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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know I'm ok. The weekend was horrible, but as it turns out, church leaders convinced my husband to go to marriage counselling. He went with me to my appointment and actually liked the counselor and feels that he wants to keep going. He admits he has done some very wrong things and has taken some steps that show me he cares about our marriage. This gives me some cautious hope. I'm feeling more positive.

Please continue with the prayers on our behalf. Thank you so much for your support. I know this will not be an easy fix. I know he will cycle again. I hope that with the support of church leaders and the counselor, he can get help.


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Well, all real progress starts with a few good steps in the right direction. :)

I am glad to hear of this little bit of progress. Glad for you.....and glad for him. Perhaps this counselor can help to unwind some of his unhealthy thinking and move him to a more loving place.

Best wishes my dear.

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