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Exclusive: Kerry Says UBL Tape Cost Him Election

Friday, November 19, 2004

NEW YORK — John Kerry believes he lost to President Bush because of the video from Usama bin Laden that surfaced just days before the Nov. 2 presidential election.

The Massachusetts senator told FOX News' senior correspondent Geraldo Rivera that he believes he lost because the tape may have scared the American electorate.

Rivera spoke to Kerry on Thursday as the senator and a slew of other notable names — including wife Teresa Heinz Kerry, actors Robin Williams and Morgan Freeman and comedian Chris Tucker — were in a holding room prior to the processional leading up to the formal opening of the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark.

"Tough luck, senator," Rivera said to Kerry, referring to the Democrat's election loss.

Trying to recount Kerry's words verbatim, Rivera said Kerry responded by saying:

"It was that Usama tape — it scared them [the American people]."

Rivera said Kerry said the tape came out too late for his camp to rebut and the Democratic campaign couldn't counteract it in time for the Tuesday election.

In an unrelated story John Kerry told reporters that he lost the election, "...because, uh, the light was bad, and, uh, I slipped, and er, there were too many hanging chads, ya, that's it - see, too many hanging chads."

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 19 2004, 08:26 PM

Exclusive: Kerry Says UBL Tape Cost Him Election

Friday, November 19, 2004

NEW YORK — John Kerry believes he lost to President Bush because of the video from Usama bin Laden that surfaced just days before the Nov. 2 presidential election.

The Massachusetts senator told FOX News' senior correspondent Geraldo Rivera that he believes he lost because the tape may have scared the American electorate.

Rivera spoke to Kerry on Thursday as the senator and a slew of other notable names — including wife Teresa Heinz Kerry, actors Robin Williams and Morgan Freeman and comedian Chris Tucker — were in a holding room prior to the processional leading up to the formal opening of the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark.

"Tough luck, senator," Rivera said to Kerry, referring to the Democrat's election loss.

Trying to recount Kerry's words verbatim, Rivera said Kerry responded by saying:

"It was that Usama tape — it scared them [the American people]."

Rivera said Kerry said the tape came out too late for his camp to rebut and the Democratic campaign couldn't counteract it in time for the Tuesday election.

In an unrelated story John Kerry told reporters that he lost the election, "...because, uh, the light was bad, and, uh, I slipped, and er, there were too many hanging chads, ya, that's it - see, too many hanging chads."

Poor Guy. :rolleyes:
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Yeah, let's keep kicking the guy while he is down, great Republican tradition. After all he was soundly defeated by what?....1 or 2 percent of the vote? Sounds like a mandate to me!

Anyway, it should be exciting to see how many more mistakes an adminstration can make in four years---we could be headed for a record, though it will be hard to top this last one. :D

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Guest TheProudDuck

Originally posted by Cal@Nov 22 2004, 05:50 PM

Yeah, let's keep kicking the guy while he is down, great Republican tradition. After all he was soundly defeated by what?....1 or 2 percent of the vote? Sounds like a mandate to me!

Anyway, it should be exciting to see how many more mistakes an adminstration can make in four years---we could be headed for a record, though it will be hard to top this last one. :D

Three percent plus. AND, the first time a candidate has won the support of a majority of the electorate. Bill Clinton claimed a mandate based on a lot less.
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Originally posted by jrockwell1222@Nov 27 2004, 08:59 AM

i think what we must all remember is that the election is over. bsuch one kerry lost. get over it. new subject. and for larry kozlowski, yes, we are relgious. thats why we are posting on a religous message board on a religious wesite made for other religious people to talk about things

Yeah Larry, that is why this is called General Discussion? Post on Larry--us Libs have to stick together--otherwise the Repubs will call for a special prosecutor and want to spend millions of the publics tax dollars (after all they are the party of fical conservancy) sniffing around us until they come up with something really promising, like Whitewater :lol:
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Originally posted by Faerie@Nov 22 2004, 06:43 PM

oh please cal...gag me...if bush had lost, you and every liberal in america would be gloating just as much and poking as much fun...

No, actually we would be celebrating the return of sanity in america. I guess we will have to wait.

I'm just wondering when the Demos will appoint a special prosecutor to start foraging around Bush's pre-presidential life and dig up some completely bogus charge, like Whitewater, and spend gazillions of tax dollars trying to hound the president out of office. Oh, that's right, only the Repubs can get away with spending that kind of money on nothingness.

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Originally posted by jrockwell1222@Nov 27 2004, 09:59 AM

i think what we must all remember is that the election is over. bsuch one kerry lost. get over it. new subject. and for larry kozlowski, yes, we are relgious. thats why we are posting on a religous message board on a religious wesite made for other religious people to talk about things

FAITH, n. The stubborn belief that God approves of Republican moral values despite the preponderance of textual evidence to the contrary.

THE MEDIA, n. Immoral elitist liberally-biased traitors who should leave Republicans alone so they can complete God's work on Earth in peace and quiet, behind closed doors.

