To Die Well Is To Die Willingly


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At dinner tonight my wife told me that after the service, her aunt said to her, "Wow, I didn't know that Snow was like that. It's almost like he's human." She then got embarrassed and said that she was sorry and wished she hadn't said that, but I wife said she knew exactly what she meant and that I would get a kick out of it.

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I know somewhat on what you have been through---and you have my sympathy. my dad died on July 21. He lived in a small town in Iowa and had been in and out of the hospital for years with strokes and just plain bad health.

He was a quite man but when he got upset at anything he would quit taking his meds and that was devastating over the years as he was also diabetic. Well on the 20th of July he got mad at who knows what and stopped his meds and it landed him in the hospital. the doctor told us that this time the damage was to great as his blood count was over 1400 and brain damage had occured. Thank God that my mom had had sence to get the DNR thing in writing on one of his earlier hospital stays.

To make the long story short----we unpluged him from everything and 5 days latter he was gone.

it was a very easy desicion to make because we all knew that he had accepted Christ as his personal saviour in the prior year---he was 82 and although he was quite and lived a somewhat inclosed life---he was mean as a junk yard dog to all of Christianity--he didn't want to hear it----but some how God gave favor to a local preacher who befriended my dad and lead him to an understanding of the gospel.

So even though I think your a mutten head at time---I cast that all aside when things like this happens to people ---some how---some where you struck a cord in me---i've always liked you and thought you were a hoot to debate with-----and just for the record I bet you did a bang up job with the service and your points about the DNR thing in your original post is right on

But on the security of salvation--your off a bit. NO NO No I don't believe in 'Once saved always saved" I just believe that God gives a wittness to our spirit of our salvation that we can know---that we know--as in take it to the bank type of thing

Best of dreams to you


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Originally posted by Snow@Aug 12 2005, 11:20 PM

At dinner tonight my wife told me that after the service, her aunt said to her, "Wow, I didn't know that Snow was like that. It's almost like he's human." She then got embarrassed and said that she was sorry and wished she hadn't said that, but I wife said she knew exactly what she meant and that I would get a kick out of it.

So you mean that you are exactly the same way here on the message boards as you are in real life? :lol:

me too. ;)

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