
Guest soyyo

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<span style=\'font-family:Courier\'>My Son-in-law recently received a much needed grant & he & my dau. were discussing whether to tithe on it. They decided that they had always been blessed when they tithed. So after a few days of discussion & pondering they decided to tithe on it before even receiving it. within a few hours they received a call from a freind who had hit a deer & needed to get rid of the meat. Our kids had it dressed out & then found a chicken farmer who was sick of chicken & wanted to trade chicken for venison. So they now have a freezer full of meat to feed them & their beautiful 3 little boys. Just wanted to share that. </span>
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Cal@Jan 13 2004, 08:45 AM

I'm glad that one less child has to go without food this year.

And of course, more "proof" that the gospel is true. And we need all the proof we can get since the massive weight of evidence proves it isn't.

It isn't proof. It is edification.
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If it isn't proof for the fact that God makes stuff happen in response to tithing in the Mormon church, then why would it be edifying? Are you saying that it doesn't tend to prove anything? Maybe we actually agree that it doesn't, and that random events of good fortune happen all the time, and when they happen to coincide with tithe paying, Mormons feel edified?

I guess what I am saying is, if the good fortune ISN'T the result of tithe paying, why WOULD you feel edified?

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Cal@Jan 13 2004, 05:39 PM

If it isn't proof for the fact that God makes stuff happen in response to tithing in the Mormon church, then why would it be edifying? Are you saying that it doesn't tend to prove anything? Maybe we actually agree that it doesn't, and that random events of good fortune happen all the time, and when they happen to coincide with tithe paying, Mormons feel edified?

I guess what I am saying is, if the good fortune ISN'T the result of tithe paying, why WOULD you feel edified?

Proof doesn't necessarily edify...and being edified doesn't necessarily prove anything on the physical plane.

You want to call the works of God coincidence...but really...that is not correct. God rules...all things are based upon principles...such as laws...laws of nature, laws of chance, laws of physics, laws of science...laws

Principles such as agency and obedience are basic to all laws.

Knowing you are obeying a principle and law of God and and pleasing Him, receiving from Him, blessing upon which obedience to those laws are predicated....that is edifying....

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estump---why would you admire unabashed blind, gullible belief that requires no more mental activity than to believe anything you hear without rational scrutiny?

Peace said:

Proof doesn't necessarily edify...and being edified doesn't necessarily prove anything on the physical plane.

You want to call the works of God coincidence...but really...that is not correct. God rules...all things are based upon principles...such as laws...laws of nature, laws of chance, laws of physics, laws of science...laws

Principles such as agency and obedience are basic to all laws.

Knowing you are obeying a principle and law of God and and pleasing Him, receiving from Him, blessing upon which obedience to those laws are predicated....that is edifying....

Why would proof not edify? Clearly you believe that the good fortune is the result of your obedience to God right? Are you saying that good fortune is NOT the result of you obedience? You clearly imply it in all your LAW OF THIS AND LAW OF THAT.

By the way, since you seem to believe in LAW, including physics, tell me about the laws of physics that would allow the Brother of Jared and his clan to survive a journey in the kind of ocean-going vessels described in the Book of Ether in the BoM.

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Cal@Jan 14 2004, 07:12 PM

estump---why would you admire unabashed blind, gullible belief that requires no more mental activity than to believe anything you hear without rational scrutiny?

Peace said:

Proof doesn't necessarily edify...and being edified doesn't necessarily prove anything on the physical plane.

You want to call the works of God coincidence...but really...that is not correct. God rules...all things are based upon principles...such as laws...laws of nature, laws of chance, laws of physics, laws of science...laws

Principles such as agency and obedience are basic to all laws.

Knowing you are obeying a principle and law of God and and pleasing Him, receiving from Him, blessing upon which obedience to those laws are predicated....that is edifying....

Why would proof not edify? Clearly you believe that the good fortune is the result of your obedience to God right? Are you saying that good fortune is NOT the result of you obedience? You clearly imply it in all your LAW OF THIS AND LAW OF THAT.

By the way, since you seem to believe in LAW, including physics, tell me about the laws of physics that would allow the Brother of Jared and his clan to survive a journey in the kind of ocean-going vessels described in the Book of Ether in the BoM.

LOL.....you give us the laws the prove it can't be done...on the miracle level...where things happen beyond apparent or known laws.

