Bush Dodgers

Winnie G

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Speaking of nationalities and stuff, I don't know what the heck the deal was with the whole "Freedom Fries" thing... Like it really was going to anger the French that we threatened to change the name "French fries" to "freedom" fries. Fries aren't even French! --they're Belgian, though I'm sure 98% of the people in this country are probably not aware of a country called Belgium.

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by john doe@Nov 9 2004, 09:23 PM

All I would ask is that they renounce their US citizenship when they go.

That is so wrong...read my post above again more carefully.

if Canada wants to revel in their self righteous attitude of being more free than the US, they should be happy to open their borders to the malcontents and let them in with no restrictions placed on them.

The U.S. has traditionally been more self-rightous when it comes to boasting about freedoms.

But if Canadians are doing the same thing now, then I think it is equally wrong...both sides are wrong.

And Canada does open its borders to Americans with no restrictions except those that they give to any immigrant from any other country.

If they're too gutless to fight for the freedoms they think they have lost, and if they think they will get more freedom in Canada, then I say Canada can have them.

The USA has a volunteer army that protects our freedom (and so does Canada). But military service is optional.

Are you suggesting that they draft the entire American population into the military so each person can earn their freedom?


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Canada wants to revel in their self righteous attitude of being more free than the US, they should be happy to open their borders to the malcontents and let them in with no restrictions placed on them. If they're too gutless to fight for the freedoms they think they have lost, and if they think they will get more freedom in Canada, then I say Canada can have them. All I would ask is that they renounce their US citizenship when they go.


(Canada wants to revel in their self-righteous attitude of being more free than the US)

At what cloud do you live on that makes you so lofty that you see your self better them every one else in what has been noted as the free world. I think you just described your self a self-righteous.

One of the things that Canadians are known for is being humble to the point of being door mats at lest in my mind once in a wile.

To be blunt you come off as a self-righteous donkeys behind.

I would be embarrassed to spout such dribble.


(gutless to fight for the freedoms)

Excuse me do you forget that other counties fought for those same rights, you act like you’re the savor of the world. Please don’t make me gag.


(I say Canada can have them. All I would ask is that they renounce their US citizenship when they go.)

So elderly senior US citizens like my uncle and aunt should renounce their citizenship because they feel complied to leave in order to make what minimal income they have stretch so they don’t have to chose between have the medication / heath care and eating.

Gag Gag Gag

PS Every one gets to be old you might wish you never sounded like such a self-righteous donkeys behind when your time comes! :blink:

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Please go back and take my words in the context they were written, you are twisting what I said to mean something entirely different. You should know better, but you probably don't.

My post was in response to a person who thinks that real freedom is achieved when a person can go anywhere they please when they feel their freedom is infringed on by others. My statements, and I will write this r-e-a-l---s-l-o-w so you can undertsand them, were that a person who never stands up for what they believe in is gutless. If Canadians are proud that those kind of people want to be in their country, I still stand by my words that they can have them. People who have no spine to stand up for their beliefs are of no value to me.

As for your #2 statements, they are indeed #2 in my book, and deserve to be flushed. I said nothing of the kind of thing that you accuse me of. Learn to read, and take things in context. Maybe a course in comprehension skills would be in order here.

As for your #3, let me explain. If a person hates the US so much that the results of an election would make them want to move away, and if Canada is so happy to take them, I have no problem with that person going. And I don't have a problem asking them to turn in their citizenship if they hate it here so much anyway that they would not stick around to try to make things tolerable if things are as bad as they claim them to be.

I don't have any quarrel with your relatives, but to pin all their troubles on George W. Bush alone without also blaming all the other people who have plundered the Social Security system over the decades is the ultimate in misinformation. Social Security very likely won't even be around when I retire because these same liberals who claim to help the poor and elderly have been depleting that fund for decades, knowing that their misdeeds will never be fully inderstood until after they are long gone from office with healthy pensions under their belts.

I don't worry about Social Security or many of these other "entitlement" programs because I likely will never see dime one from them. They will be so broke that whatever is left when I retire will be negligible. So I'm paying an extra tax for something that likely will never benefit me. At least your relatives are getting something from the system before it goes broke. I may never see it. And your liberal heroes are doing whatever they can to ensure that I won't see it by fighting against limited personal control of my tax money I am paying into the system. They want control over the money I am putting into the system, because without it, they can't have their pork-barrel projects funded.

