My thoughts on confrence :)


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I really enjoyed this years General Conference. President Uchtorf and Brother Schwitzer talks both went hand in hand and were both my favorite talks this session. I loved how Brother Shwitzer emphasized the importance of righteous judging and not judging based on appearance. President Uchtorf encouraged us to treat others as Christ would and realize that every one is a VIP in the eyes of our father in heaven. Both of these talks are imperative to this time in my life because I find myself quickly judging others without trying to understand the circumstances. I need to treat everyone as a Child of God but also use discretion by using the Holy Spirit as my guide to help me make correct judgments of others. This also affects my choices in friends.

Another talk I really enjoyed was Neil A. Anderson. Although, it was directed to the parents and leaders of children and youth I felt I could apply his talk to my life. It is now my goal to keep Jesus Christ in my mind at all times and contemplate on his life before making decisions for my own. Throughout the day I imagine that Christ is at my side- It changes my behavior. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross and in the Garden of Gethsemane alone without his disciples near him. In my life when I am alone and without anyone I remember Christ and how in his loneliness he turned to God.

I hope as a reread my conference notes and the May Ensign I will be able to draw closer to the Savior and remember how much he loves me- after all he loves me enough to die for me.

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This conference was the first time I'd actually sat through all 5 sessions, and the first time I really paid attention to what was being said. In the past I'd kind of stare at the screen and drewel until it was over, then I'd go read a book.

This conference I was amazed to find that I was enthralled by the speakers; I not only wanted to pay attention, but I got excited when the Prophet got up to speak. I thought to myself "Here is the Prophet of the Almighty on this Earth! How lucky I am to live in a time where I can simply drive to the Stake Center (I don't own a television set, and I can't stand watching anything over the internet - the audio artifacts drive me nuts) and hear the words of a living prophet, without having to make a pilgrimidge two thousand miles.

I felt as though I was being continually kicked in the teeth (in a good way) by the speakers when they talked of "Rescuing" those who have lost their way; I realized that I've been so wrapped up in my own woes the last few years that I'd forgotten that there were people worse off than me; while my life situation is bleak, I do have a roof over my head and food in my belly; something that a number of people in my Stake lack regularly.

When Presdient Schwitzer spoke about not judging based upon appearance, I felt terribly ashamed of myself. Recently the Elders had been bringing to church a guy whith obvious limited capacity, brought about by chronic drug abuse many years ago. I had thought to myself "Why are they wasting so much of their valuable time and energy on one who obviously will never fully understand the fullness of the gospel, and will not be able to progress much further than he has already in this life?"

And then it struck me as I listened to this divinely inspired man speak; that this man of limited capacity was a child of the Living God; beloved as much as I, and no less deserving of every measure of support, love, and care than myself or the Prophet.

I can honestly say I can't wait for General Conference in October; hopefully by then I'll be living in Salt Lake City and will be able to see it in person.

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