Sometimes we don't know all the laws Cal. We aren't Gods yet. But we know God rules by laws...it is taught by prophets in the scriptures...

Try Section 88.

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My husband and I have a story sort of like that....without the dead deer and all.

One day I was figuring out our expenses and it was literally, we had enough money to pay all of our bills and to pay tithing, but that was leaving us NOTHING left over. So we went ahead and paid the tithing and my husband was taking the rent check up to the the office one day and him and the guy started talking and the office manager asked him what happened to our dog. He said that unfortunatly, we had to get rid of him. Well we had paid an unrefundable deposit, and the manager said "Oh...well then just take 250 off of this month's rent."

So even knowing that we wouldn't have a lot of money left over, we paid our tithing anyway and we were basically given an extra $250 to hold us over til next pay day.

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Cal-- I can admire whomever I choose, regardless of how you percieve their decision. I don't see them as gullible. You may, and that is fine. We are obviously not the same kind of people.

The law of tithing and it's blessings is not an LDS principle. It's a Godly principle. Every Christian religion following the bible at all, follows the law of the tithe.

Another story...OUT of the LDS faith:

My husband grandmother and her best friend ran a ministry. They also belonged to the Church of Christ (a non-demoninational Christian church). Sue had been through a lot in her life and she had lost her husband about a year before DH's gram and she met. They became instant friends. Sue was not going to be able to make her rent one month w/ the check she received from work. She almost decided not to pay her tithing on her check, but she decided to pay a full 10%. At a bible study group two days later a woman walked up to Sue. She had only seen her in church a few times. The woman handed her a check for the EXACT amount for her rent. The woman said she had been thinking about Sue all day and felt like God directed her to give Sue this money. It was for a very specific amount.

Most people are not blessed monetarily or w/ food when they pay their tithing. People who pay it for that reason, should keep their money. They paid it as something they felt was right in their obedience to the God of their understanding. I find that most admirable.

Don't judge my choice to find it admirable just because you see it as silly. I don't judge you for poohing on a nice and inspirational story.

Do I think that these kinds of things happen to all who pay...nope. I know they don't...but it's nice to hear they happen to some folks.

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Originally posted by estump@Jan 16 2004, 05:25 PM

Cal-- I can admire whomever I choose, regardless of how you percieve their decision. I don't see them as gullible. You may, and that is fine. We are obviously not the same kind of people.

The law of tithing and it's blessings is not an LDS principle. It's a Godly principle. Every Christian religion following the bible at all, follows the law of the tithe.

Another story...OUT of the LDS faith:

My husband grandmother and her best friend ran a ministry. They also belonged to the Church of Christ (a non-demoninational Christian church). Sue had been through a lot in her life and she had lost her husband about a year before DH's gram and she met. They became instant friends. Sue was not going to be able to make her rent one month w/ the check she received from work. She almost decided not to pay her tithing on her check, but she decided to pay a full 10%. At a bible study group two days later a woman walked up to Sue. She had only seen her in church a few times. The woman handed her a check for the EXACT amount for her rent. The woman said she had been thinking about Sue all day and felt like God directed her to give Sue this money. It was for a very specific amount.

Most people are not blessed monetarily or w/ food when they pay their tithing. People who pay it for that reason, should keep their money. They paid it as something they felt was right in their obedience to the God of their understanding. I find that most admirable.

Don't judge my choice to find it admirable just because you see it as silly. I don't judge you for poohing on a nice and inspirational story.

Do I think that these kinds of things happen to all who pay...nope. I know they don't...but it's nice to hear they happen to some folks.

estump---I don't "pooh" on the story, I "pooh" on your INTERPRETATION of natural random events. Good things happen to people all the time--it doesn't mean there is a connection between tithing and the event. If there were this "Law" of cause and effect, then good things should happen everytime someone pays tithing, and it doesn't. Some people on this site like to equate the laws of physics with this so-called law of tithing as though there were some connection.

The laws of physics make cause and effect predictable. Where is the predicatabiltiy to tithe paying. Sometimes you get good fortune and sometimes you don't--there is no statistical evidence that tithe payers have more good fortune than others and that their good fortune is a direct result of tithing. If there were this "law"as you say, how do your explain that lots of non-tithe payers end up filthy rich, and lots of tithe payers have nothing, and continue to have nothing. Sounds like your God is awfuly inconsistent in his opinion of people.

