The Dieing Breed


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Women have discovered what men have been hiding for centuries. Man is the weaker sex by nature. Employers would rather hire women than men. I believe we are seeing the beginning stages of a dieng breed of man. Men no longer have to be responsible for children, or provideing for a family. The women's ability to make money in many cases exceeds our own. Our economy provide many jobs for paperwork, money management etc. The TV depicts the man as being money hungry, power driven, and stupid women hateing racist. More especially the white male. This leaves the man demasculinised. I did'nt know I was all of those things?

At any rate. Men are getting more and more confused. With no backbone and no sence of who they are, and what they do. And what does a women need with a man these days. They hunt better than we do. Why deal with all of the problems that a man brings. And men figure that they are worthless and the only thing we need are a few miller lights and female companionship for 3 days a week. Trust me, you dont have to work for a women's attention these days.

What happens to these men? They wonder the world confused and angry. Worthless. Maybe they become criminals. Maybe secretly they do start to hate women,children, and eachother.

Is this what the prophets warned us about, back in the day? Will a good man be worth his wieght in gold in the last days? Are women there to help direct? I am confused, but I think I am right on this one.

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Originally posted by Taoist_Saint@May 1 2005, 04:54 PM

Its only a sin if it is considered "light-mindedness".

So Hokey is okey? :lol:

I find your 'disrespect' sad, but par for the course you have chosen. Call it what you like, you are on a downward spiral. I would recommend:

The Hokey Pokey



Everybody form a circle...

Put your left foot in,

Your left foot out,

Your left foot in,

And shake it all about.

You do the hokey pokey

And turn yourself around.

Now put your right foot in,

Your right foot out,

Right foot in

Then you shake it all about.

And then you do the Hokey Pokey

Turn yourself around,

That's what it's all about.

You put your head in,

You put your head out,

Put your head in,

And bang it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey

And turn yourself around.

That's what it's all about.

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's Do the Hokey Pokey!

That's what it's all about.

Put your right hand in,

Your right hand out,

Your right hand in,

And shake it all about,

You do the Hokey Pokey,

And you turn yourself around.

Now put your tongue in,

And your tongue out,

Tongue in,

And Blblblblbl!

You do the Hokey Pokey

Turn yourself around

That's what it's all about.

You put your bottom in,

Put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Put your bottom in,

You put your bottom out,

Do the Hokey Pokey,

Turn yourself about.

Let's do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's do the Hokey Pokey!

Let's do the Hokey Pokey!

That's what it's all about.

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I belive we simply need each other, we need each other to have children :P , to handle situations B) , and to make it back to our heavenly father..... :)

Why???? you ask? Because neither of us are whole and complete without the other and that is how Heavenly father intended it. :D

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I think it would be better use of time for the prophets to warn us about wasting time reading your post then that retarded stuff you just wrote.

Your not right on this one... you are so wrong i am going to have to assume everything you think is wrong. So if i were you i would imedietly start doing the opposite of everything you had been doing. Because if you dont im sure you going to die in a way retarded enough to make you a canidate for the darwin award.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Tick@May 1 2005, 09:43 AM

The TV depicts the man as being money hungry, power driven, and stupid women hateing racist.

What are you watching on TV?


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  • 3 weeks later...

The women's ability to make money in many cases exceeds our own. Our economy provide many jobs for paperwork, money management etc. The TV depicts the man as being money hungry, power driven, and stupid women hateing racist. More especially the white male. This leaves the man demasculinised. I did'nt know I was all of those things?

Could somebody send me one of these women please. The one I had broke down and now I have to do everything. I'll gladly be demasulinised for another one.

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Originally posted by sgallan@May 22 2005, 05:22 PM

The women's ability to make money in many cases exceeds our own. Our economy provide many jobs for paperwork, money management etc. The TV depicts the man as being money hungry, power driven, and stupid women hateing racist. More especially the white male. This leaves the man demasculinised. I did'nt know I was all of those things?

Could somebody send me one of these women please. The one I had broke down and now I have to do everything. I'll gladly be demasulinised for another one.

ROFLOL! :lol::D:lol::D:lol::D
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.....Will a good man be worth his wieght in gold in the last days? Are women there to help direct?

A good man is (and still will be) worth MORE than his weight in gold.

And there will always be women around to help direct those who ask for know what they say....most men won't ask for directions cause they thought they knew it all, and don't want others to know they are lost ;) It takes a real man to ask. I don't think that it demasculinises a man at all.

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