Feeling blue


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I've been feeling a little blue lately. I sure would love it if y'all can tell me something that would lift my spirits. When I feel better and more verbal, I promise to reciprocate:raincloud:

Sorry you feel blue. Do you think it might be the time of year. The transition always takes me a little while to get used to. I have been spending time thinking about Christmas and the celebration of the saviors birth. What a wonderful night it must have been. Can you imagine being in a field and seeing angels come from heaven singing halleuah glory to god in the highest. I wonder what it might have been like to stand in that little manger and witness what has changed the course of all humanity forever. I wonder at the celebration in heaven, that he was here. What would it have been like to know Mary. I imagine her being perfectly meek and mild and well as strong and bright. I have been thinking a lot about that first Christmas night. In the world where there is so much of evil and contention, I know that the Lord is still watching over us. I think of the feelings President Hinkley inspired in me. He was always so upbeat and positive. Now we have President Monson. My son said to me the other day, I like how he talks, it makes me feel good. I think maybe that is a small insite as to how it felt to be in the physical presence of the savior. For now take a break from the worries of the world and the day. Think on happy times. Times of Christmas, family, and goodness. Watch Its a wonderful life or Miracle on 34th street with some sugar cookies and hot cocoa. Find something that will bring you joy. Once I spent weeks knitting infant hats for the humanitarian center. (but I am sure anyone could use them.) Think of someone you know that may be feeling blue and reach out to them. These are a few of my thoughts, I hope they are of some use to you. Take care borrow a smile and hug from me. :):bighug::cowboy:

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It might be the time of year, but mostly I'm just bowed down by an onslaught of many little tragedies and crisis (pl. sp.?). It has been along season of mini trials and self doubt. Such is my lot and I don't mean to say that it is as difficult as many trials I read about here, and so to avoid whinging, I'll not elaborate. But sometimes, I just get bogged in the ickyness of it.

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I have my ups and downs with depression. Many times things from the past will pop up and get me down. I have a really good life and so I get frustrated when I feel that way.

I don't think you should belittle the way you feel. Take your time and wait for it to pass. I am sorry for the burdons your are carrying right now. Remember you can only do what you can. Sometimes for me that means I don't do very much. Hope you feel better soon. :)

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I have my ups and downs with depression. Many times things from the past will pop up and get me down. I have a really good life and so I get frustrated when I feel that way.

Exactly. Feeling frustrated that I can't even handle my stupid piddly issues without feeling like "Oh, why me" :P:p:p My life rocks really. Good husband, wonderful kids, the gospel in my life, a house, a job, good food... the list goes on. Keep on counting those blessings. Depression (even mild) is a powerful enemy though.

BTW. Thanks for your thoughts and support. :bighug: right back at' ya.

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At this moment, I have on drawn on kitty whiskers (eye liner) and a cute red little nose (lipstick.) Feel any better? I feel kind of down, too. My hubby is on World of Warcraft for hours and hours and hours a day. I'm just so tired of him being stuck to the computer when home. Any ways, go draw on some kitty whiskers. It did help, a little.

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Yay for silliness! That did make me laugh. As I mentioned before... I think it must have been another board, I love funny cats. lolcats more specifically. So you are a gaming widow too? *shakes head* Sad isn't? Good thing there are nice people on the internet. ;) I broke my husband of that particular habit... mostly. He has an internet game ONE night a week and has his DS, but I'm allowed to interupt DSing anytime I want. :) Shockingly, I only had to tell him he should have married the computer instead of me since he seems to love it so much (with my tongue in my cheek of course).

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LOLcats, huh?

Your daddy must have been a cheeseburger, because baby, I could NOM you all nite!

Yes, gaming widow, fo sho. I had a huge break down about it a few months so now he is finally eating dinner with us. He gets all defensive and is like 'you're asking me to change, that's not fair, you know this is how I am.' I'm just like 'life changes, we have kids, that's a change, and you need to adapt to it.' We'll see where it goes from here. He gets home by 1:30pm from work, so he spends about 6 hours on the computer each nite after work. Once I came home from being out with the kids and he was on the couch and I said "is the computer broke?" and it wasn't, and it was a complete shock. It's an issue.

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Your daddy must have been a cheeseburger, because baby, I could NOM you all nite!

LOL (cat)

Yeah. That's tough. I had a similar butting of heads because my husband thinks he can moodily mumble sorry when he has royally messed (and I call him on it) and then go off and pout until HE feels better and then have nothing else to say or do about it. Grrrr

When my husband was gaming, I let him know it was unacceptable for him to ignore us for that long every night and then I tried my darndest to make fun evening family activities. We have family fun movie night (if you want treats, you must watch "The little Mermaid" with us), and then I started insisting on FHE (I made lessons and made sure he was present, guilt helped a little ;)), and beyond that, I haven't come up with anything so he is often on the couch DSing until I beg for help putting the kiddles to bed. He always is there for prayer and never grumbles when I make him pause the game, even if it is for hours on end.

That stupid tired argument about "you can't ask me to change" just makes me want to smack him with the soapy frying pan though. ^_^

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I take an herbal mood enhancer called St. John's Wort. It's been around for two and half millennia and works great.

sorry man, i know you are being serious but when i read that i really did laugh out loud... did you do the pic for your avatar before you took your st. john's wort for the day? lol

sometimes i just need to laugh and i become very easily amused ... really no offense intended. :D

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sorry man, i know you are being serious but when i read that i really did laugh out loud... did you do the pic for your avatar before you took your st. john's wort for the day? lol

sometimes i just need to laugh and i become very easily amused ... really no offense intended. :D

Just trying to help! ^_^

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One of my remedies when feeling down is to crank up the stereo and put my dancing shoes on! I have even done this for a friend of mine on Web Cam!! :lol:

Who can be sad when they're D A N C I N G?? :D

Totally! I really like listening to DoTa by BassHunter. Very danceable... and I find I can do dishes in a flash when listening to it.

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Feeling blue....or feeling depressed are afflictions. First seek with the help of the Holy Ghost the cause of this afflictions.

Often this is anger turned inward. It can also be unresolved conflicts that is taking our peace of mind. Having the blues or being sad or being depressed ....should be viewed as a gift of God and is in reality very good news for you. For God is pointing out a weakness in your life.

More of the good news...The Lord said [in psalms] that He was your shepherd and if you seek Him early [all the time] that He will lead to "Still Waters" which is heavenly peace. Feeling blue and depression are negatives forces. The Lord whenever He would see someone down with the blues...He would say..."Be of Good cheer".

TO BE OF Good cheer is an act of will.....And sometimes we must will it even if it is with gritted teeth with all of our might asking also our Helper to help us.

Then you will find over time...that this law is active in your life....

Proverbs 23:7 - For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

We can tell you jokes, and you will laugh...but it will come back.

You can take drugs for it and it will probably make you feel good. But that is not overcoming it. Nor will it lead one to find the root cause of our afflictions.

Many times, doctors and drugs help the body but do eternal harm to the Spirit that is within us. By using worldly means to negate consequences of wrong choices is no help at all. But using these so we can be free to "ASK, SEEK and KNOCK" is good. For if God is truly our shepherd I tell you the truth and so did J.Smith and others....that you will be healed.

"My people are not healed because they ask amiss." So it does not appear that lack of faith is the reason for not receiving... but more of asking amiss.

Ask the Lord to show you how you are injuring yourself or others either by thoughts, words or actions. And truly you will be amazed by what the Lord shall show you.

Peace be unto you


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