. The things members fo church ahve done, teh bad things.

Well you could say that many almost hypnotize themselves in hate as they have already decidet to hate. Those week hear about them. Many times I ahve had a good discusition with someone who do not know I am a mormon. As soon as the person finds that out the tone changes. Also many liste to teh screamers and go with them instead for following what they first tought was right.

I think one of the worst things are the insisteive ones, who have decided to hate mormons. They dont allow the person to do as he/she wishes. They find out a week point... a hate for plural marriage or what ever and feed on that. I think we are meeting an organized front that is feeding on the weekpoints of people.

Someone has now taken the 8 different versions of JSs testimonyunder magnifuing gals again. The newest threads on a board on mormonism: Someone from pentacostals wrote again that mormons are liars.... an other pentacostal attaccs our church member accusin he had taken away his questions. A person askin about family, pretty ok. Someone asking about crusing practices in our church, someone starting with mormons are so bad..., a good question about oput books, testimonials from youtube someoen wishing they were in Finnish....

I am sorry if this hurts someone but this is the truth around here.

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Guest DeborahC

People don't learn by being preached to.

People learn by watching good examples.

For me, if LDS people woudl lead by example, start to walk their talk more, people would take notice, will be curious and would ASK to be taught.

We can't change other people or force them into our way of thinking.

We can only change ourselves.

If more "good Mormons" had LOVED my gay son (not agreed with his lifestyle, but LOVED him) instead of backstabbing, snickering, pointing their fingers, and assuming, there may have been a different outcome in his life.

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What's the hold up? What would you say are the main roadblocks to the spreading of the gospel? What are the main reasons our missionaries are rejected? What is Satan's main hold on people in general? Do these roadblocks differ from one nation to another? Take those who get the discussions but don't go into baptism, what are the most common reasons for their decision? What roadblocks are YOU facing?


Hi a-train,

Very interesting post ( thanks for sharing :) )

Thought I would lend my thoughts to it.

From my very limited scope, it ( IMHO ) has very little to do with the missionaries, rather it has everything to do with the message itself. As a matter of fact, I ( as well as some friends I know that are also Christians ) are extremly impressed with, and indeed admire the work, dedication, sacrifice, and sharing these missionaries offer. I would always welcome them in my home and offer my hospitality to these admirable fellow Christians :).

Again, I realize I have a very small scope of this, but I thought I would offer it for what it may be worth.

God bless,


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Guest DeborahC

Yes, Yes, Yes, Ceeboo! You are right!

The missionaries are wonderful!

Personally, I love the message ::grin:::

I didn't mean to imply that LDS folks aren't good folks.

They are, and in so many ways they are to be admired for all the reasons you posted.

Sorry if I got too carried away with my own issues.

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I think the reasons vary with each individual person. I think sometimes it may be a timing thing. I think sometimes like Ceeboo so graciously shared that the message itself is difficult. I really think that folks struggle with changing their lives to fit LDS standards. I taught one couple who grew to love the message but decided they couldn't stop sleeping together.

I think all the we really can do is our best. We can share the message with those who will listen and we can be great friends with those who choose against it. We can live our gospel the best way we know how and forgive ourselves and others for our shortcomings. We can love and serve. I suppose that is how we best waste and wear our lives in spreading this gospel. And then we hand the rest to God and plead to be used as a tool in his hands.

And beyond that I have hope! These are the moments I hear the Daniel scriptures come to my head...."the stone cut without hands" and the Standard of Truth. The truth will go to every ear and every heart will be penetrated.

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Milk before meat is a huge problem IMO. The Non LDS world, tv, internet etc. is full of info about old doctrine/ deep doctrine sometimes right ,some wrong but almost never in the proper context. Most missionaries (that i have met) aren't willing or able to explain these issues as they arise.

For lack of a better analogy it's like a carfax report. Whether or not the car has had a recall in the past might not be the most important thing when deciding if the car is right for you but when the salesman can't answer your questions the sale goes south.

I'm not sure what was meant with a call for higher standards among missionaries but i think it would help if they were better equipped to answer the hard question.

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There are many reasons that people do not wish to engage the missionaries or be baptized. I think one of the primary reasons is that people are generally happy with their life. If someone is happy in their current life, why would they change? Why do you think the church has missionaries focus on those who have recently been divorced or been through some emotional distress...it is because they are more likely to reach out.

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I believe the Times of the Gentiles are coming to a close, and with it, the Gentiles are rejecting the gospel.

I believe we are in the last few decades prior to the Coming of Christ in Glory, and that the winding up scene is in place. The Gentiles are rejecting the gospel. We will soon see the Old Hemisphere complete its embrace of Babylon as its government. The USA will economically collapse, and will be restructured by the Elders of Israel and other good people into Zion, based upon the US Constitution.

This will open the door for the lost tribes of Israel and the believing saints throughout the world to prepare to gather to Zion. It will also prepare the way so that "those who dwell among the wicked, who will not lift their swords to fight, must needs flee to Zion for safety" (D&C 45). Zion will become a refuge and safe place for the righteous.

