The Power Of Things Unseen


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She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for "God's" protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped around her, and she heard a still small voice whisper to her, telling her that she should not take this short cut. Telling her to take the normal route to her home. Having asked for God's protection she listened to that quiet prompting of the Lord and walked past the alley leaving the man behind.

She could not help the other girl who went down the alley, for she never came close to the danger. Regardless of how hard that other girl may have prayed did she follow the prompting of the spirit?

I've been thinking a lot of the promptings we get in our lives....and this post came back to my mind.... if we don't follow the promptings we have, or accept the answers we get to our prayers....then we have to face the consequences of our choices. We may become victimized, hurt, angry and resentful for that consequense, of not listening to that still small voice.... never knowing the safety and peace of mind for following that prompting; but, whose fault it that?

" Regardless of how hard that other girl may have prayed did she follow the prompting of the spirit? Excellelant question deserved a response.

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I am a bit concerned about posting on the subject of angles. I realize that other’s have experiences that I have not. I can only comment according to my own experience and from my own experience I do not feel a compelling need to give details except that the details seem to be quite different than what has been expressed.

One experience I believe is worthy of some details: About 4 years ago I was in Japan working. Late one night after work, 5 of us (all foreigners to Japan, men and not all USA) decided to walk about 4 miles to a restaurant to eat. We took a short cut through a dark and run down part of town. On one side of our path (about 8 feet wide and paved) was an open sewer ditch (about 10 feet across and smelled bad); on the other side was an 8 foot chain link fence. The path went for about a mile with lots of brush for hiding and no lights but the moon and stars.

As we got about 1/3 the way down the path I saw a girl walking towards us. She was young, perhaps junior High age or High School age. I knew she was a student because students in Japan all wear uniforms – they are in school from early morning to late night. This young girl was later than usual. With 5 foreigners coming toward her in a place where her screams could not be heard I felt concerned for her and her fears. But she kept walking and did not seem concerned. As we drew close in the starlight I could see her eyes and to my surprise there was no sign of fear. I tried to say something of a greeting in Japanese and she just giggled – still showing no sign of fear. My comrades said I blew the greeting horribly. If the same event had taken place in the USA the girl would have experienced great fear – even in a strong Christian (including LDS) community (full of angles???)

The Traveler

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Originally posted by Devil\'s advocate@Aug 14 2005, 01:53 AM


It is faith promoting crap, as usual.  Who the heck writes this sort of mindless drivel, anyways?  GOD diverting rape attacks because a person is Christian?  Like Christian women never get raped, especially if they pray to not get raped?

Prayer is insufficient, inadequate, unreliable, and circumstantial.  If things work out, it is because you prayed.  If things don\'t work out, it wasn\'t the will of GOD or you didn\'t have enough faith.  That is a load of manure.  Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.  Blaming or praising GOD for the good or bad things that happen to you only creates a sense of irresponsibility for ones actions.

FACT:  If you walk into a dark alley at night, in a city, you might get raped.

FACT:  If you walk into a dark alley at night, in a city, you might get raped, even if you pray to your GOD.

FACT:  If you take a stoll through a small town park in the middle of the day, you might get raped.  Regardless of the time of day or your praying abilities or current status with GOD.  It happens.  Probably every day, right here in these Christian United States of America.

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Originally posted by Snow@Aug 14 2005, 10:54 AM

I have to agree with Advocate. Any angel with a shred of morality would have notified the police instead of just helping the first girl.

But the real question is: What purpose do angel wings serve? Besides bbq I don't see any good for them.

Snow--angel wings have evolved on dead people, according to Darwinian principles of natural selection. You see, as angels have been making so many personal appearances lately, some of the truest of the true believers fail to recognize them as angels and stone them to death for a second time. However, by chance, some of the angels, way back in the dark ages did manage to sprout a few feathers at the suggestion of Catholic monks and in-house artists. You see, the Catholic priests were getting a lot of reports by the "masses", you know, the ones that have religion as an opiate, that they were seeing "dead people". But the priests thought that it would sound a lot better if they were saying " We see dead birds". So the priests and monks decided that angels should have wings.As the wingless variety died out, the feathered angels reproduced prodigiously, and so now, most of the angels are of the feathered type. Even some of the feathered ones are occasionally mistaken for flying geese, and are shot out of the air by Ted Nugent and his friends in Michigan.

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Originally posted by Cal+Aug 27 2005, 10:46 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Snow@Aug 14 2005, 10:54 AM

I have to agree with Advocate. Any angel with a shred of morality would have notified the police instead of just helping the first girl.

But the real question is: What purpose do angel wings serve? Besides bbq I don't see any good for them.

Snow--angel wings have evolved on dead people, according to Darwinian principles of natural selection. You see, as angels have been making so many personal appearances lately, some of the truest of the true believers fail to recognize them as angels and stone them to death for a second time. However, by chance, some of the angels, way back in the dark ages did manage to sprout a few feathers at the suggestion of Catholic monks and in-house artists. You see, the Catholic priests were getting a lot of reports by the "masses", you know, the ones that have religion as an opiate, that they were seeing "dead people". But the priests thought that it would sound a lot better if they were saying " We see dead birds". So the priests and monks decided that angels should have wings.As the wingless variety died out, the feathered angels reproduced prodigiously, and so now, most of the angels are of the feathered type. Even some of the feathered ones are occasionally mistaken for flying geese, and are shot out of the air by Ted Nugent and his friends in Michigan.

At last - a rational explanation.

Whoever said that there's no science to religion?

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