One Less Drawing Social Security

Winnie G

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I called my mother yesterday and asked how her last CT scan went?

She told me that she did not have it; do to papers and some screw up between the doctor’s office and the clinic were the test was booked.

My mother went for her appointment and was injected with the radioactive drug they use for the scan and waited two hours for her test. She went to the waiting aria and then she was called in to be told that they would not do the scan because the doctor did not send over the paper work between insurers and the clinic.

What it all boils down to is they refuse to do the test and told her that she would have to go two hours away to another clinic that they would no longer do her scans any more. Their burned.

OK so she called the insurance company to find out what the screw up was and they said that the paper would was not filed right (not my mother’s job) something between the doctor’s office and them and the hospital. That they would not cover another test till the new year because they already spent 600.00 dollars on the radioactive drug they shot her up with even though the scan was not done. So now, my mother has to wait until the New Year to find out if the drug they put her is holding the cancer at bay, and in order to stay on the drug CT scans have to be done or her drug will be withdrawn. So now she waits to see what rug will be pulled out from under her next.

I did not say much because the little voice was as always screaming in my head. This would not be happening to you if you stayed put with me in Canada and her ath care covered.

That a whole other story.

I find it hard to believe that the elderly and the ones who cannot afford converge are the ones venerable and at the mercy of big drug company’s and heath care providers and insurance company. In addition, heaven forbid they do not send the right paper work you could still be denied by your insurance provider. Sorry come back in the New Year, and in my mothers case, “if she lasts that long” Oh well one less drawing social security.

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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 13 2005, 09:54 PM

I did not say much because the little voice was as always screaming in my head. This would not be happening to you if you stayed put with me in Canada and her ath care covered.

That a whole other story.


My girlfriend lives in Canada, and a couple of years ago she got double pneumonia. She went to the hospital, only to see the halls filled with other patients waiting to be seen. She was told to go home, there was no room in the hospital for her. She could have died waiting. In the US, things aren't much better if you're on wait until the dr's office clears things with the insurance company, etc. We went thru this with my dad...months later, we found out he had terminal cancer and he didn't last but a few weeks. It's a sad situation, but it serves as a good incentive to take care of myself as much as I possibly can, to prevent illness and disease.

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Thou shalt not be stupid!

Thank you for your understanding comment.

You can call my mother a lot of thing but she has her behind covered.

She has a second insurance provider that leaves her living poor with no life.

It was the insurance company that denied the CT scan do to a paper screw up.

Did you not get that?

This was not a Canadian verse US thread so let us get back on topic. :backtotopic:

My remark about staying in Canada was her lack of suport family and heath care providers. we have been dealing with her cancer for 7 years she should have died 7 years ago.

Long waits in congested ER’s is not a Canadian thing.

Canadian legislation states that the most critical are to be seen first just like any ER in the world. I have had many trips to a Canadian ER’s.

I have had good and bad experiences the same in US Hospitals. Been there done that too. The big secret is only go to a ER if it is a emergency. There are 24 hour clinics that take kids or adults throwing up, that is what plugs up ER’s.

I have no sympathy for people who wait for hours if it’s the local bug. If you go to a clinic and they send you to the ER, they do that here your seen faster then doing ER frist

I have never paid a dime for services; I have had four babies, 14 miscarriages, a number of broken bones, and cancer surgery and years of treatment. Recently I was on a waiting list for Gallbladder surgery but I was bumped up do to an evening in the ER with my second attack. Over night stay and home the next day. I paid for my pain meds and dressings at the local drug store. I believe in sin taxes for socialized heath care. Canadian is not the only country that has it.


“Since your mother is a terminal hospic patient, why is she getting diagnostic procedures?”

Thanks for asking. :hmmm:

The procedure is part of the drug she is taking. She gets her drug from the drug company free and has to have CT scans as part of it. Her heath coverage has to cover that part. It is to see if it is holding the growth at bay.

Its one of those last ditch effort drugs. It does not cure you it just slows it down.

Therefore, instead of three months to live you may and I mean may get six. She is only entitled to nine months thats all the drug comany will give her.

She has little time left and the only reason she is still around is HF is not ready for her yet and Hell does not want her ether.


I can get away with saying that you just sound extremely unpleasant, unkind, Cruel, spiteful and Low in quality.

Remember the death of a loved one is not something you spit thoughtless comments on. Life hits you back with the thoughtless you give to others.

if I were you I I think before you spit.

