
Guest Catholicman

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Guest Catholicman

Hey everyone, I'm kinda new to the board so bear with me. here is my question: Suppose a member of the LDS church has committed a sin like drinking or fornication and her bishop finds out about it, before she tells him. What would be the process that member would have to go through. And what if that person has a calling in the church at the time.

Anyways I'm catholic so that's why I don't know about this kind of stuff. If you guys have any questions regarding my faith, please ask.

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by Catholicman@Oct 14 2005, 07:27 PM

Hey everyone, I'm kinda new to the board so bear with me. here is my question: Suppose a member of the LDS church has committed a sin like drinking or fornication and her bishop finds out about it, before she tells him. What would be the process that member would have to go through. And what if that person has a calling in the church at the time.

Anyways I'm catholic so that's why I don't know about this kind of stuff. If you guys have any questions regarding my faith, please ask.

Drinking like constantly? It depends upon how the Bishop feels ... after praying about it..

There is no cut and dried... it does depend upon the attitude of the one breaking the commandments...

Fornication is a different matter... sometimes they call them in and see if they are at all repentant... if they are they may just be disfellowshipped...

If they are rebellious they could be excommunicated...

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Originally posted by Catholicman@Oct 14 2005, 06:27 PM

Hey everyone, I'm kinda new to the board so bear with me. here is my question: Suppose a member of the LDS church has committed a sin like drinking or fornication and her bishop finds out about it, before she tells him. What would be the process that member would have to go through. And what if that person has a calling in the church at the time.

Anyways I'm catholic so that's why I don't know about this kind of stuff. If you guys have any questions regarding my faith, please ask.

The real goal is the salvation of the sinner. In LDS doctrine nothing is to be done if it does not benefit the person. If a person is not repentant then it may be best to release them from their covenants to prevent them from bringing upon themselves more condemnation because of their covenants. The same applies to any calling because in the LDS faith a calling is by covenant. Often it is best to release a person from their covenant calling while they complete a repentant process.

In the case of excommunication the bishop is counseled that they should prepare a way to assist the person to return to full fellowship. To us excommunication is not throwing away a soul but a act of love and kindness to help restore them to a condition where they can start over in their covenants with G-d - it can be part of a repentant process. However if a person chooses to exclude themselves from the other members that is their choice although not a good one. I am also sad to say that many members misunderstand excommunication that therefore treat the person with contempt - which if they do not repent will stand more condemned before G-d that the person excommunicated.

The Traveler

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Hi, my name is John and was wondering if you could help me with a question about your faith. First off i'd like to say i don't practise my faith anymore although i have never denied it since i became inactive. My son married a girl from the catholic faith, now she could marry him in the chapel as he was not of her faith. Now they decided that they would like their child be baptised but could only do this if their marrige was blessed by the church, and my i say i don't believe in children being baptised before they can decide for themselves. why would the church bless a marrige that they obviously condemed and made one of their members go elsewhere to mary the man she loved. Now 'm not attacking the church in anyway i'm just curious. Thanks for you time.


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Relkeel...I presume your enquiry is aimed at the Catholic church and its stance on Marriage and Baptism?

I belong to the Roman Catholic faith...non practising...and was married in a registry office, as my husband to be wasn't Catholic...although they were considering allowing us to marry in Church after attending some classes...we just gave up on the idea of a Church Wedding cos it was too stressful for me in the end...

Anyway, back to your question...Both my son and daughter were baptised R.Catholic, in spite of where we were married, and although the church offered to bless our marriage, if we wanted to, we chose not to have this blessing, and there was no question of them not allowing our children their baptisms...perhaps it's just the local priest who has his own 'code of conduct' for his parish? Perhaps your son and his wife should consult somebody else in their church?

