Kirtland Egyptian Papers From FAIR


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Snippet: What are the Kirtland Egyptian Papers and how do they relate to the Book of Abraham? Some critics have claimed that these papers are evidence that Joseph Smith made up the Book of Abraham.

The Kirtland Egyptian Papers (KEP) are a collection of documents written by various individuals, mostly dating to the Kirtland period of Church history (early to mid-1830's) consisting of some sort of study documents relating to the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri.

Article Link: Meridian Magazine :: Answers to Critics: Kirtland Egyptian Papers

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I'm perplexed. When people use things like the Kirtland Egyptian Papers to discredit or disprove what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is all about its like a switch in my brain just shuts off. I find that I have no interest. I admire those who stand and state the truth regarding misleading information. I just don't understand the need for the misleading information to begin with. We don't force our beliefs on anyone. We offer them and then allow them to make their own choice. But we also don't compromise on our standards. . . I guess that upsets people.

I know what I know to be truth because of revelation from my Heavenly Father and my Lord, Jesus Christ. through the Holy Ghost - personal revelation. All the the anti-mormon things we see are just "clutter" to my me.

I realize that everyone is at a different level of progression. I know I have a long way to go and hope I can continue to progress in my faith. I truly admire those who can articulate their views so well and help dispel the untruths.

Hemi, I'm not critisizing. . . I love your posts. I admire your efforts to educate everyone. I'm just . . .well perplexed and not at you but at the people who are jumping up and down and screaming (not always literally) about how wrong we are to believe in "Mormonism" or as I prefer "The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Maybe I should just limit this post to . . . "I'm perplexed" . . . I suppose I could add "concerned and saddened" too. So much time is wasted in defending ourselves when the time could be better spent in Chritian Service. So much energy is spent by the opposition that could be spent in helping someone else.

I guess I am just anxious for the Mellenium to get here so that we can get on with the work of the Lord without distractions. :D


Edited by applepansy
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For me, studying anything to better understand it is a good thing:

In addition to a careful and clear presentation of the texts, such a study needs to focus on understanding the documents. Too much energy has been devoted to attack and defense, and not enough to basic comprehension of what those involved in the project thought they were doing and how they went about their work. Such a study needs to bring the same standards and attention to detail to these texts as Royal Skousen has brought to his study of the original text of the Book of Mormon. Some of the contested issues for which such a study could bring enlightenment include the following:

Involvement of Joseph Smith.

Sequencing issues.

Why does the scope of the English text not match the scope of the hieratic symbols in the margins of the KEPA?

What is the source of the English Book of Abraham?


Edited by Maureen
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It saddens me that many in the Church have no idea about the History of the Church and yet.. our critics do. And they are pre selling non members their versions of the Church and it's doctrines based on our own History... but also creating havoc where many are leaving the Church because they have learned truths about the Church that have never been brought up in Sunday School or Priesthood. They feel they have been lied to. And all of a sudden.. this information comes to light and they have to deal with it. And so what happens next? They go running to their Bishop and Stake President asking them the questions they have... and guess what? They don't know anything either... and therefore.. can't answer the questions.

People who have been in the Church for 40 or 50 years and have no idea that Joseph Smith was "married" to over 30 women... and some as young as 14.... and was sealed to men and even women who were already married. They have no idea that the Book of Mormon has over 3900 changes. They have no idea that Brigham Young once put a hold on tithing. They have no idea that there has been much debate on the Book of Abraham.

I will tell you who does know all this stuff. Our Critics. And once they start dropping this information on unsuspecting members who then have to find out all this stuff all at once... it is no wonder the Church then needs to publish a book from the Apologetic side called:

Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One's Testimony in the Face of Criticism and Doubt

How about these other books?

Defending The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: A Reference Guide (1893036065)

One-Minute Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions (0882907840)

Setting the Record Straight, Blacks and the Priesthood (1932597417)

Setting the Record Straight, Joseph Smith: Presidential Candidate (1932597530)

Setting the Record Straight, Mormon Fundamentalism (1932597565)

Setting the Record Straight, Mormons and Polygamy (1932597400)

Setting the Record Straight: Emma Smith: an Elect Lady (9781932597523)

Setting the Record Straight: Mormons and Masons (1932597379)

Setting the Record Straight: Mormons and Homosexuality (9781932597448)

Answering Challenging Mormon Questions:Replies to 130 Queries by Friends & Critics of the LDS Church (0882907786)

Apologetics 101 (CD) (2003CD15)

Apologetics 101 (DVD) (2003DV15)

Apologetics 101 and Final Speaker Panel (WMV) (2003WV15)

Are Mormons Christian? (1570084092)

Book of Abraham: Dealing with the Critics --and-- The Grace of Apologetics (WMV) (2003WV09)

Book of Mormon and New World DNA (1893036073)

Critiquing the Critics of Joseph Smith (1555178340)

Defending The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: A Reference Guide (1893036065)

Grace of Apologetics (CD) (2003CD10)

Guess Who Wants To Have You For Lunch?: A Missionary Guide to Anti-Mormon Tactics & Strategies (1893036057)

Hard Questions, Prophetic Answers: Doctrinal Perspectives on Difficult Contemporary Issues (1590382250)

How Wide the Divide?: A Mormon & an Evangelical in Conversation (0830819916)

Humble Apologetics, Defending the Faith Today (0195307178)

Humble Apologetics: Defending the Faith Today (0195138074)

I Have An Answer: A Powerful Reference Guide Concerning the Beliefs and Doctrines of the LDS Church. (1555177085)

In Defense of Truth: A Candid Response to Anti-Mormon Criticism (DVD Video) (1591564670)

Journey to Eternal Life & Distractions Along the Way: Scriptural Answers to Challenges of LDS Church (FAIR-JtEL)

Mormon Miscellaneous Apologetic Resources, No. 1 (FAIR-MM1)

Mormonism: The Faith of the Twenty-First Century (1894161009)

Offenders for a Word: How Anti-Mormons Play Word Games to Attack Latter-day Saints (0934893357)

One-Minute Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions (0882907840)

Ready Reply: Answering Challenging Questions About the Gospel (1046)

Refuting the Critics: Evidences of the Book of Mormon's Authenticity (0882904620)

Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One's Testimony in the Face of Criticism and Doubt (1893036081)

Shared Beliefs, Honest Differences: Reconciling Disagreements of Mormons... (088290633X)

Signs of the True Church of Christ (0882903373)

Sustaining and Defending the Faith (1570084378)

They Lie in Wait To Deceive - The 4 Volume Set (TLIW00)

They Lie in Wait to Deceive, Vol. 1 (TLIW01)

They Lie in Wait to Deceive, Vol. 2 (TLIW02)

They Lie in Wait to Deceive, Vol. 3 (TLIW03)

They Lie in Wait to Deceive, Vol. 4 (TLIW04)

It really surprises me that every Ward does not have an Apologetic Specialist to explain these things in our history to those who need answers to questions.

We just have a tendency to bury our heads in the sand.. and don't want to hear it, or talk about it, or look at it.

The Glory of God is intelligence.... and that comes through knowledge.

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