Starbucks Hot Chocolate?


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Look I try to live the word of wisdom and I am not attacking the OP in her choice to know the ingredients of any item, my point is we need to look at the "big picture".Speaking of my own personal salvation there are other more pressing items that I need to concern myself about for my spiritual growth than to wonder if the sauce on the spagetti I ordered has wine in it (odds are it does).

I sincerily hope that I can achive the spiritual progression that other members on this forum have, so that I may begin to concern myself with these issues......

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will227457- I wasn't trying to give the impression that I scan the ingredients of everything I eat for things that might potentially break the word of wisdom. I definitely don't. :P I happened to be looking at the nutrition info for the hot chocolate because I have been trying to be more aware of what I eat and decided to check the calorie info before ordering a cup of the stuff. That's when I saw the mocha syrup on the ingredients list and, as I said, I have only heard the word mocha used with coffee. So I was just curious and thought I would check.

No need for anyone to get angry. I wasn't offended by any of the comments. :) Though I do appreciate the concern and those who were defending me. Let's all be happy and go get some hot chocolate. ;)

And as for finding out later something you ate was bad or whatnot, I don't think Heavenly Father is going to condemn anyone for accidentally eating or drinking something against the WoW. It's if you knowingly do it that it's a problem. I drank milk tea that a friend gave me once, thinking it was similar to herbal tea. It's actually black tea with milk! I didn't beat myself up for it or feel a need to confess. I just simply declined next time it was offered to me.

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what if you find out after the fact that the spagetti sauce had wine in it?

Well, if you wouldn't have ordered it before hand with such knowledge you'd probably not order it in the future after having been made aware of such. If you don't care I imagine you'd have no objections to ordering it again in the future.

I sincerily hope that I can achive the spiritual progression that other members on this forum have, so that I may begin to concern myself with these issues......

*reads thread*

You already are, furthermore you aren't even concerning yourself with these issues in your life but in the lives of others, now that's spiritual progression.

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what if you find out after the fact that the spagetti sauce had wine in it?

I am one of those "extreme" Mormons when it comes to the WoW. If I know something has coffee or alcohol in it (yes, even food), I will choose something else.

I explain it this way--I don't want to support that industry; it's my way of standing up for my beliefs. I do not expect anyone else (Mormon or not) to live my standards. I've gone to restaurants with Mormon friends who order food with alcohol in it and I don't lecture them or give them looks or show displeasure in any way. Their choice is not my choice.

And I've had experiences several times where I have consumed something and found out later it had alcohol in it. I didn't run to the Bishop to confess my sins, I didn't drop to my knees and ask forgiveness. I simply shrugged and said that now I know not to choose that again. I have the best of intentions and if I ate something that went against my principles, then I am not going to beat myself up over it.

BTW, the only people who have EVER given me a hard time about my choices have been Mormons. Funny, isn't it? My non-LDS friends accept my choices, yet some of my Mormon friends ridicule me for not watching R rated movies or eating a salad instead of pasta with marinara sauce that has wine in it.

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So while we are talking about pasta with wine, I have yet another that bad? I have always understood that cooking with wine is ok because the alcohol is burned out during cooking. And I always figured that must be correct because then they wouldn't let little kids order stuff off the menu that was cooked with alcohol. Is that incorrect? :confused: Have church authorities stated somewhere that we shouldn't consume things cooked with alcohol, or is that simply personal decision?

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so says the person who asks for advice on the are so much more spiritually progresed than i am, congrats!!!

Well, by your own earlier assertion such would be the case, but I'm disinclined to give your assertion all that much weight.

You are correct though, I have asked for advice on driving a standard transmission. I'm curious, since you are so well versed in the subject, does concerning oneself with driving a standard transmission indicate greater or lesser spiritual progression? What if you concern yourself with how another does?

Edited by Dravin
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So while we are talking about pasta with wine, I have yet another that bad? I have always understood that cooking with wine is ok because the alcohol is burned out during cooking. And I always figured that must be correct because then they wouldn't let little kids order stuff off the menu that was cooked with alcohol. Is that incorrect? :confused: Have church authorities stated somewhere that we shouldn't consume things cooked with alcohol, or is that simply personal decision?

There are many articles online right now that have disproved that theory.

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So while we are talking about pasta with wine, I have yet another that bad? I have always understood that cooking with wine is ok because the alcohol is burned out during cooking. And I always figured that must be correct because then they wouldn't let little kids order stuff off the menu that was cooked with alcohol. Is that incorrect? :confused: Have church authorities stated somewhere that we shouldn't consume things cooked with alcohol, or is that simply personal decision?

It is a personal decision. Again, that is the #1 thing people say to me when they find out I don't consume anything cooked with alcohol: "The alcohol burns out." My standard response is, "I don't believe that it is all cooked out--they are some studies to show that. But even if it were completely cooked out, I would still not eat it as they used wine to cook with it and I don't want to support the alcohol industry."