Meanwhile, the wicked will continue to embrace even further their sins, curse God and seek to die. Others will say "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." And the Beast, Dragon and 2nd Beast will reign over the Old World, prior to Armageddon.

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Hello Ram,

Because I have grown to admire and respect your thoughts :), I was wondering what your perspective is in regards to why other Christians ( like me ) do not accept the OP's suggestion?? If you would be so kind to share with me :)

Thanks and God bless,


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I wouldn't say that my case is "typical" but I have talked to many missionaries, gone through the discussions but I won't get baptized because I honestly don't think or feel that the church is true. That could change, and if it does I would join the church, but I don't have any problem with the Word of Wisdom or accountability or any of other typical things I've heard members say keeps people from being baptized.

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I wouldn't say that my case is "typical" but I have talked to many missionaries, gone through the discussions but I won't get baptized because I honestly don't think or feel that the church is true. That could change, and if it does I would join the church, but I don't have any problem with the Word of Wisdom or accountability or any of other typical things I've heard members say keeps people from being baptized.

Hi Digital,

I would say your reason is not only typical, but is in the great majority of why people ( Christians certainly included ) do not accept the OP's suggestion.

I would add that IMHO and from my very small scope, I would reject the reasons that imply missionaries, change a comfy way of life, etc, etc are the reasons people do not accept the LDS message. The reason, IMHO, is completly about the message itself, having nothing to do with who is delivering that message.

Obviously, just my opinions on it.:)



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Hi Digital,

I would say your reason is not only typical, but is in the great majority of why people ( Christians certainly included ) do not accept the OP's suggestion.

I would add that IMHO and from my very small scope, I would reject the reasons that imply missionaries, change a comfy way of life, etc, etc are the reasons people do not accept the LDS message. The reason, IMHO, is completely about the message itself, having nothing to do with who is delivering that message.

Obviously, just my opinions on it.:)



Well, from my experience, it seems the reasons to say "No" to the LDS church are as varied as the people themselves. So, how can I say I appreciate this perspective, but see some diversity even inside of it.

Sometimes I think people get stuck on a rumor they heard, or a misunderstanding of what we really believe. Sometimes I think they say no to what they "think" the message is rather than the message itself. Or perhaps get stuck on some piece of our history but fail to see the whole in context.

Maybe for some, lifestyle isn't an issue but for many it is. How many jokes have heard in the media about how there is "nothing to do" in Utah, etc. etc. The truth is, giving up coffee is a head scratcher for many and without looking farther into the beliefs, I would be scratching my head too. My brother is case in point. He simply wants to live a different lifestyle but has no doctrinal objections whatsoever and would stay in the church if he could keep his cake and eat it too. But, he misses the point of the commandment and as a result, has taken himself away from the whole of it.

I remember one gentleman I met on my mission who wouldn't touch the cover of the BofM because his pastor told him that doing so would cause his soul to burn in Hell. As irrational as his fear seemed to me, it was indeed real to him. He literally recoiled when I brought the blue book out of my bag. He never read the book. So.....how could he possibly evaluate the entire message fairly?

I don't blame anyone who has honestly and thoroughly examined a correct explanation of our beliefs and invitations and then chooses to walk away. But to those who do so out of fear or ignorance, I invite to come and take a closer and prayerful look.

IMO, it is easier to be a critic from afar.

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Can we say that there are only two road blocks?

We don't believe the message is true.


We believe, but don't want to change our habits.

These two amount to one: FAITH


Hey a-train

Great thread :) very interesting

" These two amount to one: FAITH " :confused:

How can something that one does not believe to be true " Faith "????

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Well, from my experience, it seems the reasons to say "No" to the LDS church are as varied as the people themselves. So, how can I say I appreciate this perspective, but see some diversity even inside of it.

Sometimes I think people get stuck on a rumor they heard, or a misunderstanding of what we really believe. Sometimes I think they say no to what they "think" the message is rather than the message itself. Or perhaps get stuck on some piece of our history but fail to see the whole in context.

Maybe for some, lifestyle isn't an issue but for many it is. How many jokes have heard in the media about how there is "nothing to do" in Utah, etc. etc. The truth is, giving up coffee is a head scratcher for many and without looking farther into the beliefs, I would be scratching my head too. My brother is case in point. He simply wants to live a different lifestyle but has no doctrinal objections whatsoever and would stay in the church if he could keep his cake and eat it too. But, he misses the point of the commandment and as a result, has taken himself away from the whole of it.

I remember one gentleman I met on my mission who wouldn't touch the cover of the BofM because his pastor told him that doing so would cause his soul to burn in Hell. As irrational as his fear seemed to me, it was indeed real to him. He literally recoiled when I brought the blue book out of my bag. He never read the book. So.....how could he possibly evaluate the entire message fairly?

I don't blame anyone who has honestly and thoroughly examined a correct explanation of our beliefs and invitations and then chooses to walk away. But to those who do so out of fear or ignorance, I invite to come and take a closer and prayerful look.

IMO, it is easier to be a critic from afar.

Hi Misshalfway,

First, I certainly realize you most probably know alot more than I, as to the reasons people do not accept.:)

I thank you for your perspective and sharing some events of yours.

