What are the purposes of trials and suffering?


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I see what you are getting at, but somehow it doesn't seem to fit in with what I am asking. I think that it falls into the 'trials make us more dependent upon God', which, of course, is a good thing, but my original point was the WHY it was a good thing.

As I've read a couple of the posts here, I see that they were going down that same road as me--trials are for our benefit, but it is more than learning to trust God. Traveler's thoughts got me to the holy-->sanctification POV, which makes sense to me. The constant companionship of the HG helps us make right choices, to the point where we act as God would act in our place (and vice versa). So trials help us become as God is, because, if we ENDURE THEM WELL, with humble hearts, we become holy, without spot.

I agree with you every trial I have ever been through is part of who I am - I am a stronger better person because of them and more understaniding of the Lord


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I was reading in Hebrews this morning, chapter 12, which is a great discourse on trials and how we can know that our trials are proof of our HF's love for us, as he chastens those he loves, and that it proves we are his sons and daughters. I found great solace in that chapter, as my wife and I have been going thru a trial for several years now that seems to be 'never-ending'.

But as I pondered that more, I was struck with the thought of 'why?' What are the purposes of trials? We believe that trials refine us, make us more Christlike in our demeanor (if we 'endure them well' obviously), but how does that make us more Godly? True, it makes us patient and trusting in God and his plans for us, and perhaps gives us empathy, and I know it gives us 'experience', as told to Joseph in Carthage jail.

But how do they make us Godly? Is God simply very patient and empathetic to our plight? Is trust what saves us? Simply by having experience we become Godly?

Our trials and lives in general are set up in such a way to get us to exaltation the quickest, again if we endure to the end and seek to be humble and learning. But how do trials make that happen?

Am I being clear? I know the pat answers, and have a concept of it, but I don't think that learning patience in trials is what God is all about right now, or that he needs to have trust now, since he is exalted. Does any of this make sense?

I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this. I know that I am closer to my HF because of these trials, but how are they making me Godly?

Have you seen an uncut raw diamond? Nor beauty or worth any value at that point....now compare it to a polish one and what is the difference? Even Savior had to go through trials to the end of His life. Are you expecting anything less?

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Have you seen an uncut raw diamond? Nor beauty or worth any value at that point....now compare it to a polish one and what is the difference? Even Savior had to go through trials to the end of His life. Are you expecting anything less?

Well, no, of course not! I was not questioning the necessity of trials, simply the 'why' behind them, the deeper reasoning for why they are necessary to make us like God. What is the deeper purpose besides the seminary answer of 'gives me experience', etc.

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Concur...being free agents unto ourselves, as a loving creator, I would expect HIM to know what is good for me, as the same expectation on what was given to the Savior had to go through in mortality.

Each of us are different and unique and require further instruction from where we left off in the pre-mortal life, whether it be trials or visitation from those across the veil. To reach the understanding why we are allowed to receive such, you must answer your pre-mortal life.

Bringing this subject into clarity, I have spoken in the past on a subject concerning the four angels [D&C 77], which are not only mentioned by the Savior during His mortal ministry but also by John the Beloved and others including Joseph Smith. What was unique, they must be born non-converts to the covenant, received the same amount of trials to mode there character to the point of experiencing this mortal life on both sides [being in the world and outside in the gospel] in order to pass GOD level judgment not only to seal life unto our FATHER but also to remove life. There are harsh trials they may face that is unique to each one of them to bring them into the realm in carrying out the FATHER and the Son's will for this earth. Even to the point on where they are born and raised will give them a greater ability to cast GOD's judgment to those in that area of the world. Getting back to why....it comes back to the age old answer, experiences....experiences....experiencing mortal life.

Now, if the Son of GOD was required to go through trials of fire, I am sure I need them more than Him. :)

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