Honeymoon Special Poll


The first baby came...  

  1. 1. The first baby came...

    • 1. 9 months after the wedding day
    • 2. before our 1st year anniversary
    • 3. approx. 2 years later
    • 4. before 5 year anniversary
    • 5. after 5 year anniversary

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I'm always still surprised to hear when a couple is pregnant right after getting married, hence the "Honeymoon Special". How often in the 21st century does this still happen to people who definitely want to follow the realitively normal order of dating, marriage and babies? I know when I got married I wanted to wait for babies, at least 2 years. My babies came well after 2 years but I'm still glad I made that decision to be married for sometime before babies came.


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To us it was a suprise, All our friends said it took them months to get pregnant after getting married...Not us ! :rolleyes: We had ours 9 months down the road, our first one was two 1/2 weeks early so we had some wonderful people actually raise there eyebrows in question.....However hubby and I did wait until the wedding night. Not saying the thought never crossed our minds :D We are human, but we did wait.

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Originally posted by LaurelTree@Jul 20 2005, 11:15 AM

To us it was a suprise, All our friends said it took them months to get pregnant after getting married...Not us ! :rolleyes: We had ours 9 months down the road, our first one was two 1/2 weeks early so we had some wonderful people actually raise there eyebrows in question.....However hubby and I did wait until the wedding night. Not saying the thought never crossed our minds :D We are human, but we did wait.

LOL! Yes, I can see how others can give the newlyweds that questioning look. Both my parents and my in-laws had honeymoon specials. My MIL usually had 8 month pregnancies, except for one, and all the babies were full term; so I teased my BIL once about how he came 8 months after his parents were married; with a wink, wink. He didn't like the teasing because of what it suggested but I knew my MIL's circumstances and just thought it was funny that he would be so defensive.

My nephew just got married and we found out he and his wife are expecting a "honeymoon special", hence the poll.


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My first came about 6 years after being married because it took almost 5 years to get pregant. After at least one miscarriage and 2 years worth of artificial intrauterine inseminations, we were starting to go down the road of in vitro fertilization, and it happened all on it's own. :blink:

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I got pregnant every time we were ready. For the first we wanted to wait until we were in a house. A little after we were married a year we bought our first home. Our first child was born 2 years and 2 months after we married. Our other two children followed at intervals of two and 1/2 years. My baby just turned 16 on Monday. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest bizabra

My parents had their oldest, my big bro, 8 1/2 months after they married. He was a 10lb 10oz baby, too. No WAY will my Mom fess up to that one! My sis and I were good sized, too, at just around 8 lbs each, she was a 10 month baby and I was right on time. Hard to believe there was no prior messing around before they had their quickie wedding cross the state line in Idaho.

My Dad was not a member at the time, not until I was born 5 years later, and my Mom was not attending church at the time, being a very young 19 year old right off the ranch. She moved up to Eastern Washington from Southern Idaho to help her oldest married sister with her kids and to attend nurse's college. Needless to say, the college never happened, she was too busy with us kids!

I can understand her denial, but it would be very refreshing for them to admit the truth and stop pretending we all don't know what went down.

Anyway, I strongly suspect my brother was not a "honeymoon baby", but instead, he was the catalyst for the hurried marriage. I will add that some honeymoon babies in all likelyhood are actually PRE honeymoon babies! Human nature and young love being what they are.

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Guest enlightenme

I was a pre honeymoon baby. My parents were married in Nov of 1971, and I came along in Jan of 1972. 2 months ahead of time, (expected date was Feb 29, 1972).

In our case. Our son was born 2 days after our 1st anniversary. Our second hasn't come yet. Everything seemd fine with my wife till about 6 months after he was born, then my wife stop ovaluting, and so far no amount of help has given us another child, but we keep doing what we need to do, and hopefully another one will come along. It has been stressful on both of us, but we just keep supporting each other the best we can.

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