How Do You Personally Feel The Spirit?

Guest yb4bets

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Guest yb4bets

I have a very dear friend of mine who is struggling to come clean after a dirty past. She is doing so well, with some minor foul ups, but she is struggling to really feel close to Heavenly Father right now. She asked me how she might go about doing so. Prayer and scripture study just aren't doing it for her right now. Any suggestions on how she might feel closer to Heavenly Father right now??? Any suggestions would help. THANK YOU!!

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Guest estump

getting out of the world and camping. I go hiking by myself...early in the morning. I commune and listen w/ the essential things in life we often miss. A good hike in the appalachians can cure just about any mood or lack of one on this earth.

I also listen to uplifting music. I listen to music that I KNOW has helped me in the past to feel good about myself and my life.

I don't try to so hard to feel the spirit any more...because I would feel like I never felt it 'enough'. What's enough?

I am one of those people who struggles with feeling the spirit and what it feels like. So I basically took off any rules as to what it's supposed to feel like. When it happens, you know it. Some peopel just feel it more often. I don't know why I am not one of those people. So I use my memory from past experiences to help get me through the dry times.

I think the spirit and how it is manifest is unique to us and our personalities and our experiences.

What makes your friend happy?

I find getting out of my self and my situation is the best way to open myself up. Have her volunteer....have her do random acts of kindness for others. Have her go talk to some older folks in nusring homes who don't get visitors. They are great. (I should do that now...I haven't done that in a long time...I always come away feeling better.)

The moments of peace will come...they always do...and for me it's been in the moments when I stopped worrying about 'feeling the spirit'.

Also there comes a point where we realize everyone in life screws up.We all have to recompense for our mistakes. I think above all else, your friend should be gentle with herself. It's a journey...she'll get there.

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  • 4 years later...

Everyone feels the spirit differently, because according to Nephi, God speaks to us in our own language, according to our understanding. In other words, He will not only speak English to you, but He will speak it in the exact same way that you think it. For me, I don't always think in words. God simply puts thoughts in my head that tell me what to do when I need to do something. I can't always tell the difference between my own thoughts and what God is telling me, but when I do, it's because the thoughts that come from God are clear and direct, and don't always agree completely with my own desires. It's like wanting to do something that YOU don't really want to do, if that makes any sense. Only rarely do I feel the deep emotional response tot he spirit. Usually, it's just a simple thought, like a three word text message from God.

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I also listen to uplifting music. I listen to music that I KNOW has helped me in the past to feel good about myself and my life.

I am one of those people who struggles with feeling the spirit and what it feels like. So I basically took off any rules as to what it's supposed to feel like. When it happens, you know it. Some peopel just feel it more often. I don't know why I am not one of those people. So I use my memory from past experiences to help get me through the dry times.

I think the spirit and how it is manifest is unique to us and our personalities and our experiences.

What makes your friend happy?

I find getting out of my self and my situation is the best way to open myself up. Have her volunteer....have her do random acts of kindness for others. Have her go talk to some older folks in nusring homes who don't get visitors. They are great. (I should do that now...I haven't done that in a long time...I always come away feeling better.)

The moments of peace will come...they always do...and for me it's been in the moments when I stopped worrying about 'feeling the spirit'.

Also there comes a point where we realize everyone in life screws up.We all have to recompense for our mistakes. I think above all else, your friend should be gentle with herself. It's a journey...she'll get there.

I agree. When you lose your life serving the Lord and others, you find it. Don't be too hard on yourself. I have wondered in the past how I should feel the spirit, but eventually I figured out how it works for me. I also think back on past experiences filled with the Spirit to help strengthen my testimony.

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I imagine it may be different for everyone. Whenever I have an epiphany about something, I realize it has happened. Otherwise, it is usually when I am alone in meditation and prayer and I feel I have opened myself up to the wonder and awe of the universe.


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