2 Nephi 2:18


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Reference Search: 2 Nephi 2:18

18 And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he sought also the misery of all mankind. Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

Quotes for Discussion


The Hebrew translation for devil is the “spoiler” (Bible Dictionary, s.v. “devil.” See also Robert Young, Analytical Concordance to the Bible (1972), p. 252). Satan is the spoiler because he would confound our moral compass and spoil our journey back to a loving Father in Heaven. Satan, “the Father of lies” (2 Ne. 2:18), increasingly uses various devices, ancient and modern, to confuse us. He would convince us that joy is not where it is. And contrarily, he would have us believe that joy is where it is not. One of Satan’s most spiritually damaging lies which undermines our sense of self-worth and hope is that we cannot be forgiven of our sins.

Richard B. Wirthlin, Ensign, Nov. 1997, pp. 9-10

The craft of the grandmaster of falsehood is well exhibited in the deception of Eve. Deceit is often most effective when blended with truth. Eve was falsely told that if she partook of the forbidden fruit she would not die. The statement that in so doing she would become as God, knowing good from evil, was true.

Millet & McConkie, BOM Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 197

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One of Satan’s most spiritually damaging lies which undermines our sense of self-worth and hope is that we cannot be forgiven of our sins.

This particular quote speaks volumes to me. Because of my past transgressions(which I have many:eek:) it has hindered me in the past of feeling worthy of any church involvement or Christ love. However, I no longer have to struggle with these feelings the way I use to. Sometimes it'll creep in, but a dear friend from church shared with me some things to say aloud to myself that'll slap me back to the right track.:animatedthumbsup:

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"Eve was falsely told that if she partook of the forbidden fruit she would not die."

It is interesting to note that two types of death are actually referred to here. First, there is spiritual death or separation from God because of the sin that was committed. The second death that is being referred to is physical death. Adam and Even did indeed experience both of these. We can all be thankful for the love, grace, and tender mercies of the Lord and the power of repentance and forgiveness that rescues us from spiritual death. The only death that we need face is physical death.

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What struck me as ironic is this phrase:

The Hebrew translation for devil is the “spoiler”

How often do we use that term spoiler when giving away the ending of a movie or a book?

It's just like the devil in that he can and will ruin things for us if we but only let him.

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