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Originally posted by JaredDollen@Jun 3 2005, 10:23 PM

I am interested in what the LDS church teaches about Zion?

What are the differences between what the Remnant or RLDS teach compared too the LDS on Zion. Not the C of C because their idea of Zion has just gone out the window.

Hi Jared!

A few thoughts about what the LDS believe about Zion :

1) It is the name the Lord has given to his Saints, it is the name by which the Lord's people have always been identified.

2) JS jr taught that the whole of North and South America comprises the "land" of Zion.

3) The New Jeruselum which is to be built in Jackson County, Mo. is also called the "City of Zion or Zion".

4) At the time of the Second Coming, "the Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his Father's name written on their foreheads". (See LDS D&C 133:18 ; Rev. 14:1-5) The Mount Zion spoken of is identified by latterday revelation as the New Jeruselum, which is to be built in Jackson County, Missouri.

Jared, so...."Zion" is both a spiritual condition as well as a tangible place...a center of refuge for the Saints and the righteous.

We also believe the "gathering of Israel" is both a spiritual one, as well as a temporal one. It is spiritual in that the "lost sheep" of Israel are FIRST "restored to the Lord's true church and fold of God," meaning that they come to a true knowledge of the God of Israel, accept the restored gospel which he has restored in these latter days, and join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

It is temporal in that these converts are then gathered home to the "lands of their inheritance" as spoken of in 2 Ne. 9:2 ; 25:15-18 and Jer. 16:14-21.

Just a few thoughts.....


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Ok now do you realize that the Jackson County of today is not the same as it was in the 1800"s? It was 4 times larger then than it is now. So the LDS church does teach Zion is to be in Jackson County? So how do they reconcile that with the fact that they are headquartered in Utah?

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Originally posted by JaredDollen@Jun 4 2005, 12:11 PM

Ok now do you realize that the Jackson County of today is not the same as it was in the 1800"s? It was 4 times larger then than it is now. So the LDS church does teach Zion is to be in Jackson County? So how do they reconcile that with the fact that they are headquartered in Utah?


Basically, its no different than when the Saints left Missouri the first time and established the Church's HQ's in Nauvoo under JSjr. Just a little more time has elapsed.

Yes, the Church shall in a coming day...build the city of the New Jeruselem, along with the Temple..and will reestablish the HQ's of the Church here in Independence, Mo.

All in due time, my good man...all in due time!

This area is not ready for that to happen. It couldnt handle it. It would be more detrimental than helpful.

The leaders of the Church must be VERY careful in their speech when it comes to Indep/Jackson county. One slip of the tongue, so to speak, and Independence/Jackson county would have, how shall we say....a rather significant increase in the LDS presence here.

But...timing is everything!!

....rest assured, it will happen when it's supposed to happen. There is no doubt about that.


....IMO...at the present time...the necessity of having the Church HQ's here is not the primary goal. As was stated earlier....the MOST important aspect of the "gathering" is spiritual. People need to accept the gospel and join the Lords church, then the temporal aspect of the gathering can work itself out.

It would appear to me that having their HQ's here has not helped the CoC, nor the Restorationist movement...as we have seen first hand.

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Originally posted by Jenda@Jun 4 2005, 06:31 PM

I have heard a lot of LDS state that Zion is SLC now, that is has been moved from Independence. Why do they claim this if it is not true?


I couldnt tell ya! All I know is that the scriptures teach, and the Prophets have testified often about the significance of, and the vital role that....Independence, Jackson County Missouri..will YET play in the future of the church.

Our understanding of what is Zion, what constitutes Zion....in addition to that of the "gathering of Israel" is global in scope. It is clear and unmistakable.


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It is my understanding that Zion exist anywhere there are stakes of Zion. Because the LDS headquarters is in Salt Lake City Utah many refer to Utah as the “Center” stakes of Zion. As far as there being a city established upon the concepts of Zion – there is no such thing. Even in the wildest stretch of any imagination, Rocky Anderson is not capable of being a mayor of a “holy” or Zion city.

Building of Zion is the support and enlarging of the stakes.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by JaredDollen@Jun 6 2005, 06:19 AM

I found this quote on Centerplace.org this is evidentally what the C of C teaches about Zion.

Isn't building Zion creating it among the church and using it to encompass the world?

What do you think about that? Is that what the LDS church teaches?


That is exactly what has been happening in the LDS church.

The LDS church is beginning to have a significant global presence and impact. It is blessing the lives of countless millions of people, whether they are aware of it directly or not.

These blessing are both spiritual and temporal in nature. The spirit of the Lord is going before the Lord's Ambassadors as they teach, preach, expound and exhort the Restored gospel. It is truly a marvelous work and a wonder to behold, and to be a part of!!!!!


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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Traveler@Jun 6 2005, 06:38 AM

It is my understanding that Zion exist anywhere there are stakes of Zion. Because the LDS headquarters is in Salt Lake City Utah many refer to Utah as the “Center” stakes of Zion. As far as there being a city established upon the concepts of Zion – there is no such thing. Even in the wildest stretch of any imagination, Rocky Anderson is not capable of being a mayor of a “holy” or Zion city.

Building of Zion is the support and enlarging of the stakes.

The Traveler

I thought this was also the current doctrine:

Zion is not a literal place where the Saints will gather (not Misssouri).

Zion is going to exist wherever those Saints have set up stakes.

This solves the problem of selling the concept that LDS from all over the world to move to Missouri...because what if the Missionaries are too successful and the whole world becomes LDS? Are we going to be able to fit billions of people into Missouri?

Well I suppose if every animal can fit on one boat...

Also, would they WANT to move there?

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by JaredDollen@Jun 6 2005, 06:19 PM

So it seems that the LDS has also changed their stance on Zion from the original stance of the 1830 church. It seems that the LDS has condemned the C of C's actions but they have the same stance on Zion. That is interesting.

Well, I could be wrong about that. I just seem to remember reading something like that somewhere. Don't take my word for it...you would be better off looking it up.
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