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In a lot of my previous posts I have mentioned that I wanted to become a member of the LDS church and that my husband was very opposed. Well I thought I would give everyone an update and I wish I was giving a happy update but I am not. My husband said point blank that if I became Mormon he would divorce me. I don't understand how he can feel that anti Mormon but he does and I am in a hard place. I really don't know how I feel about that and I don't know what I am supposed to do here. I have internet access and I can still do scripture reading and there is nothing that stands in my way of following many commandments but I just cannot get baptized or go to the lds church. Thank you to all for all the great advice.

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Pray for his heart to be softened and his mind to be opened.

Be an example and strengthen your marriage. Have family prayers and read scriptures as a family - even if it is just the Bible. He should see you reading the Book of Mormon on your own. He should see in you a change because of the truths of the Gospel. Become an example to him and show him that there is nothing to fear.

If you do this, I'd say you're a bonafide "dry Mormon" and we'll work on getting you "wet" later.

This will take YEARS, but it happens! Keep the faith!

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In a lot of my previous posts I have mentioned that I wanted to become a member of the LDS church and that my husband was very opposed. Well I thought I would give everyone an update and I wish I was giving a happy update but I am not. My husband said point blank that if I became Mormon he would divorce me. I don't understand how he can feel that anti Mormon but he does and I am in a hard place. I really don't know how I feel about that and I don't know what I am supposed to do here. I have internet access and I can still do scripture reading and there is nothing that stands in my way of following many commandments but I just cannot get baptized or go to the lds church. Thank you to all for all the great advice.

It is sad to hear things like that. I would suggest that it seems you have marital issues that are still to be addressed. conflict is a symptom rather than a problem. And often times what is visible is just the symptom rather than the problem itself.

I would agree with the suggestions above. Read you scriptures, pray individualy and as a family and, difficult as it may be, be a good wife and companion. Who is to know but perhaps the Lord would in his own time soften his heart.

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Pray for his heart to be softened and his mind to be opened.

Be an example and strengthen your marriage. Have family prayers and read scriptures as a family - even if it is just the Bible. He should see you reading the Book of Mormon on your own. He should see in you a change because of the truths of the Gospel. Become an example to him and show him that there is nothing to fear.

If you do this, I'd say you're a bonafide "dry Mormon" and we'll work on getting you "wet" later.

This will take YEARS, but it happens! Keep the faith!

Exactly. The Lord judges on the heart anyway. I think Heavenly Father really does understand the dynamics our circumstances. He understands what we can and can' do. Heck....if there are baptisms by proxy.....then that alone is a testimony of Father's fexibility.

Do everything you can do. Live how you want to live. And then be still and wait for the hand of the Lord to be revealed. I always say....God is good a moving mountains and parting seas. :)

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I think your husband is blowing smoke to intimidate you from getting baptized. I really don't think he would leave you because of that.

However if he is serious-- then let him leave and tell him not to let the door hit him in the backside on the way out or better yet just boot him out.

I could not imagine living like that with someone holding that over your head. If he has no more commpassion for you, for something you hold sacred, and that you feel will bring happiness to your life, then let him go and wish him well--I'll bet you that if you tell him this that he will not leave, or if he does he will be back soon afterword.

Do you want this hanging over your head for years to come, hopeing something will happen to convince him otherwise? I certainley hope not. Do not let him dictate how you will worship--do not let him dictate how you will live your life and what choices you will or will not make because of his insecurities.

Your old enough to make your own decisions and blaze your own trail as far as life choices, and young enough to find someone that want's the same things you do.

Is your new found faith or your insecure husband more important to you? It's your decision.

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