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To Catholicman...i agree with my brethren, that bishops are "common judges"in Israel, thay are counselors, people to HELP, not to condemn...except the sinner doesnot want to repent...yadayadayada...But yes, Joseph Smith declared and was sostained by the 12 Quorum, that violating the Word of Wisdom would be sufficent to not give a calling to somebody or take it from them...but its not a cut and dried as Please said...eventes as fornication ought to be consider...and if the person has repented and the process fulfilled, it WILL be forgotten, for the one who forgives is GOD and not the bishop, and he as a counselor ought to forget it if the person (through prayer) has REALLY abandoned that conduct..


"Oh God, if Thou shall see the sin in us, who shall stand before thee?...but in Thee is mercy ." Psalm

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Originally posted by pushka@Oct 18 2005, 03:20 PM

Relkeel...I presume your enquiry is aimed at the Catholic church and its stance on Marriage and Baptism?

I belong to the Roman Catholic faith...non practising...and was married in a registry office, as my husband to be wasn't Catholic...although they were considering allowing us to marry in Church after attending some classes...we just gave up on the idea of a Church Wedding cos it was too stressful for me in the end...

Anyway, back to your question...Both my son and daughter were baptised R.Catholic, in spite of where we were married, and although the church offered to bless our marriage, if we wanted to, we chose not to have this blessing, and there was no question of them not allowing our children their baptisms...perhaps it's just the local priest who has his own 'code of conduct' for his parish?  Perhaps your son and his wife should consult somebody else in their church?

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Guest Catholicman

Originally posted by Relkeel@Oct 18 2005, 06:05 AM

Hi, my name is John and was wondering if you could help me with a question about your faith. First off i'd like to say i don't practise my faith anymore although i have never denied it since i became inactive. My son married a girl from the catholic faith, now she could marry him in the chapel as he was not of her faith. Now they decided that they would like their child be baptised but could only do this if their marrige was blessed by the church, and my i say i don't believe in children being baptised before they can decide for themselves. why would the church bless a marrige that they obviously condemed and made one of their members go elsewhere to mary the man she loved. Now 'm not attacking the church in anyway i'm just curious. Thanks for you time.


The thing about the Catholic church is that it will accept things like marriage, if it is done in the same manner as the church does it, or done for the same intent. I think if one person in the marriage is Catholic than it can be blessed, and if the other party believes in certain things. Honestly I'm not an authority on the subject. I guess for example like I was baptized in the Episcopal church as an infant, but when I converted to Catholocism the church accepted it. It's all about how it is done, and what you believe about it. When it comes to infant baptism, John the Baptist told the people to bring their whole families to be baptized, so we just took that literally. Although you can't be confirmed until like age 8 I think.

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Jesus said:

Mark 10:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

The statement by jesus suggests that the condom of god is like little children pure and free of sin. Children should not be baptized as you were without any knowledge and any say in the matter. Confusing altogether. But the easy way out for most churches is their interpretation of the scripture but that passage seems straight forward. Still living a christian life should be most peoples outlook in life.

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by Relkeel@Oct 22 2005, 01:20 AM

Jesus said:

Mark 10:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

The statement by jesus suggests that the condom of god is like little children pure and free of sin. Children should not be baptized as you were without any knowledge and any say in the matter. Confusing altogether. But the easy way out for most churches is their interpretation of the scripture but that passage seems straight forward. Still living a christian life should be most peoples outlook in life.

It is clear when we are speaking of little children... that they are not yet knowledgable and accountable....

Yet... we are to become like little children... when we are clearly knowlegable and accountable... it is no easy feat... but with God... all things are not only possible... but pleasurable beyond measure....

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Originally posted by Relkeel@Oct 22 2005, 12:20 AM

The statement by jesus suggests that the condom of god is like little children pure and free of sin.

??? The condom of God??? Have I missed something? :P:D

Btw, the way the Catholic Church does the Confirmation/Holy Communion bit now, is that the child is confirmed and then receives 1st Holy Communion within the same year...they decided that the children ought to have received confirmation of their faith prior to taking their sacraments...

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