Confused Convert


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Originally posted by karrie91@Nov 17 2005, 11:23 PM

Hi, I was converted to the church 5 years ago and have recently moved to the states. Two weeks ago I heard about tithing settlement and I have never heard of this before. I cant find it in the book of mormon or D&C and no-one wants to tell me about it. Can someone please clue me in?

Where are you from?

It isn't anything that is a really big deal... it is just at the end of every year the bishopric meets with the tithing payers and they are allowed to see if the records of the payment of tithing is correct and to make a statement to the bishop that they are or are not full tithe payers... no big deal...

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Originally posted by karrie91@Nov 17 2005, 11:28 PM

I am from England. Why cant I find it in my scriptures? And why does my bishopric refuse to explain it?

Ask your bishop about his actions... how can I tell you what his actions mean... I am not there...

It is in the bible... in the New Testiment. But they were living a law of consecration... do you know any of the stories in the Bible?

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I understand that you do not know them personally, I didnt clarify my intent of the knowledge. I understand that certain things in the church are sacred and I didnt know if this was in the same basket as that. I am here only to seek more answers and knowledge than I have right now. I did not mean to upset or annoy you with my question. I apologise for any confusion or rudeness on my part

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Originally posted by Please+Nov 17 2005, 10:40 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-karrie91@Nov 17 2005, 11:36 PM

I understand that you do not know them personally, I didnt clarify my intent of the knowledge. I understand that certain things in the church are sacred and I didnt know if this was in the same basket as that. I am here only to seek more answers and knowledge than I have right now. I did not mean to upset or annoy you with my question. I apologise for any confusion or rudeness on my part

You don't sound like someone who has been in the church for 5 years or even 5 minutes.

Nothing you have said makes sense to someone who has received the lessons and has been baptised.

Seriously... you need to start with the missionaries and learn all of these things before you are baptised...

Ok, I will not argue with you Thank you for your help and I wish you a pleasant evening. I will continue looking for answers elsewhere.

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Originally posted by karrie91@Nov 17 2005, 10:23 PM

Hi, I was converted to the church 5 years ago and have recently moved to the states. Two weeks ago I heard about tithing settlement and I have never heard of this before. I cant find it in the book of mormon or D&C and no-one wants to tell me about it. Can someone please clue me in?

hey Karrie girl!

Welcome to America! Culture shock from where you are from I know

Tithing settlement is painless really, just a little talk with the bishop about your tithing, and where you are with it for the year.

You could ask your Home Teachers some of these things you don't understand, I"m sure they could help you out :)

It was a good question..... I'm full of questions myself sometimes :)

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Originally posted by Lindy+Nov 18 2005, 01:15 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-karrie91@Nov 17 2005, 10:23 PM

Hi, I was converted to the church 5 years ago and have recently moved to the states. Two weeks ago I heard about tithing settlement and I have never heard of this before. I cant find it in the book of mormon or D&C and no-one wants to tell me about it. Can someone please clue me in?

hey Karrie girl!

Welcome to America! Culture shock from where you are from I know

Tithing settlement is painless really, just a little talk with the bishop about your tithing, and where you are with it for the year.

You could ask your Home Teachers some of these things you don't understand, I"m sure they could help you out :)

It was a good question..... I'm full of questions myself sometimes :)

Sorry I came off sounding a bit harsh on this one... but some people just leave me feeling like they aren't what they appear to be... I can't explain it... but it just makes it almost imposible for me to believe them...

I did tell her in my first post the answers to her questions... and she ignored it... then I asked her what her bishops and stake presidents names were and she ignored that as well... then she continued to complain about everyone...

in her enitial post she said NO ONE would explain it to her... have you ever ever been in a ward where everyone ignored a valid question? and a simple one like this? She was calling it possibly sacred.... didn't that bother you?

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I am not sure of the question. If it is a question of tithing then the answer can be found in the Old Testament for one in Malachi, chapter 3 verses 8-12.

If it is a question of tithing settlement it is an opportunity in the month of December, for those members who wish to, to meet with the Bishop and have a review of the tithes that have been paid during the year and to declare to your Bishop if you are a full tithe payer, partial or not at all.

You are not forced to attend tithing settlement. It is not a condition of your having a temple recommend although most that do have a temple recommend attend tithing settlement.

As a Bishop at the end of the year you complete the tithing settlement report and if a member has not been in to see you you complete it to the best of your knowledge. There is a box to check if determination was made by member or by Bishop if they were full tithe payor.

I hope that has clarified it. There is nothing in the scriptures specific to tithing settlement that says you will be asked to come to tithing settlement at the end of the year.

Tithing is discussed in the scriptures but tithing settlement is not.