PHILOSOPHY, n. Religion.

BONUS DEFINITION: NEOCONSERVATIVES, n. Nerds with Napoleonic complexes.

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I know it's important to the liberal's sanity to put a spin on it all. (Recall all the democrats who sought mental health treatment for "post election depression syndrome" - bunch a nambi pambi fruitcakes who have the need to blame their troubles on someone else - I'm not a mentally unstable zippo lighter - Bush drove me to it.)

Regardless Cal, your just putting a spin on it and your spin isn't all that convincing. America laughed when Hillary said the same thing - vast right wing conspiracy - but she, in her typical liberal hubris, actually thought others would buy the muck she was peddling, much like you think America ought to buy yours. Liberal politicians aren't ethically any better than conservatives and they are probably worse. If there was a issue they could get Bush on, they would. Heaven knows they have been looking hard enough; and if Clinton wasn't such a ethical castatrophe (what was it? 30 members of his staff booted out because of criminal or immoral practices?) the conservatives wouldn't have been able to go after him as they did.

The funny thing, yes funny ha ha, is that liberals have been so thoughly repudiated and yet they still have this idea:

"...roughly 60 million Americans that voted for Mr. Bush are either ignorant, unintelligent, overly religious, greedy, amoral, homophobic, racist, or a thoroughly atrocious mixture thereof. Really? And these people think WE’RE dumb?" (from some internet columnist)

They are so liberal elitist (don't ya hate someone who is egotistical but has nothing to be egotistical about) that they don't get that they are ones that are marginalized - of their own doing. Good solid, honest, intelligent, middle America doesn't buy the snake oil they are selling... thank heaven.

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 27 2004, 11:31 AM

I know it's important to the liberal's sanity to put a spin on it all. (Recall all the democrats who sought mental health treatment for "post election depression syndrome" - bunch a nambi pambi fruitcakes who have the need to blame their troubles on someone else - I'm not a mentally unstable zippo lighter - Bush drove me to it.)

Regardless Cal, your just putting a spin on it and your spin isn't all that convincing. America laughed when Hillary said the same thing - vast right wing conspiracy - but she, in her typical liberal hubris, actually thought others would buy the muck she was peddling, much like you think America ought to buy yours. Liberal politicians aren't ethically any better than conservatives and they are probably worse. If there was a issue they could get Bush on, they would. Heaven knows they have been looking hard enough; and if Clinton wasn't such a ethical castatrophe (what was it? 30 members of his staff booted out because of criminal or immoral practices?) the conservatives wouldn't have been able to go after him as they did.

The funny thing, yes funny ha ha, is that liberals have been so thoughly repudiated and yet they still have this idea:

"...roughly 60 million Americans that voted for Mr. Bush are either ignorant, unintelligent, overly religious, greedy, amoral, homophobic, racist, or a thoroughly atrocious mixture thereof. Really? And these people think WE’RE dumb?" (from some internet columnist)

They are so liberal elitist (don't ya hate someone who is egotistical but has nothing to be egotistical about) that they don't get that they are ones that are marginalized - of their own doing. Good solid, honest, intelligent, middle America doesn't buy the snake oil they are selling... thank heaven.

Oh come on now, peoples! can we not just drop these two-bit personal assaults on one another and just hug? ...Or is that considered acting too homo for you right-wing, conservative war-mongers now? (tee hee)
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You will notice that Snow seeks to bolster his postion with derogatory labels and name calling. It is his calling card. We all have our moments, but Snow is the master.

Examples: bunch a nambi pambi fruitcakes, mentally unstable zippo lighter, muck she was peddling, much like you think America ought to buy yours, liberal elitist , snake oil they are selling...

BTW--snake oil is highly underrated! :D

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And then there is the typical response - oh, he is calling those liberals who seek psychiatric treatment because Kerry lost the election fruitcakes, ergo the message is wrong.

Nonsense, they are fruitcakes, my observation that they are fruitcakes doesn't change that.

And Larry, nothing in my post was a personal insult, I spoke to those nameless fruitcakes who fit the fruitcake profile. Personally I have no quarrel with liberals. I think I am the only conservative in my own family of 6 siblings and parent. It is the liberal elistists that match the descriptions I give of them that I object to - like Kerry and Edwards.

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 28 2004, 11:13 AM

And then there is the typical response - oh, he is calling those liberals who seek psychiatric treatment because Kerry lost the election fruitcakes, ergo the message is wrong.

Nonsense, they are fruitcakes, my observation that they are fruitcakes doesn't change that.

And Larry, nothing in my post was a personal insult, I spoke to those nameless fruitcakes who fit the fruitcake profile. Personally I have no quarrel with liberals. I think I am the only conservative in my own family of 6 siblings and parent. It is the liberal elistists that match the descriptions I give of them that I object to - like Kerry and Edwards.

