Great new holiday (probably unknown)


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I didn't know this until I went outside to pick up my mail just now, but today is National Hang Stuff on People's Doorknobs Or Stick It In The Corner Of Their Door Day!

And apparently, I'm being celebrated. I had a hangy thing for a cable/internet company, another one (which was shoved into the door crack, not hanging) for gutter cleaners. Also a folded menu for a Chinese restaurant.

I feel so lucky to be able to be part of this holiday!

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This holiday must come right after the "fill your mailbox with colored paper" day and the "Phone you at dinner to sell you crap" day.

I know what you mean about feeling SOOOO lucky. Its our holiday traditions that make days like this so meaningful.

Last year, we burned all the paper together as a family. And now my family gathers together to scream "go away" into the phone. Would you like me to post the family photo?

Awwwww. These are the moments.......

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