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While i adore classic horrer films, ya know,ones that are actully scary, my faverate movie has to be Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Its about king Arther and his knights of teh round table (first he has to find them) then he is told by god to find the holy grail. they never do. they gat arrested by the police.

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Originally posted by dizzysmiles@Nov 9 2005, 12:50 PM

i love the gods must be crazy!! and i like the man who knew too Much with jimmy stewart.

I love "What About Bob?" all time favorite... The Navigator, Independance Day....

terminator 123.... Lethal Weapon 1234... all edited of course... :D:D

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I love all types of movies. But, my favorite all time is an old silent film classic titled Un chien andalou (1929)

Made by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel it is of the surrealistic genre.

Plot is as follows:

Un Chien Andalou consists of seventeen minutes of bizarre and surreal images that may or may not mean anything. A straight razor seems to be placed by a woman's eye, a small cloud formation obscures the moon, a cow's eye is slit open, a man pokes at a severed hand in the street with his cane, a man drags two grand pianos containing dead and rotting donkeys and live catholic priests, and a man's hand has a hole in the palm from which ants emerge.

Its a silent film with extracts from "Liebestod" from Richard Wagner's "Tristan und Isolde" and two Argentinian tangos.

The move is 100% illogical, senceless, and crazy.

Buñuel (an unknown director at the time) wanted to shock and insult the intellectual bourgeoisie.

Dali ( an unknown painter at the time as well) explained, the intention of the film was, "To disrupt the mental anxiety of the spectator," and one of the easiest ways to do this is to thwart the viewer's ability to logically interpret proceedings.

At the Paris premiere, Luis Buñuel hid behind the screen with stones in his pockets for fear of being attacked by the confused audience.

As the professor explained, the film was made to get a reaction.

OK, you must think I am a weirdo now and wonder why this is my favorite all time movie.

Well its a required film to study in all cinematography classes.

On the day it was shown, Nancy my best friend in college was absent. A few days later when she came back she asked me how class went, and I told her we had to see this wonderful old French film.

Being the practical joker I am, I got an idea. Would I be able to pull this off as cleverly as these art geniouses did?

"It's a classic ," I teased. "You haven't lived til you have seen this. I learned so much."

Nancy brushed me off, to tell me the latest gossip while she slurped on her coca cola slurpee.

"We have a test on it tomorrow," I added.

"No way!", Nancy exclaimed. "I didn't see it." Nancy continued to murmur things under her breathe about missing class.

The wheels were set in motion. Nancy was nervous since she was always driven to get good grades in school.

"Well," I added, "The professor put the movie in the audio visual section of the library so we can rewatch it and study for the test. Maybe, we need to check it out"

With that we were off to the libray. Trecking thru campus carrying books in one hand and a slurpee in the other, the look of determination in Nancy's face made me chuckle to myself the same way Dali, and Bunuel must have laughed outloud when the sold their first ticket at the Paris Premier.

Climbing down the stairs to the audio visual department, Nancy handed in her student id to the attendant and came back flashing the video cassette and two pairs of headsets. She handed me a pair of head set, put a pair on herself, and whipped out her notebook.

The movie started as Nancy was carefully titling her page, Un Chien Andalou.

Now the bizarre images start to roll onto the screen, along with the soundtrack of the tangos. Within five seconds, Nancy pokes me in the ribs and mouths, "What is this?"

I forrow my forehead and feign confusion to such a question.

Nancy motions, "Its ok", with her hand and I go back to watching the movie.

A few minuets later, Nancy is poking me again. Confused she removes her head set and says to me, "Are you sure we have the right movie?"

The librarian quickly mutters the infamous library, "SHH"

I whisper, "Yes, this is the one we saw in class."

Still in denial, Nancy picks up the box where the cassette came out of, rereads the title and goes back to viewing the screen.

I have my eyes glued to the screen, because at this point the look on Nancy's face is about to make me giggle.

By now, not only the images of the film are irritating Nancy, but the tango rif repeatedly played over and over is starting to take its toll on her, the very intended effects of the filmmakers.

Nancy pokes me again so hard I almost fall off the chair, and now she asks, "Do you understand this film? I don't get it"

Another round of ,"SHHHHH," ensues, this time not just from the librarian, but the table next to ours.

