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I checked Max thanks. Allie, I'd say u r 18 and can make your own decisions but I agree with the idea of talking to your dad about your desire first then do as u feel. :bornlate: (I don't get this emoticon what does it mean?)

I agree with Dr. T.

Part of "adulthood" is doing what you feel is best for you.

It is not easy breaking with tradition. You fear what your parents may think or how they will react. But if you continue investigating the LDS faith and feel that it is the right thing to get baptized -- then you need to follow that, even if it means disappointing your parents.

Stay close to the Lord. Ask for courage to follow truth.


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I wasn't debating at all Maxel. You've never seen me do that because that's not what I was doing. I was just making my posts based on what I thought u were saying about the posts I commented on. It's up to her to decide and was just saying, "If that's all it takes then so be it but that was pretty weak. That's all I meant. I'm sorry if I offended with my thoughts but really it very important to have a good grasp of the Bible when talking about it not just a passing "I've heard a little about it so that all makes sense to me now." That's all.

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I wasn't debating at all Maxel. You've never seen me do that because that's not what I was doing. I was just making my posts based on what I thought u were saying about the posts I commented on. It's up to her to decide and was just saying, "If that's all it takes then so be it but that was pretty weak. That's all I meant. I'm sorry if I offended with my thoughts but really it very important to have a good grasp of the Bible when talking about it not just a passing "I've heard a little about it so that all makes sense to me now." That's all.

Aaaah, ok. My mistake. And, my apologies.
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Guest missingsomething

This one's to Maxel-- Um.. well a big one for me was about the Garden of Eden and it's location. Missouri? I don't know.. I'm still not too sure about that one..

Another question was just about how you guys have water at communion. I understand that drinking wine would break the Words of Wisdom but I don't understand how it really represents Jesus' blood and sacrifice.

Maybe I can help with the water. If you study the components of blood, it is made up of a lot of water. So, by drinking water (it is not a worry about the word of wisdom - because heck we could use grape juice) we are truly representing Christ blood. But more than that, it is merely sympolic and the act of remembering him is more important than the liquid used. So if wine were not available - would you not be able to partake of the sacrament and make those commitments to remember him?

As for your struggle....I was baptized the only person in my family and my sister joined. My mother told me that I could move out (at age 13) IF I pursued my interest in this church. But like you, the things I was being taught just made sense deep within me. I didnt know everything nor did I know if it was worth being disowned and being threatened to be kicked out of my house. But when I prayed, I felt the spirit. My mother's commitment to religion had become more of a family tradition than a deep set spiritual belief. And she too felt that the mormons could brain wash you...because so many people joined once they were taught.

Talk to your dad. You owe him that respect. But Honor thy mother and thy father apply when they are holy in their demands. Im not saying they are good people - I know they are by the way you have apparently turned out. But again, I ask... what if your father said to no longer read the new testiment.... would you still be obligated to honor him? You can honor your parents by expressing your desire to know more, to want to grow closer to Christ and your heavenly father because of their great examples of faith. But first off.... let them know that no matter what way you go, you will always love them and care for them and any decision that you make would be an individual one and not a reflection on them. People are afraid of what they dont understand. People did not believe Christ was holy - some forbid their members from even hearing his messages. Just pray before you talk to them. Ask for guidance and help. You will get it. It may not be your father's blessing. But you will know if its the right thing to do.

You feel a desire to know more because the holy ghost is witnessing to you. You are a smart girl and apparently a faithful one. I wish you much luck, and I have already said a prayer to help you. I really have been in your shoes! Great blessings are waiting for you, don't shy away from them. When you come closer to the Lord, satan will push harder at you and those around you. But I promise you, it will be NOTHING you can't overcome. 1 Cor 10:13, and Matt 11, 28-30.

I know this church has truths that have long been withheld. I believe Joseph Smith was given the chance to testify and instruct people of our Heavenly Fathers ways and Christ's plan. I believe in the plan of salvation. I know that families can be together forever and that life continues. I believe the words of the book of mormon. I KNOW they happened.

