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Guest missingsomething

Melatonin is gentle without really any bad side effects....afterall...really... how bad is it to have "far out trippy dreams"? Sounds fun to me! :)

Psycho training would tell you to start free writing (where you just write whatever comes to your head and you dont stop). Something might be bothering you.

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I just put Melatonin on my shopping list and I'll give it a try.

Best treatment I've ever experienced was Transcendental Meditation. While I was practicing faithfully, I'd fall asleep every night within five minutes of turning off the light and stay asleep until the next morning.

Second best: Hot tub just before bedtime.

Got ambien from my doc a while back and it kept me awake. No chemicals seem to work very well for me since I have to dream to stay mentally healthy. So I need something that causes sleep but doesn't suppress dreams. May not exist.

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