Bush Uncensored

Guest Unorthodox

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Guest bizabra

Yes, Snow, continue to show us all what a thickie you are!

I feel sorry for the "church ladies" because his behaviour would likely offend them, if they were to see it, considering that that they believe he is a good decent christian.

If you can't make out the difference, then there is no use continuing to clear the cobwebs from your mind.

Please carry on with your delusions.

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I've seen the clip before. I was not impressed. In fact I was disappointed. I would personally never do something like that. That said, the fact the Bush did do so doesn't make me think a great deal less of him. I still have a very high opinion of him even though, at that moment, he was setting a poor example. I've also made mistakes but that doesn't make be a terrible person.

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Hey Biz,

I found your soulmate in Linda Ronstadt:

"Don't get her started on the recent presidential election. "People don't realize that by voting Republican, they voted against themselves," she says. Of Iraq (news - web sites) in particular, she adds, "I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. They don't know anything about the Iraqis, but they're angry and frustrated in their own lives. It's like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we've got a new bunch of Hitlers.""

The two of you realize what the rest of us don't realize for ourselves. Thanks for watching out for us.

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Guest bizabra

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 18 2004, 08:43 PM

Hey Biz,

I found your soulmate in Linda Ronstadt:

"Don't get her started on the recent presidential election. "People don't realize that by voting Republican, they voted against themselves," she says. Of Iraq (news - web sites) in particular, she adds, "I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. They don't know anything about the Iraqis, but they're angry and frustrated in their own lives. It's like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we've got a new bunch of Hitlers.""

The two of you realize what the rest of us don't realize for ourselves. Thanks for watching out for us.


Silly you! Presuming to "know" my opinions on what people do or don't "realize". Tsk tsk...... Presuming to know ANYTHING at ALL about me, a person posting anonymously on a web board. . . .tcha! All you "know" about "bizabra" is what I choose to type and post. I might be making it all up, for all you know. So, to be proclaiming that some pop singer and I are "soul mates" is a real giggle! Don't worry, though, I don't take you seriously, either. . . . . .

Anyway. . . . . I'll answer you, just to keep the thread alive, but mainly because I find it amusing to respond to you. It's like poking at something with a stick.

(biz utters a s small "ahem" and continues. . . )

It really makes little difference to me on a day to day basis which man or party occupies political power. I can't seem to get my knickers in a twist about who won or lost. I don't feel disappointed or pessimistic about the election results. I don't think that one side is right or better or more moral or smarter or wiser. Or, conversely, that one side is wrong, bad, unethical, stupid, or ignorant. I simply disagree with their conclusions. I find the election process to be divisive, simplistic, and too subject to money and pandering. I hate that candidates are "sold" to the public using all the manipulative and calculating skills and tactics that the advertising industry has invented to sway the human animal. I wish there was a better way to choose leaders through concession, rather that the competitive "war" elections are today (and likely always have been).

I don't claim to "know" all or consider for a minute that my political beliefs and personal ethics are "true" or "right" for everyone. I have my POV and everyone else has theirs. No two people think alike, nor would I want them to.

Differences of opinion are to be expected, and I don't think the world is going to hell in a handbasket because a man I find distasteful to be our prez has been re-elected by a slight majority of the populace.

Anyway, I have no desire to watch out for anyone other than myself and those I love. I do not even know you so don't care what you do or think. Watch out for yourself, m'kay?

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Feel better now Biz?

I think you missed the point. You are like Linda Ronstadt in that she thinks she is smarter-more clever-better informed-more insightful than those poor dupes who voted for Bush unwittingly against (says she) their own best interests; and you, dear Biz, think you are smarter-more clever-better informed-more insightful than those poor duped old ladies who think W. is a good, Christian, honest man.

What makes you and the former main squeeze of Govenor Moonbeam soulmates is not your polictical predilection, but that you both smugly think that those who disagree with you about George Bush aren't bright enough to form a valid conclusion.

I don't know what your deeply held religious convictions are but your arrogance is oh so ever liberal elitist.

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Guest bizabra

Snow. My 2nd grade grandaughters reading comprehension is better than yours. I think I'll give up attempting to compose a post you will understand. It appears that you are capable of reading anything you want into anything I write.

whatever. . . . . . .

oh, BTW, I have no deeply held religious convictions, but I do have some deeply held ETHICAL convictions. I won't bother to explain the difference, but you are as free as ever to form your own erroneous conclusions as to what I might mean. Have fun.

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