Religionists Give Religion A Bad Name


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Priest unrepentent after crucifying of nun

Tanacu, Romania - A Romanian Orthodox priest who ordered the crucifixion of a young nun because she was "possessed by the devil" and now faces murder charges was unrepentant on Saturday as he celebrated a funeral mass for his alleged victim.

"God has performed a miracle for her, finally Irina is delivered from evil," Father Daniel, 29, the superior of the Holy Trinity monastery in north-eastern Romania, said before celebrating a short mass "for the soul of the deceased", in the presence of 13 nuns who showed no visible emotion...

..."I don't understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this. Exorcism is a common practise in the heart of the Romanian Orthodox church and my methods are not at all unknown to other priests," he said.

A 34-year-old parishioner who had come to defend Daniel and gave her name as Dora, said Sister Irina " had to be punished, she had an argument with the Father during a Sunday mass and insulted him in front of the congregation."

The murderer defends himself by saying that his tactics are not unknown to other priests and a parishoner defends the murder by saying that the victim deserved it because she insulted the perp.

There are evil and screwy fanatics in all religion, be it the FLDS or So. Baptists or Orthodox.

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Originally posted by Snow@Jun 19 2005, 12:45 PM

A 34-year-old parishioner who had come to defend Daniel and gave her name as Dora, said Sister Irina " had to be punished, she had an argument with the Father during a Sunday mass and insulted him in front of the congregation.


It seems more like the priest was possessed with unchecked pride and ego that ruled the day. :angry:

The legal system needs to show the Romanian Orthodox priest that his actions were entirely inappropriate. ;)

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I've done some checking into this, and it seems probable that this "orthodox" priest is not Eastern Orthodox but in fact Eastern (Roman) Catholic. Two things give this away:

#1. The article in question refers to the "Mass". There is no mass in Eastern Orthodoxy. The eucharistic service is called Divine Liturgy. Everyone knows this.

#2. There is no such tradition of exorcism as described in E. Orthodoxy. EO's have traditionally been more cautious with regard to Exorcism, and have, like Latter-day Saints, used such prayers sparingly.

Anyways, something's definitely wrong with this Priest, and I hope they lock him up in a padded room!

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The concept of Killing for good has long been apart of society. There is not an “action” movie to come out of Hollywood that has not used this theme. This concept is central to the idea of a war hero. The difference between the good guys and the bad guys is that the good guys only kill people that deserve to be killed???

Do not misunderstand me – I am a believer in capitol punishment – law – and due process. What seems to be lacking in this story is the due process and in general that seems to be lacking a lot in our generation.

Some say it is better that 99 guilty go free rather than convict one innocent. It is my opinion that if one guilty person is set free or one innocent person convicted the law has failed equally for both situations. However, I believe that in general, society will be safer if an innocent person is convicted (put to death) than it would be if a guilty murder is set free in society.

The Traveler

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Originally posted by Jason@Jun 20 2005, 01:51 PM

A little update on this bizarre story:

Oh, and apparently the initial report posted by Snow had misreported the "Mass" vs "Divine Liturgy".

It now looks like it was an Eastern Orthodox Monk-Priest!

Not to worry. We'll find something to make the Catholics look bad soon. After that we'll pick on the Lutherans. Course, you never have to try hard to make the Evangelicals look silly. Mormons are odd to begin with. if we could just get the Congregationalists to act up.

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Off hand I can't think of much that I/we haven't talked into the ground over the past 3 years or so but I am always looking for something that catches my eye. I try and guard against getting too worked up and then angry over little matters and so offending people as much as I used to though I can still be a bit prickly at times.

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Originally posted by Traveler@Jun 20 2005, 02:14 PM

The concept of Killing for good has long been apart of society. There is not an “action” movie to come out of Hollywood that has not used this theme. This concept is central to the idea of a war hero. The difference between the good guys and the bad guys is that the good guys only kill people that deserve to be killed???

Do not misunderstand me – I am a believer in capitol punishment – law – and due process. What seems to be lacking in this story is the due process and in general that seems to be lacking a lot in our generation.

Some say it is better that 99 guilty go free rather than convict one innocent. It is my opinion that if one guilty person is set free or one innocent person convicted the law has failed equally for both situations. However, I believe that in general, society will be safer if an innocent person is convicted (put to death) than it would be if a guilty murder is set free in society.

The Traveler


Just remember, that innocent person could be you (or I). Once a society adopts the policy that it will tolerate the conviction of the innocent in order to make sure 100% of the guilty are punished, then we all come one step closer to living under and oppresive system that cares more about crowd control than it does the individual rights of citizens.

Regarding "religious" murder, my position is: Religion, any religion, can be true enough to justify doing any good you can in its name, but NOT true enough to justify doing evil in its name.

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