Following the WOW


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Hey all,

As most of you know I have been going through some tough times lately. and I have been tempted to break the words of wisdom, although I have broken one, I started smoking again. I have however vowed not to break the other words of wisdom, I need help getting back on track, I think part of my problem is my current work situation that keeps me away from pretty much all of the church activities. (My boss isn't willing to work with me on this) I have prayed and prayed and read scriptures for that feeling that I had prior to joining the church, that got me to quit in the first place. I don't know what to do. I'm back up to a pack a day. It hurts that I can't even follow the basic of commandments.

Any advice would be appreciated

BTW: I have smoked since I was 13, and my parents smoked my entire life. so its really hard.

Along with everything else in my life, 2009 was a crappy year except for my baptism. I'm praying for a good 2010

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You can't quit smoking for the church, or anyone else, because then your habit rest on your faithfulness in the church. This really applies to any rules or lifestyle changes. Do it for yourself.

Now as an on again off again smoker a few tips.,

Every time you want to smoke wait 5 minutes, then a week later 10, next week 20 etc.

Change brands every pack or so, smoke newports today, switch to reds tomorrow, kools the next day, then camels etc. This keeps you from getting used to the taste and smoking for the flavor.

Find your triggers and replace them. When driving in the car i used to have a mouth full of Lemonheads or red hots. And a "worry stone" in my smoking hand.

Carry around toothpaste and a tooth brush. Brush your teeth every time you eat. Every smoker love a cigarette after a meal but this will make them taste like crap, especially if you use Cinnamon with menthol's, or mint with full flavor.

Plus it's great for you teeth:D

For nicotine replacement i recommend the E cigarette. Looks like and feels like a real smoke but only has nicotine. Beats the patch and gum hands down.

I have heard good stuff about zyban but i'm not a fan of fighting chemical addition with chemicals. Being an anti depressant is has some side effects then again it is prescribed to 20 million people and doesn't lead to weight gain or sexual dysfunction like most do.

Best of luck

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  • 1 year later...

Was also my biggest problem after being inactive for a while, so I went electronic, used them, slowly cranking down the nicotine level until I got to zero, now I have something that gives no nicotine, just tastes sort of like one used to.

And for those who would use the 'avoid the appearance of evil' line, something that I chose carefully not to look like a conventional cigarette (green tubes that glow blue on the end) was the style of the e-cigarette.

I now use them rarely, but there is something about muscle memory that makes one want to hold one occasionally, even if the battery is flat and the cartridge is empty.


You can't quit smoking for the church, or anyone else, because then your habit rest on your faithfulness in the church. This really applies to any rules or lifestyle changes. Do it for yourself.

Now as an on again off again smoker a few tips.,

Every time you want to smoke wait 5 minutes, then a week later 10, next week 20 etc.

Change brands every pack or so, smoke newports today, switch to reds tomorrow, kools the next day, then camels etc. This keeps you from getting used to the taste and smoking for the flavor.

Find your triggers and replace them. When driving in the car i used to have a mouth full of Lemonheads or red hots. And a "worry stone" in my smoking hand.

Carry around toothpaste and a tooth brush. Brush your teeth every time you eat. Every smoker love a cigarette after a meal but this will make them taste like crap, especially if you use Cinnamon with menthol's, or mint with full flavor.

Plus it's great for you teeth:D

For nicotine replacement i recommend the E cigarette. Looks like and feels like a real smoke but only has nicotine. Beats the patch and gum hands down.

I have heard good stuff about zyban but i'm not a fan of fighting chemical addition with chemicals. Being an anti depressant is has some side effects then again it is prescribed to 20 million people and doesn't lead to weight gain or sexual dysfunction like most do.

Best of luck

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  • 2 years later...

Was also my biggest problem after being inactive for a while, so I went electronic, used them, slowly cranking down the nicotine level until I got to zero, now I have something that gives no nicotine, just tastes sort of like one used to.

Good to have some reinforcement of my current plan. Got some zero nicotine juice on order, so I can see how much of my habit is addiction and how much is just habit. I have to say that after vaping non-tobacco flavors for a week, then giving in to temptation to smoke a regular cigarette again, the real thing can taste pretty nasty. As soon as my current bottle of pseudo-Camel flavor is gone, I'm planning to stick to non-tobacco flavor juices and let that little benefit help me out even more.

Nicotine is an insidious addiction; the first couple of times you try it, you're sure you could never get addicted to something that tastes so awful. That leads to a false sense of security that lasts until you're really hooked. The e-cigs are a big help in beating it, since you can address the chemical addiction (by reducing the nicotine each time you restock fluid) without fighting the habit at the same time. Once the addiction is out of the way, most of the people I've talked to have little trouble breaking the habit.

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