Good luck in your journey - whatever the outcome, I hope you can find the peace and happiness that only knowing your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can bring. *smile*

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Guest missingsomething

Actually Dr T.. I posted my last post before I even saw Maxel's post about water/communion. I'm not quite that easily persuaded.

Maxel-- He might have not said "This is my wine" but wasn't he drinking it?

One comment on this. yes he drank wine but wine in that time period was not fermented and did not have a high alcoholic content. If you doubt, check history. We aren't the only "faith" that believes this to be the case. Its super late here, or I would find some source and site it for you. And while Dr. T. disagrees with this statement, I dont think he could disagree that it was also common place to drink this as they had few clean sources of water. I could be doctrinely wrong here, but if we were in a dessert (we being LDS people) and only had wine to drink - I dont believe that would be forbidden. Furthermore, Christ did not drink the wine for purpose of "appreciation" or "entertainment".

One must understand the word of wisdom, the spirit of the law (so to speak) as well as the letter of the law.

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Ok, that is what I was talking about when people try and say it was not the same as today. When reading scripture it talks about "not getting drunk with wine" and why would it way that if it was not possible? Anyway, that's not the point really. Bed time. Goodnight all. Sleep well. :)

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Dr. T,

Your comments do seem antagonistic towards "us" (the LDS) in this thread. If you notice, Alliecat posted this thread trying to find out about the LDS religion/beliefs~

Why post critical remarks about this during her attempt to gain more information? Why undermine the information we are trying to give her?

It seems really out of place for you to do so, given the site you are on, and the fact that she wasn't asking about traditional christian beliefs; but, rather, the beliefs of the LDS church.

"If you can't say anything nice......don't say anything at all, Dr. T.

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I had the same problem when I was around your age. Although I did not know where to look for answers... so I dropped it but when I was 30 missionaries found me and I knew the truth right away. I just had to join, because I KNEW it was right. However I feel very sad I was not a young woman in the church. My life had been totally different if I had joined earlier, I haad not done so many stupid mistakes (maybe).

It is a difficult question when you also want to respect your parents. If you learn enough to know it is true, then you can not go back either without doing wrong for yourself and God.

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Dr. T,

Your comments do seem antagonistic towards "us" (the LDS) in this thread. If you notice, Alliecat posted this thread trying to find out about the LDS religion/beliefs~

Why post critical remarks about this during her attempt to gain more information? Why undermine the information we are trying to give her?

It seems really out of place for you to do so, given the site you are on, and the fact that she wasn't asking about traditional christian beliefs; but, rather, the beliefs of the LDS church.

"If you can't say anything nice......don't say anything at all, Dr. T.

Ok, thank u Dovely. :) I'm sorry that I was sounding so antagonistic on this thread. I apologize to all of u. Allie seems to be wrestling with the question of to check into the LDS church knowing that her Father would be upset and I was really just suggesting that she get a better understanding of her own church beliefs to weigh out and reason the things she will be taught here-that's all. Sorry I came off that way. Please forgive me.

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We use water, rather than wine, because the Lord commanded Joseph to use it as a substitute. The Lord explained that unless it was wine made from their own vines and labor, to not trust obtaining it from their enemies. Whether this was because the Lord didn't want the saints getting strong wine, or getting poisoned wine, I'm not sure.

The practice has continued, as the Lord has said it is the covenant and the representation of the Blood of Christ that is important, not the liquid.

In an interesting event, after World War II, Apostle and government official Ezra Taft Benson went to Europe to assist both members and non-members who were literally starving. The Church provided tons of food, blankets and clothing for war-torn Europe. In one location in Germany, the Saints wished to partake of the Sacrament/Holy Communion with Elder Benson. They gathered their few coins together and were only able to purchase potato skins, not bread. They blessed the potato skins as a replacement for bread, and afterward, Elder Benson stated that the Lord had accepted their sacrifice and communion.

This is one of the reasons why it is wonderful having modern prophets and apostles to receive new revelations and guidance from God. God can authorize adaptations to practices given in the Bible, so that the members may be blessed in whatsoever circumstance they find themselves.

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