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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Nov 24 2005, 10:24 PM

It's painful for a chick though to go in for the move and be rejected.  Most girls don't do that in the first place and the ones that are bold enough should be rewarded.  Getting their hand kissed when they oh so wanted their lips kissed is a pretty big putdown.

Its only a put down if its after the 1st date. And also, we want what we cant if I just went around putting out. How desirable would I be?

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Guest sugarbay

Originally posted by Setheus+Nov 25 2005, 02:57 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-DisRuptive1@Nov 24 2005, 10:24 PM

It's painful for a chick though to go in for the move and be rejected.  Most girls don't do that in the first place and the ones that are bold enough should be rewarded.  Getting their hand kissed when they oh so wanted their lips kissed is a pretty big putdown.

Its only a put down if its after the 1st date. And also, we want what we cant if I just went around putting out. How desirable would I be?

Kissing on the first or even the second, maybe even the third, is over-rated. Where is the extreme pleasure of anticipation? If you are going to kiss someone that you care about or be kissed by someone that you care about, for me anticipation is everything. HOWEVER, I have to believe the prophets. Kissing should be reserved for a relationship that is going somewhere as opposed to a goodnight recreation at the door. But I am a picky woman, so following the prophets advice is easy. What's that saying about having to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince? Frog-kissing is highly over-rated.
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Originally posted by sugarbay+Nov 26 2005, 03:07 PM-->

Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 25 2005, 02:57 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-DisRuptive1@Nov 24 2005, 10:24 PM

It's painful for a chick though to go in for the move and be rejected.  Most girls don't do that in the first place and the ones that are bold enough should be rewarded.  Getting their hand kissed when they oh so wanted their lips kissed is a pretty big putdown.

Its only a put down if its after the 1st date. And also, we want what we cant if I just went around putting out. How desirable would I be?

Kissing on the first or even the second, maybe even the third, is over-rated. Where is the extreme pleasure of anticipation? If you are going to kiss someone that you care about or be kissed by someone that you care about, for me anticipation is everything. HOWEVER, I have to believe the prophets. Kissing should be reserved for a relationship that is going somewhere as opposed to a goodnight recreation at the door. But I am a picky woman, so following the prophets advice is easy. What's that saying about having to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince? Frog-kissing is highly over-rated.

Even if you aren't picky, kissing should be reserved for something special. Keep the passion out of it as well. I know that sounds prude, but it always starts with passionate kissing and goes very much down hill from there. And yes, if anyone is wondering I practice very much what I preach.

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Nov 26 2005, 04:50 PM

Uh passionate kissing tends to lead uphill.  I've never regretted passionately kissing a woman.

Im talking about making out. And if you feel as though you can "arouse" sexual passion without getting into trouble then that is your deal. But I would recommend against it(at least previous to marriage..) and I believe I stand with the prophet on that one.

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Kissing on the first date isnt for those you are serious about getting to date again

Who says? I kissed my now husband on our first date, because he was WAAAAAAAAAaaaaaay too cute not to kiss. I just couldn't help myself. He more than appreciated my gesture. :P don't want to kiss a ton of people...though I probably kissed more than most people. My good friend (good, active LDS girl) used to say....I need to try all 31 flavors until I find the one I like.

Of course kissing leads to other if you can't kiss with out going any further...then don't go around kissing people. I'd venture to say, girls are probably far more satisfied w/ just kissing for any length of time. Teenage boys tend to want to go further. At least in H.S. (though I hear times are a 'changin'...and girls are becoming just as aggressive. Things have changed a lot in the 10+ years since I've been a teenager!)

Elder Kikuchi (sp?) said something like engaged and dating people should kiss for 3 seconds. I thought that was sweet...I mentioned that in Institute years ago...then I turned to my friend and stated (when I thought no one else was listening), that advice was only for good girls...I kissed for five seconds! B) My sister and her friends were sitting a few rows behind me and she belted out...NO, I distinctly remember you and J*** kissing for fifteen minutes one night. :blink: I love sisters. The institute director found it highly amusing. :ph34r:

Set your own standards based on what you feel is right for YOU. The leaders have set boundaries....and it's important for you to read and understand them...and then make your decisions. I'd say Don't get serious w/ anyone in High School. I never did. I dated a ton of people...had a blast. It was far easier to stay chaste when I didn't put myself in a situation to have long term feelings for someone. :hyper:

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When did I say a person couldn't have a short term relationship that didn't or shouldn't include kissing? I said that, for me, dating different people in H.S. made it easier for me to stay chaste. I didn't say that it would for anyone else.

No need to stupidify your post (though stupidify isn't a word.) Clarifying what you meant was appreciated.

You are correct and again I are allowed to plan short relationships that include kissing...just as a woman is allowed and able to buy herself a diamond ring. :P

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Nov 27 2005, 12:20 AM

You misinterpreted me.  Allow me to stupidify my last post:

Kissing someone doesn't mean you have to be in a long term relationship with them.  You're allowed to plan or have short relationships that include kissing.

True, but you better know the emotional stability and mental maturity of the person you are kissing before you make that kissing start happening. You can create a lot messes for yourself and for them. I just don't understand why it is so hard to follow the GA's and the Brethren. The last time I checked I raised my right arm to the square and sustained the Twelve as prophets, seers, and revelators, as well as any other good standing member of the church. They speak on these topics with the insight they do for a reason. But then again, I will always advocate the admonitions of the Brethren no matter how staunch they may seem.

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Guest &lusername&gt

Hey, did ya hear about teh girl who died after kissing her bf? seh was deathy alergic to penuts adn he just eat'n a PPB, (9 hours ago, seh was that alergic)

well seh ended up diy'n


that'll keep y from kissing or, that or gettgni tested fro food alergies :D

and i'mnot sayign to go against the bretherin

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One of my friends was mentioning something to me about Kisses from a talk of one of the apostles where it stated something along the lines of, Do you throw away your kisses like pretzels? It just makes them so much less special. Whoever you give your kisses too should be very special and if you give too many too often they become less special, or referring to pretzels they lose their taste!

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