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Doctrine & Covenants section 11:

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West, Missouri, July 8, 1838, in answer to his supplication: “O Lord, show unto thy servants how much thou requirest of the properties of thy people for a tithing.” HC 3: 44. The law of tithing, as understood today, had not been given to the Church previous to this revelation. The term “tithing” in the prayer just quoted and in previous revelations (64:23; 85:3 ; 97:11) had meant not just one-tenth, but all free-will offerings, or contributions, to the Church funds. The Lord had previously given to the Church the law of consecration and stewardship of property, which members (chiefly the leading elders) entered into by a covenant that was to be everlasting. Because of failure on the part of many to abide by this covenant, the Lord withdrew it for a time, and gave instead the law of tithing to the whole Church. The Prophet asked the Lord how much of their property he required for sacred purposes. The answer was this revelation:

VERILY, thus saith the Lord, I require all their surplus property to be put into the hands of the bishop of my church in Zion,

For the building of mine house, and for the laying of the foundation of Zion and for the priesthood, and for the debts of the Presidency of my Church.

And this shall be the beginning of the tithing of my people.

And after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay one-tenth of all their interest annually; and this shall be a standing law unto them forever, for my holy priesthood, saith the Lord…

As stated, the standing law is that our tithe is to be paid annually, and since some people prefer to make periodic payments during the year, bishops schedule time for tithing settlement to help the members determine, and to help the bishops to know, whether or not the members have paid a full tithe.

And I think part of the reason why bishops want to know whether the members have paid a full tithe stems from the fact that bishops are responsible for the members of their wards, otherwise they would simply send out tithing statements to each member every year showing how much they paid without knowing whether or not they had paid their full tithe.

And btw, tithing statements are also useful for United States income tax deductions, which is why I believe tithing settlements are usually scheduled at the end of each year.

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Originally posted by karrie91@Nov 17 2005, 09:28 PM

I am from England. Why cant I find it in my scriptures? And why does my bishopric refuse to explain it?


You tried looking it up in the scriptures and asked the Bishop what he was and he told you no, that he would not explain it?

Since the meeting is with the Bishop - he is kind of obligated to tell you what it about or it would be a very quiet meeting.

I'll answer any question you want but the way you put things seems a bit odd. Lot's of things we do in the Church are not in the scriptures, various meetings, programs, sports. If I was asked to attend a meeting or play on the ward basket-ball, I would check 2nd Nephi to get the details. Further, I understand that people sometimes are rushed of not very helpful in their answers but if I asked the Bishop a direct question, short of being socially weird or inept, he kind of has to answer me.

And by the way, you don't have to go to tithing settlement. If you don't want to give a report of what tithing you have or have not paid, then don't sign up for an appointment and if they bug you about it, say no, I'm not interested, thanks for inquiring and give my regards to your mother.

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Thank you for the replys. To clarify sometimes I word things incorrectly and it can be misconstrued. My confusion was to the lack of scriptual backup to this activity. As per Please's post I do not reveal certain information on line that would localise me to a certain place. This is just internet protocol.

I apprieciate the honest replys and I will definately take the advice of talking with my home teacher. I am very new in my ward and dont know people to well yet so I have been finding hard to be completly out right in my questions. I am very happy that I have found such a great place with such nice people. Thank you once again

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Originally posted by Please@Nov 18 2005, 01:48 AM

Sorry I came off sounding a bit harsh on this one... but some people just leave me feeling like they aren't what they appear to be... I can't explain it... but it just makes it almost imposible for me to believe them...

Not a problem for me Please,,,I know how hard it is to believe in some people. Been there, done that, been burned...I understand. Trust is a precious commodity.

As for believing her...I believe her yeah, I"ve been to new wards in a new area and had people see right through me, around me, etc... it's not a good I know how she feels too.

I talked to her a bit on I knew that she was pretty legit. ;)

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Originally posted by Lindy+Nov 18 2005, 11:44 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Please@Nov 18 2005, 01:48 AM

Sorry I came off sounding a bit harsh on this one... but some people just leave me feeling like they aren't what they appear to be... I can't explain it... but it just makes it almost imposible for me to believe them...

Not a problem for me Please,,,I know how hard it is to believe in some people. Been there, done that, been burned...I understand. Trust is a precious commodity.

As for believing her...I believe her yeah, I"ve been to new wards in a new area and had people see right through me, around me, etc... it's not a good I know how she feels too.

I talked to her a bit on I knew that she was pretty legit. ;)

Girls i feel the same........... People see threw me to easily LOL But ya know take me as i am for i am not perfect LOL, You both are awesome by the wayyyyyyyy :rolleyes:

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