Worst Temptation For Lds Youth?


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the title says it all. although we do have the spirit with us, we can't be completely sheltered from the world. i would seriously have to say i have trouble with the world's level of morality. no, i have not committed these horrible sins, but the world today brings such bad thoughts in!

this is a place where we can talk about all this and offer help and support. heck, it could even be a prayer thread, i guess.

but seriously, what do you guys think are the worst temptations in the world today?

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Please share with us where that statistic came from. I think that is very high when you look at these statistics:


Internet Pornography

* Approximately 40 million people in the United States are sexually involved with the Internet

Exposing Porn: Science, Religion, and the New Addiction, Paul Strand. Christian Broadcasting Network, 2004.

* 2.5 billion emails per day are pornographic

Pornography Statistics 2003. Family Safe Media. www.familysafemedia.com, 2003.

* 25 percent of all search engine requests are pornography related

Internet Pornography Statistics: 2003, David C. Bissette, Psy.D. www.healthymind.com, 2004.

* Sex sites on the Web generate at least $1 billion per year in revenue

Wall Street Meets Pornography. New York Times, 23 October, 2000.

* 72 million Internet users visit pornography web sites per year

Pornography Statistics 2003. Internet Filter Review. www.internetfilterreview.com, 2003.

* 94 percent of Americans believe a ban on Internet pornography should be legal

Statistics on Internet Pornography. www.levelbest.com.

* Nearly 1.4 million Americans are stalked online each year (4 out of 5 are women)

Stalkers Online, Andrea Rock. Ladies’ Home Journal, March 2000.

* Sex is the number 1 topic searched on the Internet

Overdosing on Porn, Rebecca Hagelin. www.worldandi.com, March, 2004.

* 34 percent of churchgoing women said they have intentionally visited porn websites online

Internet porn a guy thing? Not really, online rating service says, Mark O’Keefe. The Charlotte Observer.

* Less than 10% of sexual solicitations and only 3% of unwanted exposure on the Internet were reported to authorities

Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation’s Youth. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Crimes Against Children, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2000.

* Out of 81 pastors surveyed (74 males 7 female), 98% were exposed to porn; 43% intentionally accessed a sexually explicit website

National Coalition survey of pastors. Seattle. April 2000.

* Porn site architects were among the first to perfect full-streaming video and audio on the Web and among the first to persuade apprehensive consumers to divulge credit card numbers to someone unknown to them on the Internet, which developed e-commerce

The Architects of Porn. VARBusiness, 28 April 2000.

* “82 percent of adult Americans surveyed in March 2004 said that the Federal laws against Internet obscenity should be vigorously enforced.”

Americans STILL want federal obscenity laws enforced! The Morality in Media Newsletter, June, 2004.

* At least 20,000 American adults visit Internet sex sites at least 11 hours per week

Victims of Pornography Month Should Not Exist, Jan Larue. Christian Counseling Today, 2003 Vol. 11 No. 3.

* The most common ways people have accidentally reached pornographic content on the Web are pop-up windows (55%), misrepresented links (52%), misspelled URLs (48%) and auto links within emails (23%)

Fifty Percent of Workers Spend Nine days a Year on Personal Surfing at Work. Cerberian Inc. and SonicWALL, 20 July 2004.

* While 77% of surveyed people said they thought their computers were well-protected, 4 out of 5 had spyware or adware programs running on their computers

Home PCs not so safe? CNN Money, 25 October, 2004. http://money.com/2004/10/25/technology/per...dex.htm?cnn=yes

* 15 percent of online porn habitués develop sexual behavior that disrupts their lives

The Porn Factor, Pamela Paul. www.time.com. 19 January, 2004.

* 75.5 percent of surveyed adults said it was okay to visit an adult web site, while 79.7% said it was okay for a significant other to reply to an unsolicited instant message or chat with a stranger of the opposite sex

‘My Wife doesn’t care’ if I fool around online, Leslie Miller. USA Today, 10 July, 2000.

* According to Datamonitor, over half of all spending on the Internet is related to sexual activity. Each day 30 million people log on to pornographic Web sites

Internet pornography statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2003.

* In 2004, there were 372 million pornographic Web pages, 2.5 billion emails (8% of total emails), 100 thousand Web sites offering illegal child pornography, and 72 million annual worldwide visitors to pornographic websites

Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004.

* 9.3 million women access adult websites each month

Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004.

Here is the website this came from:


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I believe that the worst temptation for us is Lust.

Lust is what makes people look at porn and what more it causes adultery even before you are married :(

Matthew 5:27-28(K.J.V.)

27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

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Originally posted by glindakc@Dec 18 2005, 02:22 PM

but seriously, what do you guys think are the worst temptations in the world today?

Sex/Porn is a problem I will admit...I think alcohol is also a biggie... seems like the lds kids need to find something to rebel with....and those are two of the big ones.
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Alcohol is a biggie.

Especcially at this time of the year.

"Eat, drink and be merry" is a phrase that is forced upon us, leaving expectations that we should partake in drinking alcohol.

This makes some people feel very uncomfortable and out of politeness they accept the alcohol.

Before I became associated with the church of J.C.of L.D.S. I went to the Czech republic and there Beer costs less than soft drinks. £0.12 per pint ($0.24)

That was rediculous and on top of that they would serve beer with nearly every meal.

I confess I did drink but never got drunk and nor do I wish to.

But now that I am beomming part of the L.D.S. my days of Coffee and Wine are over.

(I was looking forward to the espressos in Italy but I guess it is for the best)

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I believe another terrible temptation is giving in to popularity and peoples expectations.

This year, as every other we will be having wine with our Christmas lunch (which I will have to decline) and for desert we have Chrstmas pudding which is made with Brandy and Rum which I will also have to decline.

I really like wine and christmas pudding but if I want to be dedicated for God I shouldn't give in to earthly desires.

Besides once temptation has been conquered it is harder to fall into the same pit.

I have been and still am a non-denominational christian but I have come to accept the word of wisdom.

The only thing on it which suprised me a little was why tea and coffee is not allowed but I guess coffee isn't good for you.

There is definatly an addictive side to coffee, especcially in its rich forms like espresso coffee.

So I think that at this time of the year one of the greatest temptation we will be facing will be the epectations that society puts upon us.

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Guest funkyfool416

Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Dec 20 2005, 10:57 PM

No one said anything about masturbation.  In the youth forum, I figured this would be a big one.  Guess it's not even a sin!

IS masturbation a sin? honestly iv wanted to know that.

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Guest Gilvisto

Not a topic of normal, respectable conversation... but yes, it is. A serious one. Talk to your bishop with that kind of question though.

In my community, we really don't have problems with Drugs or stuff (the LDS kids anyways). Not sure about morality problems... not in my group of friends, at least...

The one I think of it self-worth... it kind of leads to every other sin. People don't realize that they are heavenly beings... and that they should conduct themselves in a likewise manner.

Val out

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Peer pressure is one of the most extreme forms of temptation.

I will have to decline Christmas pudding this year because I have accepted the word of wisdom.

This also ties in with a great verse I found in a little known book in the bible, The Book of Solomon. It isn't always published in the bible but the catholics study it.

Solomon 8:7

And if a man love righteousness, her labours are virtues, for she teacheth temperance and prudence, justice and fortitude; which are such things as men have nothing more profitable in their life.

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Guest funkyfool416

There are a lot of temptations. Why are we bothering to try and name them all because it is all a matter of opinion for each individual. so why dont we just shut up on this matter.

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