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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 14 2005, 05:42 PM


Sorry, it was hard to follow whose comments you were responding to. I'm very sorry about your mom.

Here in ER, they take minorities first. My daughter has had to wait sometimes for 8 hrs to see a dr.

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May I ask if anyone knows if there was a reason that the USA didn't create anything like the NHS which we have here in the UK, and the system by which we make National Insurance Contributions as a percentage of our wages, which covers us for NHS treatment by hospitals and doctors?

We also have NHS dentists, although these are now quite scarce! For their treatments we have to pay a certain amount dependent upon which treatment is given, but it is a much smaller amount than we would pay privately. Also those in receipt of Income Support are allowed Free dental treatment.

I know that our NHS system doesn't always work out perfectly, there are also long waiting lists in our hospitals, and shortages of beds etc. however I cannot see why any country wouldn't want to adopt this system?

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HansResponds you should look at your posts on your post and check if it is appropriate for that post. after all "Thou shalt not be stupid"

Favoring a free market with less taxes seems awfully cold-hearted these days doesn't it?

Please tell me that is just another slight handed remark again.

You do not really think an National heath care countries do not have a free flowing markets.

Grate Britain and most of its off shoots Canada being one are some how not free market societies.

Therefore, you do not see how applying a sin tax as it is called here on things like alcohol and tobacco that is a major contributor to heath issues wrong.

If you drink and drive and crash in to someone or enjured your self that will require years of hospitalization should not be paid for by the tax on the alcohol you choose to drink.

My granddaughter’s asthma why should a tobacco taxes pay for the heath care that comes from it.

With sin taxes make National heath care can work, it is like gas tax and road repairs.

Bigger cities have grater wait times and bed shortages but your family wont suffer financial ruin if you get sick or be turned away because you don’t have insurance.

Please don’t tell me that does not happen I'm from the states and seen it happen.

We carry supplementary insurance to cover semi privet rooms instead of wards and drug costs, it pays 80% we cover 20%. Our cost per month a whole 29.00 !

Now how can that srew a free market?

I have dental insurance but I would love to see a National heath care for dentist. Wow people on welfare here just get covered by welfare for extractions (back of the month) the front is another story.

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Someone has to pay for treatment. Do we say food is too expensive let the government pay it. How about rent. How about transportation. Were do we stop. It is our responsiblility to pay our health costs. charities churches and families can and should help. But that is willingly not forced. Socialized medicine is a marxist ideal. I do hope things go well. Just dont think the government should pay for it.

My aunts second husbands son thought he could ride a motorbike. Hit a brick wall and was incoma for long time. Fortunatly made decent recovery but wont get job because he would have to pay hospital bill. Like his foolishness got him in hospital in first place. Even if cant pay it all should pay as much as he can.

Here is what some church leaders said on that matter. two particularly railed on byu students for using food stamps and medicaid. one by boyd k packer. Someone has to pay for products and services you use. If you use them shouldnt you pay for them. Its lucifer like to force your neighbor to pay your bills. If he offers that is christian charity. If forced that is marxism.

US has a lot of socialist programs too including emergency room. School feeding programs as well. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Does a city councilmen or police officer have a right to while i am at a restaurant or shopping at a grocery store take food i bought and give it to a poor family. Do they have the right to go to my bank account and take my money and pay someone elses rent without my consent. Someone pays for services there is no free lunch.

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Dontagreeljefe...everyone in the UK pays for the National Health Service via their wage, thru National Insurance Contributions. This also covers Social Security which is paid to low income families. I know it is not ideal to totally rely on the state for your health/rent needs, however it is more ideal to have these provisions in place in case you become unemployed or sick, not necessarily of your own accord, at some time in your life. I don't see anything Marxist about this system, and don't see many people in the UK who contribute NI payments complaining, in fact many are stating that they would increase their contributions if it was definitely put towards improving the SS and NHS services currently offered.

I haven't read your church leaders opinions on these matters as I prefer to make up my own mind on these matters, not just listen to and follow blindly, the opinions of others.

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Originally posted by pushka@Nov 15 2005, 12:39 PM

I haven't read your church leaders opinions on these matters as I prefer to make up my own mind on these matters, not just listen to and follow blindly, the opinions of others.


Our Church has its own welfare system...we help the needy by donating to the Church, and also by serving in different capacities without being paid.

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