I simply can not imagine the majority, being reasons like coffee, life styles, or fear of burning in hell if you read something.

I do appreciate ( more than you may know because of my personal journey on this forum)

your offering of " context " or what people think you believe.:) I have indeed been educated and have appreciated the time many have given me.

At any rate, I simply do not fully grasp the " reasons " suggested, although I am sure they are accurate in some cases:confused:

God bless,


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Hello Ram,

Because I have grown to admire and respect your thoughts :), I was wondering what your perspective is in regards to why other Christians ( like me ) do not accept the OP's suggestion?? If you would be so kind to share with me :)

Thanks and God bless,


There are various reasons. That clear enough for you? ^_^

I believe that God gives to all mankind the amount of truth and light they are ready and willing to accept/receive (Alma 29:8). When and if a person is ready for more truth, God will reveal it to them at that time. This prevents people from having to be responsible for a testimony they never desired or were ready for, and it ensures that God's pearls not be tossed to the swine. This is not to say Christians are swine, but many people sneer at greater truths, as you have probably experienced with people who sneer at the Bible itself.

Many Christians are at the place they are wanting to be, and so do not receive more. The time may come, perhaps through great trials and disasters, when their current level of religion is not sufficient to bear them through those trials, and they shall seek higher truths.

As a Catholic, you must agree that there are some religions with more truth than others. Yet most Christian religions hold to at least some level of truth that satisfies its believers. Only when they become dissatisfied can they begin the journey to seek something else.

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As a Catholic, you must agree that there are some religions with more truth than others. Yet most Christian religions hold to at least some level of truth that satisfies its believers. Only when they become dissatisfied can they begin the journey to seek something else.

Howdie Ram,

Yes I do agree:)

Thanks for the rest of what you so kindly shared :):)

Very well delivered IMHO and for what it may be worth :)



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Hey a-train

Great thread :) very interesting

" These two amount to one: FAITH " :confused:

How can something that one does not believe to be true " Faith "????

One can NOT have faith in something they do not believe to be true. That is my whole point. That is why every road block boils down to faith. That is why faith in Christ is the first principle of the gospel: without faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, we cannot go forward to the ordinances and blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul said:

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? (Rom 10:14-15)

In some areas of the globe, the message of the gospel is illegal. There, there is no chance to believe, for the message is not preached. Where it is allowed, it is preached to all who will listen. For those that have heard the message they either do not believe it, or they believe but do not change, or they believe and have faith.

Is faith in Christ not the ultimate issue?


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Face it. Most people realize that they would have to change. They have a pretty good idea by now who and what Mormons are and what they stand for. And most are afraid that if they listen to or accept the Gospel.. it brings a change in their life.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a lifestyle. Those who know nothing about the Church.. but have stumbled on the Book of Mormon.. have read it.. and have been testified to by the Holy Ghost.. are at that point willing to do whatever it takes to get more! They "thirst" and "hunger" for it.

Those who know what the lifestyle is.. and the change they have to make.. it is easier to bury ones head in the sand saying "if I don't accept it as truth.. I need not follow it."

The Lord said.. Those who are my sheep.. hear my voice. You have to first agree to have a Shepard. To follow him. And do whatsoever he asks.

And honestly.. I don't think most LDS could really do that right now. A new revelation from God that would cause change... uh.. well. We can't even obey the revelations we do have. Read the Book of Mormon. I have talked to LDS people who haven't read it in years.

Just imagine.. (and don't say it can't happen) if the Lord gave a revelation to the Prophet.. That he was putting polygamy back into the picture. On a worldwide basis.

The first thing most people would do is question the "logic" of the revelation. Then.. the next thing they would do is question whether or not the prophet had fallen or not. It would split this church! Geez.. most people can't even talk about polygamy!

I think that in this day and age.. if the Prophet gave any sort of revelation from God.. most in the Church would question it. We love the idea that our prophet "talks" with God.. but all of sudden when he give the principals of the Church and reminds the Saints what God's position is on homosexuality and gay marriage.. some listen... some don't.. and some are outraged!

One revelation to the Prophet would cause many people to leave the church. And really... I believe it would not matter what the revelation would be. All is well in Zion. Hey.. we have enough scripture to deal with.. we don't need anymore. Sounds like the warning Nephi gave wasn't necessarily proclaimed to the non LDS only.

And yet God promised more IF.. IF we obeyed him. So.. when was the last revelation given? I can't blame the Prophet.. he is just the receiver.

So... even for us... Change is a scary word. So if we can't accept it.. why do we expect others would want to either?

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We are all on the path back to our heavenly father and he helps us where we are at. An experience for me was with one of my little sisters when her h/family wanted her to have her son blessed. She was extremely upset that her h couldn't do it. She thought that because he loved their son and was a good dad he should be able to bless him. Once we talked about authority, she was ok. So many I love are not members of the LDS faith, but I see the lord working in their lives and helping them where they are at. Maybe the question is how can we find the ones who are at the point where they are ready to hear the gospel. I do feel that all of my b/s will recognize the savior as their savior one day but not today.

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