need some advice for a talk....


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i was asked by the missionaries in my ward, if i would give a talk a the fireside meeting this saturday night. they said it would be like a 10 to 15 min. talk on my testimony and conversion, how i found the church, how it's affected my life, etc. i've never given a talk before on anything to anyone, and i'm not looking forward to having to stand in front of a room full of people i don't know ( cold feet). not to mention that i don't think my story is worth being heard, not a whole lot to it. before my conversion i led a life that i'd rather forget about, not discuss. so i'm just kind of stuck on what to say. want to make a good impression, and i'm not sure of how to do that. please help :(

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Your talk will be great!! I know it will. As far as the part of your life you would rather not discuss, I have apart I hope is never heard. So, with my kids and when I speak and that subject needs to be mentioned, I simply say there are things in my life I have done that I am extremely ashamed of. Things they may have in their past that doesn’t need to be discussed. But know that the promise of the atonement is true for them just as it was true for you IF you take advantage of repentance. Quote Alma 7:11-12, that ALL that we may suffer from, all our infirmities, that He experienced them all so that we could stand before our Father on that judgment day and He will be our Mediator with the Father. He will say that though we have not done everything, we have taken on His name and He paid the price so that we may be forgiven and be less than perfect.

Your conversion was a great story because it brought a light, threw all the darkness you were in and showed you the way home!!

It will be a great and very moving talk. Write it out and share it with us here!! I look forward to reading it.

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Sometimes I've gone into a talk with basically nothing prepared, and I just open myself up to the promptings of the spirit. If you listen to the Holy Ghost, you will know what to say. Pray that you may prepare something and speak what needs to be heard. Pray that you will know what will be of help to someone at that fireside. You may not feel like what you've prepared will be of any use, but as long as you rely on the spirit, someone will be touched by what you say.

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With this sort of talk they are wanting to know how the Church has affected your life. This is an easy talk subject - compared with assigned topics. And it is not necessary to go into details that make you uncomfortable, but I do think that you might want to cover your feelings. How did you feel before you found the Church and how do you feel now? What is it in the Church that made those feelings change? What in your life is better because of your membership in the Church? If you address those three questions, you will be fine and people will love your talk. I find conversion stories among my most favorite talks to hear.


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