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I was baptized on January 16, 2010. It has been a rough time since then. I grew up Christian and I was baptized when I was 10. I never felt any difference after; if anything, I got worse. So I just went to church ever since and stayed to myself. I do believe in Christ and the Lord, but I was scared of being baptized again. It took me a while to set a baptism date once I started attending LDS church. I was scared that my life would become soooo difficult for me to bear. But I made the decision and did become baptized. I went to regional conference end of January and my life has been horrible since then. Long-story short, I was attacked by the devil with things in my life that shouldn't matter. I wanted to do things to myself that NEVER crossed my mind before. I felt scared because of the thoughts I was having, so the only thing I knew to do, was called up a psychologist. I know how dangerous it can be to keep things like that to myself, so i sought out professional help. Some may say, oh talk to your bishop or someone at church, but please, it is easier said than done. I am a convert with no Mormon family members, no Mormon's just me alone. I am seeking this salvation alone and even when I told my therapist about my recent conversion, she said I found peace in LDS and that's a good thing. However, in my opinion, it has made my life harder. I started going to Institute, stopped because I felt out of place...started again and I am having the same loneliness. I go, sit in the back, listen and leave. I do find some peace there, but I often leave crying. Same thing on Sundays, I can't wait to go, but once I am there, I want to leave. I leave at the end of RS and I just feel...alone. Because really...that's what it is. I read the scriptures and I have so many questions! But I can only read and wait to find the answer. I do not know anyone in the church, I don't go to activities, because the same way I am outcasted at church, I feel it will be the same. See, I am not like most of the people in this YSA branch...I am a convert, I have tattoos, I don't know how to bear testimony, I did not obey the law of chastity...I am just unpure. I am starting to feel like...I made this decision for the wrong reasons. I do believe in the gospel and it's principles, but it is hard to understand and hard to do this alone. I just feel like people (Mormons) will never understand or even care...

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To feel good, especially in church we need the Spirit. Years ago I had some trouble with immorality and the Spirit left me and I felt just as you do. I had to repent before I could enjoy life in the church again. It wasn't easy, it took all my effort to get back on track, but I did it. A good idea would be to ask for a blessing from your home teachers.

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I was baptized on January 16, 2010. It has been a rough time since then. I grew up Christian and I was baptized when I was 10. I never felt any difference after; if anything, I got worse. So I just went to church ever since and stayed to myself. I do believe in Christ and the Lord, but I was scared of being baptized again. It took me a while to set a baptism date once I started attending LDS church. I was scared that my life would become soooo difficult for me to bear. But I made the decision and did become baptized. I went to regional conference end of January and my life has been horrible since then. Long-story short, I was attacked by the devil with things in my life that shouldn't matter. I wanted to do things to myself that NEVER crossed my mind before. I felt scared because of the thoughts I was having, so the only thing I knew to do, was called up a psychologist. I know how dangerous it can be to keep things like that to myself, so i sought out professional help. Some may say, oh talk to your bishop or someone at church, but please, it is easier said than done. I am a convert with no Mormon family members, no Mormon's just me alone. I am seeking this salvation alone and even when I told my therapist about my recent conversion, she said I found peace in LDS and that's a good thing. However, in my opinion, it has made my life harder. I started going to Institute, stopped because I felt out of place...started again and I am having the same loneliness. I go, sit in the back, listen and leave. I do find some peace there, but I often leave crying. Same thing on Sundays, I can't wait to go, but once I am there, I want to leave. I leave at the end of RS and I just feel...alone. Because really...that's what it is. I read the scriptures and I have so many questions! But I can only read and wait to find the answer. I do not know anyone in the church, I don't go to activities, because the same way I am outcasted at church, I feel it will be the same. See, I am not like most of the people in this YSA branch...I am a convert, I have tattoos, I don't know how to bear testimony, I did not obey the law of chastity...I am just unpure. I am starting to feel like...I made this decision for the wrong reasons. I do believe in the gospel and it's principles, but it is hard to understand and hard to do this alone. I just feel like people (Mormons) will never understand or even care...

I would love to be your home teacher and would love to have a convert like you in my ward and home. You belong here with the Saints. Lets us help. If I can help or answer any questions – please ask.

Thank you for your post and I hope to read more from you.

The Traveler

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K reative,

I understand how you feel. I have a tattoo, am an older single, not what you'd call "Molly Mormon," serve in the military, am a convert, often feel out of place at RS. I think where some of your struggle lies is in reaching out. Try talking to one person at insitute and/or RS. Sometimes ppl don't think to say hi but will respond to someone else. Don't sweat not knowing everything- this is a learning/ growing process. You'll learn more about the CHurch by watching, asking questions, participating. People do care- they just may not know you need an extended hand. Hang in there

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