"Of course, its wonderful!" I reply with an aire of sophsitication. "The only regret I have is that they don't let us eat popcorn in here. A movie just isn't the same without popcorn."

To add insult to injury, I reach over and take her coca cola slurpee, and add, "You're not gonna drink this anyways, are you?"

Nancy looks down at her books, back at the screen, then back at me and says, "Well excuse me for being stupid, but..."

Then she eyes the slurpee now in my possesion which is the last straw.

That is when the explitives begin...

Totally indignant, insulted, and inflamed, Nancy stands up and starts screaming just about every mean word in the dictionary, encyclopdia, and thesauraus that are contained in the entire library. When she ran out of those, used the foulest street language that can be uttered in the three most spoken languages of the world. And when that wasn't enough, she made some up herself.

All eyes were on us this time instead of the predictable SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that missed its cue.

I start laughing soooooooooo loud and now my sides hurt competeing with the soreness from being poked.

Puzzled, Nancy looks at me and I explain the background of the film, show her my notes from class. This should have defused the situation, but there is no change in her demeanor.

Remembering Bunuels rocks backstage, I slowly back away, turn to the door, and shout, "By the way, there isnt really a test on this!" as I run out!

Years later, Nancy's and my friendship has stood the test of time and the test of art. We still keep in touch. We live in different towns far away now.

She came to visit me a few years back and ironically there was a DALI festival at the local art museum. I offered to take her sightseeing there. She wasn't impressed.

Every so often I will call her and hum a few bars from the tango instead of chiming hello. LOL

While writing this piece I had to research information and stumbled upon a website that sells Un Chien Andalou DVD's.

Merry Christmas Nancy!!!

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Guest Gilvisto

I'm a LotR and Star Wars fan myself... although I also like chick flicks more than any other guy I know (a consequence of growing up with only sisters and gal cousins)... my dad's the same way...

Comes in handy though... never have to worry too badly about who's picking the movies at my house...

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Originally posted by Please@Nov 9 2005, 01:33 PM

I love "What About Bob?"  all time favorite... The Navigator, Independance Day.... terminator 123.... Lethal Weapon 1234... all edited of course... :D  :D

GOOD MOVIES Please! And I LOVE "Flight of the Navigator" and "The adventures of Milo and Otis" too.

LofR and Star Wars Yep and Yep! :)

Justlooking..you lost me at "Un chien..." LOL

And since this is the Youth Board.... I'll j;ust say that I love action adventure movies more than most anything else. But I do have a weak spot for a lot of disney/pixar movies too :)

The Emperor's New Groove

"In a mythical mountain kingdom, arrogant, young Emperor Kuzco is transformed into a llama by his power-hungry advisor, the devious diva Yzma. Stranded in the jungle, Kuzco's only chance to get back home and reclaim the high life rests with a good-hearted peasant named Pacha. Kuzco's perfect world becomes a perfect mess as this most unlikely duo must deal with hair-raising dangers, wild comic predicaments, and -- most horrifying of all - each other as they race to return Kuzco to the throne before Yzma tracks them down and finishes him off." (copied it off of a film review..since I was too lazy to type it all out myself ;) )

I also love Jumpin Jack Flash, GroundHog Day....some musicals. oh and Princess Bride which is a hoot!

Princess Bride:

Fairytale/adventure about a princess and her one true love who has to rescue her from the evil prince....Lots of action....swords, giant rodents, tears, laughter and just plain FUN!

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I love "What About Bob?"  all time favorite... The Navigator, Independance Day.... terminator 123.... Lethal Weapon 1234... all edited of course... :D  :D

Justlooking..you lost me at "Un chien..." LOL

Its a crazy movie which is really a practical joke on the audience. Since the plot makes no sence it leaves unknowing viewers fustrated and upset. Rent it at your local movie rental place LOL to see what I mean. LOL

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Originally posted by ldsgurl_2002@Nov 15 2005, 02:36 PM

wow im so surprised that nobody has mentioned Napoleon Dynamite...stupid but hilarious

i also love pirates of the caribbean..Johnny Depp was perfect in that..and orlando bloom...i can't wait for the sequels but i hope they are as great as the first!!

I was told that I need to date Napolean Dynamite because of his and mine smashing good looks!

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