My final thoughts on the election


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It has been very interesting, to say the least, talking to people here about the election and politics in general. I personally think many of you have a few misconceptions about Obama (and even his wife), but I hope people can look to the future with an open mind and allow Obama to prove you wrong rather than look for every flaw and opportunity to dislike the man.

I admit that I did not have an open mind about Bush 8 years ago and looking at reactions I've seen in this forum over the last few days, I realize how wrong my attitude was. It has been somewhat of a wakeup call for me, looking in the mirror to see how ugly my attitude must have seemed to the other side. I wish I could go back and change my behavior, but all I can do is try to make the best of whoever our political leaders are in our future.

I see a growing divide in this country and it is holding us back. I used to think it was whatever politicians were in power that were simply failing to unite the nation, but now I see that it is the people who need to change, not the leaders. I think everyone needs to take a step back and realize that the other side loves America just as much as you and they are passionately doing what they feel is best for this country just as you are. Look for ways to come together and find common ground rather than point fingers and find faults.

I'm not looking to change anyone's mind or argue about political views, but it is my sincere hope that the people of this forum and moreover the people of this country will be able to get over this bitterness toward "the other side" and look for ways to work together and make the best of whatever the current political environment is.

Thank you all for the passionate discussions over the last couple days!

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I wanna say thanks to you DS. I have a lot of real life liberal friends. Friends I have grown up with. We have all been debating recently and I have noticed how we have still remained friends. I hope that those that I have debated with here realize that we can disagree politically but that doesn't mean I don't still consider you friends.


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Politics and religion are two subjects I love to talk about. They are two subjects that can unite and divide a country and a world. We should all understand that there is nothing we can do about Obama being in office (the votes have been cast), but now is the time to let our lawmakers know how we feel. Don't let washington run itself! Complacancy from incumbants, and the over-zealous nature of the new lawmakers, will allow us many opportunities to voice our opinions. The best way we can affect what is being done by our lawmakers, is to let them know we won't just sit by and watch it happen. If you approve of what is being done, let them know. If you disapprove, you have every right to be heard as well. While we discuss these things, if we can do so and be civil, it just makes for a better community to be part of.

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I believe that the nation is divided on party (not conservative verses liberal) lines each party blaming the other for all the problems and taking credit to themselves for any good. If our new president truly believes that President Bush’s economic policy is the sole cause of our current problems we have no hope of an economic turn-a-round in the next 4 years. I believe the presidential campaign was all rhetoric from both the republicans and democrats.

If our politicians cannot get past the rhetoric and blame game the promised change in Washington will become nothing more than another campaign lie.

Some things I believe will indicate if things will get better or worse:

1. If any board member of any financial institution that supported or took bonuses from unqualified loans is allowed to have any say in the federal reserve or any government policy from the executive branch on economic affairs then everyone should know we have an economic trader in the White house. I know this sounds harsh but all Americans need to understand the crisis we are currently in and why. If anyone would like to discuss this more in detail I would be glad to do so.

2. If we intend to end our economic crisis by bailing out (backing) unqualified loans, it is my opinion that the effect on our government will be the same as was experienced by extremely wealthy and prosperous (in the past) companies of Freddy Mac and Fanny May. History tells us that even the most prosperous countries will go bankrupt by making bad economic decisions; especially if they insist on making them again and again.

3. If we think this economic crisis will be shorter by not utilizing all energy at our disposal – including drilling everywhere possible – we will not end this crisis without creating another inflation crisis.

4. If we think we can extend or continue sending our military to foreign soil and foot the bill ourselves (as we have done) – we will not end this crisis.

5. If we think that by sacrificing (exclusive taxing) the more productive and wealthy elements of our economy in order to help the poor is good economics – we will not end this crisis. There is such a thing as the economic food chain and there has never been a time in history where the poor benefited from a shrinking problematic economy. And by the same token there has never been a time when the poor have not been better off in a thriving economy. Taxes do not help an economy thrive. Any government program that does not enfranchise all it citizens in it programs it is not free or a government of liberty. If a program is not worth taxing the poor (along with everybody else) then it is not a worthwhile program and should not be instituted by the government.

My thoughts

The Traveler

Edited by Traveler
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Sorry to be the first downer in this nice thread. Since the shoe is on the other foot we should now all play nice? I too support the President-Elect. I didn't vote for him but I hope for the best for our country that he does well for the majority.

That said, in reference to Traveler's post, President-Elect Obama's choice of Chief of Staff is a former board member of Fannie Mae. One of those you mentioned that now is truly in charge of the hen house.

Ben Raines

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Sorry to be the first downer in this nice thread. Since the shoe is on the other foot we should now all play nice? I too support the President-Elect. I didn't vote for him but I hope for the best for our country that he does well for the majority.

That said, in reference to Traveler's post, President-Elect Obama's choice of Chief of Staff is a former board member of Fannie Mae. One of those you mentioned that now is truly in charge of the hen house.

Ben Raines

I sincerely hope that people will "play nice" and frankly I regret not playing nice in the past. That is all I was saying, feel free to ignore it and play however mean or nice you want it. I'm certainly not suggesting we all bow down and praise the new presdient elect or try to agree with him on everything, I disagree with him on a fair amount of issues as well. Criticism is good and healthy, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and some of the name calling and bitterness I've seen here in this forum (not from you specifically) that only serves to further divide the nation.

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This is my opinion......I did not vote for Obama and in 4yrs I will not vote for him if he runs. Having said that....we are at a point in this country where we don't have time to play politics and hold the party line. We need to come together and solve the problems we are facing as a country. I hope all of us can humble ourselves enough to pray for our leaders each and every day and that they might be guided towards a solution to solve our problems. I have alot of friends and church members that are democrats. I was even raised in a Teamster Union home. My Dad was a teamster truck driver and I have probally caused him to roll over in his grave due to my polical beliefs..:)
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We need to come together and solve the problems we are facing as a country. I hope all of us can humble ourselves enough to pray for our leaders each and every day and that they might be guided towards a solution to solve our problems.

The trouble is that America is a heavily broken up and confused when it comes to the most important issue. For if we are not on the right side of that issue, all others are removed from our power of influence. That most important issue is, as it always has been: LIBERTY.

We must rally around the standard of Liberty as Mormon has demonstrated.


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