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Beefche's comments were actually enlightening to me and something I had not thought of. She declines dishes she knows to have been made with alcohol as to not to support the alcohol industry. I actually like that line of thought.

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there are articles that support both trains of thought.....

by going to a resutrant were alcohol is serverd, even if you don't partake are you not in a round about way supporting the industry?

I mean by patronizing that resturant you are helping them keep their doors open...they make money on alcohol.....

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You are correct though, I have asked for advice on driving a standard transmission. I'm curious, since you are so well versed in the subject, does concerning oneself with driving a standard transmission indicate greater or lesser spiritual progression? What if you concern yourself with how another does?

standard transmission= greater spiritual progression....

people can do what they want but by posting in an open forum am I not allowed to question it.....if you want to keep it private don't talk about it...

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there are articles that support both trains of thought.....

by going to a resutrant were alcohol is serverd, even if you don't partake are you not in a round about way supporting the industry?

I mean by patronizing that resturant you are helping them keep their doors open...they make money on alcohol.....

Yes, but I live in the world. If I tried to shield myself from supporting anything that has what I consider to be wrong influences, then I would never listen to the radio, watch TV/movies, have an internet connection, have a cell phone, eat in a restaurant, shop in a grocery store.......I wouldn't even be able to spend any time on my family since they aren't Mormons and drink coffee, alcohol, smoke, etc.

It's all about choices. I choose to live a certain way and do my best to stand up for those beliefs. I cannot influence all people to accommodate my wants/desires.

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has anyone ever eaten bannans foster? crepe suzzette, steak diane? coq au vin? bread pudding? coffe icecream? the list can go on and on.....

anyone ever eaten at a french resutrant? Italian?

The only reason I bring this up is because many many food and desserts have a component of someting that is "bad" for you in it.

are there not bigger fish to fry than to worry about a lil mocca in your hot choclate?

when you go out to eat do you ask what the ingredients are in all of your foods?

will this make one untemple worthy?

Look I am all for the WoW but does it not seem to others that it can be taken to the extreme?

You implied with this post that your standards of not worrying about the details should be a standard for all people. You can question it, but don't try to put your standards on me. So what if it's taken to the extreme? Am I beating kids for eating marinara sauce with wine in it? Am I campaigning the 1st Presidency to remove all TR from people who don't check to make sure there is no coffee in the hot chocolate? THAT is extreme. If I choose to question my waiter about the ingredients in my food, who cares (except the waiter)?

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there are articles that support both trains of thought.....

by going to a resutrant were alcohol is serverd, even if you don't partake are you not in a round about way supporting the industry?

I mean by patronizing that resturant you are helping them keep their doors open...they make money on alcohol.....

Not to mention Alcoholic companies are huge corporation that have their hands in lots of pots.

A trip to Sea World means you supporting the alcohol industry.

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standard transmission= greater spiritual progression....

people can do what they want but by posting in an open forum am I not allowed to question it.....if you want to keep it private don't talk about it...

I'm not saying you can't comment on it. However, the irony of somebody (sarcastically) accusing people of being self righteous for concerning themselves with the minutea of the WoW who themself is concerned (as indicated by participation in this thread) not just with the minutea of the WoW, but with the minutea of people's minutea of the WoW is not something lost on me.

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I guess I have nothing better to do.....

That's fine, I'm not exactly here because it is the first step to workable cold fusion either. Honestly that is why most of the nitty gritty and pendantic stuff gets discussed here, not because people are so perfected that the only thing of concern in their life is if suit pants on women is appropriate Sunday garb. They just don't have anything better to do, or rather aren't bothering to do those better things at the moment.

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I have found that just discussing what other people believe or choose to do to be helpful. I have adopted some things as my own after discussing it and researching it. Others I have dismissed as not for me. I really do try, though, to not ridicule or mock others (I'll tease, but not in a malicious way).

I don't have a problem when someone comes on here to ask what others do. I try (not always successful) to state when it's my opinion or when it is instruction from the church. If others do something that I don't, I'll look into it to see if it's something I want to adopt.

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I can't honestly say that I have thought about buying food cooked in wine the same way that Pam and Beefche have, but that's because I've always thought of cooking wine as being separate from normal wine, for some odd reason. (I assume they don't cook with the same wine they sell people to drink). But I also never realized that cooking with alcohol was a problem because I wasn't brought up that way. Now my thoughts on the matter may change because I have more information.

Anyway... though I never thought about it before, I can see Pam and Beefche's points about not supporting the industry. Going into a restaurant that simply serves alcohol is different than directly ordering something that uses it. It's supporting the industry in a different way by putting money directly into their pocket. So I think their points are valid.

will227457, I don't think any of the comments on the WoW were meant as personal attacks to you. People have their own opinion on things. Some people do take things to the "extreme" as you judge it, and some are very loose. It's not your, mine, or anyone else's place but God's to judge what people do. I don't think anyone was condemning you for not being worried about your hot chocolate or your spaghetti, but simply stating their own views, as they are entitled to, just as you are. :)

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