Covanent And Israel


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This is my first post so it may be goofy but here goes. In 3 Nephi the Savior speaks multiple times about He has come to fulfill the conenant He made with the children of Israel and again the promises He made with their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He repeats it several times but never says what that covenant is. I've done some study on it and I think I know what He's refering to. I had to use references from the Book of Mormon and the Inspired Version of the Bible (yes, I'm RLDS- Community of Christ). I just wanted to see if there were any other thoughts out there. If this receives any response, I'll share my conclusions with references if any one's interested]. Thanks for letting me post

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Originally posted by applecore@Nov 6 2005, 09:04 PM

This is my first post so it may be goofy but here goes. In 3 Nephi the Savior speaks multiple times about He has come to fulfill the conanent He made with the children of Israel and again the promises He made with their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He repeats it several times but never says what that covanent is. I've done some study on it and I think I know what He's refering to. I had to use references from the Book of Mormon and the Inspired Version of the Bible (yes, I'm RLDS- Community of Christ). I just wanted to see if there were any other thoughts out there. If this receives any response, I'll share my conclusions with references if any one's interested].  Thanks for letting me post

Hey I am really interested in your conclusions. Please share.

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Originally posted by dizzysmiles@Nov 7 2005, 02:24 PM

applecore do you have more thn one wife?

Sorry, I can't handle the one I have. By the way, that wasn't part of the covenant IMO. Been married 35 yrs. with 4 children. Kevin Brown is one of them. He was the one that was lead to find the Proclamation Tablet last year at Hill Cumorah.

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I'll have to wait till tomorrow to give my references. All I have is the RLDS version of the BofM. I have the conversion chapter and verse at home. I'm at the fire station today and won't get off till 0700 hrs. Then I have to work construction. Soooo tomorrow evening I'll try to respond. By the way, if you want to check out what we're doing in Mexico you might visit

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I believe that there can be a misunderstanding of the concept.

Jesus did not come to "fulfill"the covenant made with the hebrew fathers, but to fulfill the LAW within the covenant that was given to Moses and abraham regarding the law of circumsission and the whole ritual system. You can see that He didnt "fulfill" or "ended"the Abrahamic Covenant, this is the covenant of the fathers, for WE ARE in such covenant. In Section 84, regarding to the priesthood, it states that all(men) who come to the Church and make covenant to take the holy priesthood ENTER the seed of Abraham and his Covenant.

We also have : Galatians 3; 29 "And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." and above that verse : 17 "And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was afour hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect."

This may clear some things up, :)

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In 3Nephi, Christ is speaking of the covenant he made with Abraham, to my understanding. You can read about the "Abrahamic Covenant" in the Bible Dictionary. This covenant has a few parts to it.

1. Baptism - the covenant of salvation

2. Priesthood & Celestial Marriage - Covenant of Exaltation.

3. Blessing to his posterity - Gave these promises to Abraham

a. Christ would come through his lineage

b. His posterity would receive certain lands for their eternal inheritance.

We should also know that it is Abraham's lineage that has been given the responsibility of carrying the gospel to the world. We receive the blessings of this covenant as we receive the ordinance of Temple marriage and live in obedience to God's commandments. We are living in the fulfillment of these promises. The chief purpose of restoring the Priesthood and it's keys to the earth, was to fulfill this promise. Our temple marriages are opening the door for us to have these wonderful blessings. We have to live worthily and do all that we can, but God has promised us much in return for this obedience.

The thought of maybe being worthy to live with God in the Celestial Kingdom is beyond my comprehension, yet I know that it is true. The references to how wonderful this place is, should make it the desire of everyone's heart.

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OK, you all need to think outside of the box. IMO it has nothing to do with "the law' or temple rights or blessings or any stuff like that. It's much bigger than that. It has everything to do with the restoration (not mormonism) and the Book of Mormon.

Now that I have your attention ( and anger), come on, open your mind and go with me a while. You can have it back when I'm done, OK?

