Cause for celebration!


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Mebbe the country won't slide off the face of the earth juuuuust quite yet:

AP: ACORN disbanding because of money woes, scandal

This is great news. We caught ACORN using federal tax money to advise people how to keep underage sex slaves from throwing off their chains. And when America got wind of it, America said 'enough'.

Maybe there's hope for us after all!


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Well, of course America hasn't managed to eradicate evil and ne'er-do-wells. That's not the point. The point is America still had enough gumption to get off their fat cans and do something, when confronted with the face of clear, undiffuseable evil.

Hidden cameras showed people paid with tax dollars helping folks keep slaves. I was worried that apathy and ignorance would rule the day. But instead, people kept talking about it. Our message was stronger and more impactful than the standard defenders mantras of "we're being attacked by the conservative smear machine!". Minor budget-owners in companies across America pulled their funding. Politicians gathered together in their usual dark rooms with their usual dark rum or brandies and said to each other "The sheep are bleating pretty loudly tonight. I think they've found out about one of those wolves we've been feeding. I guess we'll take the food bowl away."

I was worried America didn't have it in us anymore. I thought we'd just roll over and ignore implications like we do so often in this country.

So yeah - a pleasant surprise, and still cause for celebration.


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I'm new to the church and just learning this stuff. Please correct me if I'm off base here!

The real danger I see is that "telestial" laws are disguised as "celestial" laws more and more in this country. One result is that what is "good" is now seen as "bad" and vice versa. One example: People with moral values are labeled as hateful and intolerant. Another example: The opportunity to advance in this life is seen as unattainable to some groups as a result of "victimization" rather than poor decisions, so free agency is replaced by social programs that institutionalize the very behavior that keeps people trapped living telestial lives.

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I'm new to the church and just learning this stuff. Please correct me if I'm off base here!

The real danger I see is that "telestial" laws are disguised as "celestial" laws more and more in this country. One result is that what is "good" is now seen as "bad" and vice versa. One example: People with moral values are labeled as hateful and intolerant. Another example: The opportunity to advance in this life is seen as unattainable to some groups as a result of "victimization" rather than poor decisions, so free agency is replaced by social programs that institutionalize the very behavior that keeps people trapped living telestial lives.

my feeling is that you've presented a gross over-simplification of the issues at hand. It's just as possible to be too conservative as it is to be too liberal. Painting one side as right and one side as wrong is counter productive because all sides are right about something and wrong about the others. It's finding the right balance of ideas that will be most effective.

People on this board like to go on and on about how the Constitution will hang by a thread. If anything will ever cause the Constitution to fail, it will be the insistence on polarization in the place of compromise that will do it.

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Acorn disbands and yet we can't seem to vote out congressional officeholders who are seen on camera taking bribes and promising actions in exchange for 'gifts'. I hate to say it but it seems a lot easier to punish people who help the poor than people who help the rich.

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Acorn disbands and yet we can't seem to vote out congressional officeholders who are seen on camera taking bribes and promising actions in exchange for 'gifts'. I hate to say it but it seems a lot easier to punish people who help the poor than people who help the rich.

I'm with you on that one. Although I don't agree with Acorn, I grow very weary of our politicians who only seem to care about getting re-elected rather than making good decisions for the country in general. Unfortunately, our system of government rewards this behavior. I don't think it's just the rich getting helped; it's whoever can keep them in office. I have absolutely no idea what to do to change things, or even if things can be changed.

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." Tytler?

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