FEMA blue and red dots (from a POLICE OFFICER and FBI agent)


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We didn't vote for him but he is the boss.

The problem with these conspiracy theories is there doesn't seem to be a specific target.

If history has taught us anything it is that when the government oversteps its bounds it does so against a specific group (normally a minority) I.E. Christians, Jews, Tutsies, ethnic Albanians etc.

Have you heard about the new report that the State of Missouri and Home Land Security got together and came up with for different State Highway Patrols could profile possible terrorists?

Google "The Modern Militia Movement"

When news of this got out they had to back down on this one.

But this is the kind of thing that is in the works.

Bro. Rudick

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Have you heard about the new report that the State of Missouri and Home Land Security got together and came up with for different State Highway Patrols could profile possible terrorists?

Don't know about that, but I do know that when I was traveling through the state in 1976, I could be legally killed by any Missouri state resident because I was a Mormon. Believe me, if the South had its say, Mormons would be declared terrorists.
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Don't know about that, but I do know that when I was traveling through the state in 1976, I could be legally killed by any Missouri state resident because I was a Mormon. Believe me, if the South had its say, Mormons would be declared terrorists.


Hay, folks!

He ain't kiddin':(

I'll second that observation.

Bur now days, it is open season on any believer in Judaic/Christian Scripture.

Not so bad in the mid-west but not so bad any more on the LDS people either.

But I think it will get worse for both soon according to this report.

You know under Clinton it was OK for the Government to Harass oddball people like David Koresh and outside the grid people like those in Idaho can't remember the family but the Gov shot and killed the mother and little baby and their "little dog too".

Now they are picking up where they left off maybe,

Bro. Rudick

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Have you heard about the new report that the State of Missouri and Home Land Security got together and came up with for different State Highway Patrols could profile possible terrorists?

Google "The Modern Militia Movement"

When news of this got out they had to back down on this one.

But this is the kind of thing that is in the works.

You dont have to google it, I did the work for you, here is a link with the actual documents. I also posted it in the bumper sticker thread

Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

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