Pentacles on temples?


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Is the pentagram or pentacle still a symbol used by Freemasonry today?

Those Freemasons who are introduced to Kabbalah sometimes get into the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, but it's not nearly as prevelent as it used to be. It is used in other ways as well, but I am not as familiar with those.


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I know the inverted pentagram is viewed as satanic and specifically the baphomet sigil as seen on the Satanic Bible and Knights Templar.

But it's just a star!

I personally have no problem with it.

If the goat of Mendes was in it I think I would say differently, but, it's just a star.

Oh, riiiiiiiight. It's all fun and games till someone gets their eye poked out. :lol:

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this is off topic (sorry!!!! :rolleyes:), but how, exactly, does one get one's EYE poked OUT? wouldn't it be easier to get it poked in? or at least gouged out? i've always wondered about that saying....

(sorry for the gross imagery!)

I think in order for it to be poked out it would have to be from the inside, or from a massige blow from the rear

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