Financial Advice please


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Just for a quick rundown here..

3 months ago, was driving a semi professionally, makeing a decent wage, and paying my bills ontime, with a lilttle bit left over to pay extra

got into a wreck, rear end collsion.....driving career over....tight budget cut to 0 dollars inocme

found something fairly quick, making about 50% less, but it was better than most gigs i can get with zero education, did that for 3 months, working for a steel scrapper...price of steel dropped to laid off

so super tight budget got beyond tight, negative cash flow tight to complelty no income

now i can't find a job, am almost out of money, no real job prospects in sight, maybe an 8-10 hr job, but i need about 2400/mo NET to get by

255 of that is student loans

280 is vehicle

300 is CC

the rest is rent etc

one option is bankruptcy, but that would only knock off very little of my monthly outgo, unless i let them have teh truck, whcich i will need when i get a job, right now i can skate rent for a short time, as i am living with my mother, but this is only tempoarlly viable

if i do total BK, get down to 30k in student loans, i might could get more and go back to college, full time , at rexburg, work pt up there somehwere on a farm hopfully

i just don't know, im at my wits end, and very stressed just looking for pointers, the 10/hr job is thru branch employment speicialist

so i dunno,

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Guest SisterofJared

Where do you live?

Relocation may be a solution. Some areas of the country have few jobs, other locations have many.

I recently started checking listings in my career and found lots of jobs available. I'm going to move, and I will go where I am needed and with the company that offers me the most.... Perhaps you need to move? Hard though cause it takes money.

Are you married?

Sister of Jared

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Go to your local county office to file for cash & food stamp aid. You may also be able to file for unemployment.

While I'm not always in favor of the way the government administers social programs, I'm glad we have them available.

They may also be able to help you find a job - as they are motivated to get as many people off of taxpayer benefits as possible.

If you're in an LDS populated area, you can go to an LDS employment center. They will usually have a class on how to write a resume and how to answer the tough questions in interviews. I went through this myself about 4 years ago and it was a GREAT workshop (even though I was a bank manager and a manager of a fast-food restaurant and hired quite a few people).

Info on the Career Workshop:

Career Workshop

Here's where to find an LDS Employment center close to you:

Welfare locations

Here's where you can find job listings that were listed with LDS employment:

Find Jobs and Other Opportunities

Hang in there! You can find good jobs if you know how to present yourself and utilize the HIDDEN job market.

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seriously seriously check out the state of washington. (especially around portland) It is said to have low unemployment, lower cost of living, etc. I don't know about other careers, but I know if you go to work for a large bank (even as a teller or collector) you can go to night school and they will pay for your classes. Also look into the medical profession. You can work as a cna/etc. and because of the current nursing shortage they will pay for your schooling. The only thing is most will have you commit to working in their hospital for at least 2 years after graduation. Hope you find some answers soon.

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