New discovery may require genisis to be rewriten


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Based on the recent reveleation a new species of biped "walk on two feet" have been revealed to the world and if the human races linage can be traced back to this time, well then I wonder if the book of genisys would have to be rewritten?

Facinating article, recent DNA generational discoveries has also traced man kinds linage back to this part of Africa.

ARDI the recent discovery. Scientists: Ardi suggests humans and chimps evolved from a common ancestor

Oldest human skeleton offers new clues to evolution -

Skull find supports a rethink on the origins of mankind - Science, News - The Independent

Where are midocondrial DNA has been traced back to first origins of mankind

Sample Chapter for Wells, S.: The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey.

So, looks like the fabled garden of eden may have originated in Ethiopia? BTW, there is where to suposed Ark of the Covenant is also being held in secret.

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Based on the recent reveleation a new species of biped "walk on two feet" have been revealed to the world and if the human races linage can be traced back to this time, well then I wonder if the book of genisys would have to be rewritten?

So, looks like the fabled garden of eden may have originated in Ethiopia? BTW, there is where to suposed Ark of the Covenant is also being held in secret.

Not likely but anything that is written now will be corrected when the Savior is here; that will include all of the fable stories of pre-man.

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Not likely but anything that is written now will be corrected when the Savior is here; that will include all of the fable stories of pre-man.

Well said Himi! Well said!

MHO for what it may be worth is this. When these discovories are made kinda makes me wonder. Now I will say this. some of the discovories made in S America make me wonder and smile!!!

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1) Hugh Nibley was not a prophet---JF Smith was.

2) If I remember right, what Bro Nibley said was that we aren't necessarily the FIRST ones to populate this world, but that perhaps this world has been used many, many times in this cycle, and has been used before for others to be tested on.

I have become more and more skeptical of things as they are 'revealed' by science. Not that I disbelieve science, far from it, I welcome the discoveries. But we see things thru such a small prism that for us to say 'this is how it really happened' in regards to many things relating to scientific discoveries is arrogant to the nth degree. The origin of the cosmos has changed and changed and changed, even over the last 25 or so years. We still don't know (as far as I know) what light really is. There is dark matter that fills the universe that is a relatively recent 'discovery' (it is more of a theory that 'makes' things work out as it seems to work out), so we need to be very careful stating that what has been revealed may have to be 'thrown out' in light of recent discoveries...

I agree with Hemi on this one: when Christ comes and we are told all things, I think 99.9% of us will go 'really?! THAT'S how you did it?' and it will have a smidgen of what we have learned and a ton of things we never imagined.


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Based on the recent reveleation a new species of biped "walk on two feet" have been revealed to the world and if the human races linage can be traced back to this time, well then I wonder if the book of genisys would have to be rewritten?

Facinating article, recent DNA generational discoveries has also traced man kinds linage back to this part of Africa.

ARDI the recent discovery. Scientists: Ardi suggests humans and chimps evolved from a common ancestor

Oldest human skeleton offers new clues to evolution -

Discovery of 'Ardi' sheds light on human origins Ken Meaney

Skull find supports a rethink on the origins of mankind - Science, News - The Independent

Where are midocondrial DNA has been traced back to first origins of mankind

Sample Chapter for Wells, S.: The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey.

So, looks like the fabled garden of eden may have originated in Ethiopia? BTW, there is where to suposed Ark of the Covenant is also being held in secret.

What on earth does that have to do with Genesis?

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1) Hugh Nibley was not a prophet---JF Smith was.

Says you.

Definition - Prophet:

1. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.

2. A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.

3. A predictor; a soothsayer.

4. The chief spokesperson of a movement or cause.

1. a person supposedly chosen by God to pass on His message

2. a person who predicts the future: a prophet of doom

3. a spokesman for, or advocate of, some cause:

The sage Eugene England called Nibley our "finest lay prophet."

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I will clarify: JF Smith was THE Prophet of the church. Bro Nibley, while a great intellect and one of my favorite authors, was not. That was my point, but I think you knew that.

My point was to point out to Belledame that Bro Nibley did not smack JF Smith in the face, but had in fact stated something quite different. Also, as The Prophet of the church at the time I would tend to follow what he said/taught, in spite of what someone without that office would say.

As for Eugene England, having never heard of him, I can't say one way or the other what to think of his thoughts. I did see that he was censured in a letter by Elder McConkie at one time, again, about what and why I don't know, but I will take what he has to say with a small grain of salt...

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I will clarify: JF Smith was THE Prophet of the church. Bro Nibley, while a great intellect and one of my favorite authors, was not. That was my point, but I think you knew that.

My point was to point out to Belledame that Bro Nibley did not smack JF Smith in the face, but had in fact stated something quite different. Also, as The Prophet of the church at the time I would tend to follow what he said/taught, in spite of what someone without that office would say.

As for Eugene England, having never heard of him, I can't say one way or the other what to think of his thoughts. I did see that he was censured in a letter by Elder McConkie at one time, again, about what and why I don't know, but I will take what he has to say with a small grain of salt...

Then you should know what the issue was. England was chastised by Elder McConkie because England espoused a view of eternal progression that was also espoused by President Brigham Young - that came originally from Joseph Smith in the King Follett Discourse. In his chastisement Elder McConkie said: "It is your province to echo what I say or to remain silent."

You may recall that Elder McConkie was formally chastised by the Church for his own errors relating to promulgation of incorrect doctrine and later (and unrelated to the formal chastisement), issued a formal apology for his own errors on other doctrine relating to the priesthood.

btw... as it turns out both Eugene England and Brigham Young are ahead of Elder McConkie on a ranking of Mormon intellectuals who have influenced LDS thinking... and Joseph Smith ahead of both of them.

Edited by Snow
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