Snow--exactly how are liberals so elite? I thought the Republican party was the party of the rich? It certainly seems to be since the Repubs are the party of big oil, big business, and tends to ignore social legislation, unless it involves invading the privacy of our bedrooms.
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Originally posted by jrockwell1222@Nov 28 2004, 08:14 PM

why don't we all just give up cause no one will win. liberals must deal with the fact that bush one. conservatives must deal with the fact that liberals will cry about this until a liberal is voted in or they find something else to cry about.

Yeah, we wish Bush hadn't ONE. Cause if he had not one, he might have two, and you know what that means.
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Originally posted by Larry Kozlowski@Nov 28 2004, 11:40 AM

Yeah, where does this elistist deal come from?! It's a totally fallacious and undeserved stereotype! I mean, I'm a liberal, and granted--I'm better than all of you--but I'm smart enough to know that I'm not all that, though I am very close to being all that. I will definitely be all that in 2008, I can tell you this much.

Heads up Larry,

We have had our people checking on you and while we generally agree that by 2008 you will be mostly all that, you will still be some of this, albeit mostly that.

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Guest TheProudDuck
Originally posted by Cal+Nov 28 2004, 11:50 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Nov 28 2004, 11:50 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Snow@Nov 28 2004, 11:13 AM

And then there is the typical response - oh, he is calling those liberals who seek psychiatric treatment because Kerry lost the election fruitcakes, ergo the message is wrong.

Nonsense, they are fruitcakes, my observation that they are fruitcakes doesn't change that.

And Larry, nothing in my post was a personal insult, I spoke to those nameless fruitcakes who fit the fruitcake profile. Personally I have no quarrel with liberals. I think I am the only conservative in my own family of 6 siblings and parent. It is the liberal elistists that match the descriptions I give of them that I object to - like Kerry and Edwards.

Snow--exactly how are liberals so elite? I thought the Republican party was the party of the rich? It certainly seems to be since the Repubs are the party of big oil, big business, and tends to ignore social legislation, unless it involves invading the privacy of our bedrooms.

Oh for heaven's sake, here we go again with that old "bedroom" saw. Can you name one item on the Republican agenda wherein it is proposed to affect what people do in bedrooms? Other than remodeling, where I suppose you could make a case that lower taxes on contractors could have some effect?

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I agree with PD Cal,

Please tell us the last time a republican govermental official invaded your bedroom privacy. Please describe in detail, using appropriate charts and graphs, what was going on at the time. Did having a republican watch you enhance or hinder the activity?

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I must admit, when I was changing my undies the other day I thought I saw a Republican outside the window peering in. Though I cannot absolutely confirm this without a doubt, I'm pretty sure it was a Republican. As I told the police, the perp was carrying a gun, a couple oil rigs, a stack of invalid Ohio registrations, Bill Bennett's Book of Virtues, a slot machine, a Bible, and an entire journal composed of Proud Duck's greatest posts ever. Though I mentioned to the police that I was all that they merely told me I was a French sympathizer and told me to go sign a petition or something.

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Originally posted by TheProudDuck+Dec 2 2004, 07:54 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TheProudDuck @ Dec 2 2004, 07:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Cal@Nov 28 2004, 11:50 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Snow@Nov 28 2004, 11:13 AM

And then there is the typical response - oh, he is calling those liberals who seek psychiatric treatment because Kerry lost the election fruitcakes, ergo the message is wrong.

Nonsense, they are fruitcakes, my observation that they are fruitcakes doesn't change that.

And Larry, nothing in my post was a personal insult, I spoke to those nameless fruitcakes who fit the fruitcake profile. Personally I have no quarrel with liberals. I think I am the only conservative in my own family of 6 siblings and parent. It is the liberal elistists that match the descriptions I give of them that I object to - like Kerry and Edwards.

Snow--exactly how are liberals so elite? I thought the Republican party was the party of the rich? It certainly seems to be since the Repubs are the party of big oil, big business, and tends to ignore social legislation, unless it involves invading the privacy of our bedrooms.

Oh for heaven's sake, here we go again with that old "bedroom" saw. Can you name one item on the Republican agenda wherein it is proposed to affect what people do in bedrooms? Other than remodeling, where I suppose you could make a case that lower taxes on contractors could have some effect?

Well, lets start with the conservative move back in the 1970's to fight the California law that made sex ( arguable a matter of the "bedroom"--though I can think of several exciting exceptions--) between concenting adults legal--doing away with the law making adultery Illegal. (not that I'm in favor of adultery, just that it is a private matter, not a government matter.

Another, abortion, another activity which I support in limited circumstance, but which I think is a private (bedroom, if you wish) matter (let's not start a discussion on the morality of abortion)--of course, I would hope most abortions not be done in someone's very bedroom--could be risky.

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Originally posted by Cal@Dec 5 2004, 12:55 PM

Another, abortion, another activity which I support in limited circumstance, but which I think is a private (bedroom, if you wish) matter (let's not start a discussion on the morality of abortion)--of course, I would hope most abortions not be done in someone's very bedroom--could be risky.

Fallacious reasoning.

Abortion is not a private matter, so the argument goes, between 2 or more consenting adults. It involves a non-consenting party.

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