First clue In 3 nephi 20:21,22 Jesus very specifically ties "fulfilling of the covenant" with the New Jerusalem. We all know the New Jerusalem is Zion, right?

Second clue 3 nephi 20:33-35,39 Jesus continues and in vs 35 makes a statement that should make you tingle. He will make bare His holy arm in the eyes of all nations. That means all the nations will be aware of what He is doing and all the earth will see. It will be done in full view of the whole earth whatever it is. There will be no mistake where it comes from.

Third 1 nephi 22:7-12 Nephi reads the Brass Plates and interprets what he read. In vs 7 he speaks of a mighty nation among the gentiles that God raises up (USA) and in vs 10 again it is mentioned that the earth cannot be blessed unless he shall make bare his holy arm in the eyes of all nations, Hmmmmm.

Forth 1 nephi 15:12-19 Nephi is teaching his brothers. Vs 13,14 he mentions that the gospel will come from the gentiles to his seed. He further says in vs 14 that his seed shall KNOW they are of the house of Israel. Not think, KNOW

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Fifth Ether 3:27,28 and 4:2-7 Moroni is telling us about the things that the Bro of Jared wrote and sealed up. Read this part carefully. Then the Lord speaks thru Moroni to us and in vs 6,7 he is pleading with us to repent and come clean before him so he can reveal the greater things to us.

Sixth Genesis 13:13 IV The Lord is speaking to Abraham and says He will remember the covenant which He made with him; for it shall be an everlasting covenant and Abraham shall remember the days of Enoch thy father. Well, Enoch wasn't Abraham's father, Terah was. So the Lord is telling Abraham to remember the covenant that was made to Enoch, his ancestor.

Seventh Genesis 9:21-25 IV The Lord is covenanting with Noah after the flood and calls it an everlasting covenant, the same that was made with Enoch. When thy posterity shall embrace the truth, they have to know what the truth is first, don't they? In Genesis 7:67-70 it is speaking of the end time. Vs 70 And righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood. Sudden, unexpected, can't stop it even if you tried. What is this sudden thing. I believe a big part of it will be the library that Mormon hid up in cumorah. You see, the brass plates are there. The same ones taken from Jerusalem. Don't you think that will speak directly to the Jews? We're told that other records will come forth unto the convincing of Jew and Gentile. The Book of Mormon is a wonderful scripture but it is a book of faith. The original records will be the convincing.

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There is so many references in the Book of Mormon to the greater records coming forth but only after we have had our faith tested. The Lord says He will try our faith first before we are given more. What about the Ark of the Covenant? It's somewhere. I believe the Lord has protected all these things and more and will bring them forth to the convincing of Jew and Gentile the He is the Savior, the Christ, the Creator. We live in a glorious time and He will make bare His Holy arm in the eyes of all nations. WOW I can hardly wait.

See it wasn't that bad now was it? Thanks for letting me share that with you.

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Originally posted by applecore@Nov 8 2005, 11:59 PM

There is so many references in the Book of Mormon to the greater records coming forth but only after we have had our faith tested. The Lord says He will try our faith first before we are given more. What about the Ark of the Covenant? It's somewhere. I believe the Lord has protected all these things and more and will bring them forth to the convincing of Jew and Gentile the He is the Savior, the Christ, the Creator. We live in a glorious time and He will make bare His Holy arm in the eyes of all nations. WOW I can hardly wait.

See it wasn't that bad now was it? Thanks for letting me share that with you.

I really like your way of seeing it. It is the way I saw it many years ago and I still believe it is true. I especially liked the way you stated the "the book of Mormon is a book of faith." How true.

I look forward to the day when the Lord does flood the earth with righteousness.. and we do receive the books that have been hidden up.

There is a story I will relate here... many years ago an American Indian friend of ours said that his brother had a vision where he was told that if he would go up "a mountain" here in Utah county.... he would find a specific tree... and in or at the roots of that tree, he would find a record of his ancestors which would be very valuable to him and his people. But that he would be told when. It wasn't to be yet...

I believe that one day he will be told to retrieve those records... and we will know about them.. as members of the church.

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