I feel bad for your relatives who have no money to live on, but to blame it all on one person who has only been around for 4 years is just plain ignorance.

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by john doe@Nov 10 2004, 10:02 PM

You don't have to join the military to fight for freedom. If you really think that, you haven't been paying attention.

Ok...then I suppose my second guess must have been correct.

You are talking about voting (or protesting) against policies that inhibit your freedom.

Well...think of it this way. A high percentage of Americans do not vote...what is it, at least 30%?

Maybe they are just lazy...but maybe alot of them honestly think Democrats and Republicans are doing an equally bad job.

In that case, do you consider them "gutless" for not voting and fighting for their freedom?

Also, think of it this way...

I think you said you were a Republican/Conservative, correct? Then, I assume you believe that nobody had lost any freedom in the first place. So what is there for them to fight against?

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by john doe@Nov 10 2004, 11:58 PM

My post was in response to a person who thinks that real freedom is achieved when a person can go anywhere they please when they feel their freedom is infringed on by others.

Now you are taking what I said out of context!

I said real freedom is achieved when we can be free to move to any free country that best suits our needs. In effect, you can choose your government from those available on this planet...you can stay in your home country and vote...or move to another country and vote over there...whatever is best for your life.

Your choices will be limited, but still broader than "Republican vs. Democrat". By moving you can choose Republican, Democrat, Canadian Liberal, Constitutional Monarchy, etc. Whatever best suits your needs.

And if you feel you made a mistake after you move, you should have the right (god-given free agency) to move back where you came from without losing your citizenship.

Is that a bad idea?

Now that I think about this more, I guess I am promoting the idea of multiple citizenships. I personally have two (Canadian and American) and am eligable for a third (Italian). I consider it a great "right". There is also responsibilities...for example, when I lived in Canada, I was still vulnerable to being drafted to U.S. military service, because I am American.

I think everyone should be allowed multiple citizenships...especially if they go through all the trouble of the paperwork to get a second citizenship (which is difficult in many countries). And there should be responsibilities to every country they "join".

If they can accept the responsiblities with the rights, I say they earned it.

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Guest Unorthodox

Originally posted by Spencer@Nov 11 2004, 07:20 AM

It may not be right, but I got to laugh at that!

Happy veterans day everyone! I sure appreciate all you do, not only today but every day!



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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 5 2004, 06:05 AM

Have you seen your avatar lately?

I think it is sad that my elderly uncle and aunt has to leave their beloved county so his wife can receive her hart meds at a 1/3 of the cost.

Who’s nuts? <_<

A presdent We all know there has not been an original thought uttered by the so-called leader of the free world which has not spoon-fed to him by his staff and in my aunts case the drug companies.

"We all know..."

Interesting. I don't know this. How exactly do you know this?

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Originally posted by Kevin+Nov 12 2004, 10:59 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kevin @ Nov 12 2004, 10:59 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Winnie G@Nov 5 2004, 06:05 AM

Have you seen your avatar lately?

I think it is sad that my elderly uncle and aunt has to leave their beloved county so his wife can receive her hart meds at a 1/3 of the cost.

Who’s nuts?  <_<

A presdent We all know there has not been an original thought uttered by the so-called leader of the free world which has not spoon-fed to him by his staff and in my aunts case the drug companies.

"We all know..."

Interesting. I don't know this. How exactly do you know this?

Because the liberal media told her. :D

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Originally posted by Faerie@Nov 5 2004, 11:54 AM

It is NOT the government's fault and it is certainly NOT Bush's fault. Drug companies spend billions each year in research and development. They fight lawsuits and have to carry high malpractice insurance. Drugs are not cheap and are not intended to be "free."

You are correct, its not the government's fault. Such an attitude is to be expected by those with socialist leanings, however. In socialism, healthcare is provided by the government - not a free market. Those who complain that the American government is at fault for failures in the healthcare system don't understand the differences between a free market and socialistic medicine.
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