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Originally posted by Cal@Jan 17 2004, 01:00 PM

estump---I don't "pooh" on the story, I "pooh" on your INTERPRETATION of natural random events. Good things happen to people all the time--it doesn't mean there is a connection between tithing and the event. If there were this "Law" of cause and effect, then good things should happen everytime someone pays tithing, and it doesn't. Some people on this site like to equate the laws of physics with this so-called law of tithing as though there were some connection.

The laws of physics make cause and effect predictable. Where is the predicatabiltiy to tithe paying. Sometimes you get good fortune and sometimes you don't--there is no statistical evidence that tithe payers have more good fortune than others and that their good fortune is a direct result of tithing. If there were this "law"as you say, how do your explain that lots of non-tithe payers end up filthy rich, and lots of tithe payers have nothing, and continue to have nothing. Sounds like your God is awfuly inconsistent in his opinion of people.

So basically youre saying it is a matter of opinion? I can handle that.


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Guest Starsky

estump---I don't "pooh" on the story, I "pooh" on your INTERPRETATION of natural random events. Good things happen to people all the time--it doesn't mean there is a connection between tithing and the event. If there were this "Law" of cause and effect, then good things should happen everytime someone pays tithing, and it doesn't. Some people on this site like to equate the laws of physics with this so-called law of tithing as though there were some connection.

It's true. The Lord maketh the Sun to shine on both the righteous and wicked. But there are somethings which are predicated upon the 'power' withwhich you obey the laws... It is cause effect, but with more factors than you might notice from the outward appearance...

The Lord rewards by what's in the heart. If there are doubts when one pays, or one pays with reticence or regret... the reward will not be at all, or at least not the same as the reward for someone who obeyed this law of tithing with a willing heart filled with the love of God, having confidence inpower....

....It isn't what you see and judge...it is what the Lord sees and judges...

Then factor in the Wisdom of God....who sees all the needs (spiritually) of His children...and you may see a test of endurence and faith...which can also be a blessing.

Of course with this last factor you will have those who will jump on it and say....hey...you are just using that as an escape claus....

But then we can come back and say...you don't understand the big picture...and you will come back and say.....yadayadayada...

It get's old. The bottom line is....some of us really do know the way God thinks and His grand purposes for this life.

It isn't about a simple black and white, one dimensional scheme. It is very intriquet and INDIVIDUAL programs for each of us...so that we can 'grow' and progress as much as possible.

This is like a class at school only more individualized, where you must stretch your own powers... The Lord gives us all exactly what we deserve, require, and desired from this life's experience.

This life isn't about this life....it is about the life you had before you came here and the life you will have after you leave.

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Originally posted by Peace@Jan 17 2004, 11:10 AM

estump---I don't "pooh" on the story, I "pooh" on your INTERPRETATION of natural random events. Good things happen to people all the time--it doesn't mean there is a connection between tithing and the event. If there were this "Law" of cause and effect, then good things should happen everytime someone pays tithing, and it doesn't. Some people on this site like to equate the laws of physics with this so-called law of tithing as though there were some connection.

It's true. The Lord maketh the Sun to shine on both the righteous and wicked. But there are somethings which are predicated upon the 'power' withwhich you obey the laws... It is cause effect, but with more factors than you might notice from the outward appearance...

The Lord rewards by what's in the heart. If there are doubts when one pays, or one pays with reticence or regret... the reward will not be at all, or at least not the same as the reward for someone who obeyed this law of tithing with a willing heart filled with the love of God, having confidence inpower....

....It isn't what you see and judge...it is what the Lord sees and judges...

Then factor in the Wisdom of God....who sees all the needs (spiritually) of His children...and you may see a test of endurence and faith...which can also be a blessing.

Of course with this last factor you will have those who will jump on it and say....hey...you are just using that as an escape claus....

But then we can come back and say...you don't understand the big picture...and you will come back and say.....yadayadayada...

It get's old. The bottom line is....some of us really do know the way God thinks and His grand purposes for this life.

It isn't about a simple black and white, one dimensional scheme. It is very intriquet and INDIVIDUAL programs for each of us...so that we can 'grow' and progress as much as possible.

This is like a class at school only more individualized, where you must stretch your own powers... The Lord gives us all exactly what we deserve, require, and desired from this life's experience.

This life isn't about this life....it is about the life you had before you came here and the life you will have after you leave.

Wow------ finally found someone who knows how God thinks. How special. How come you aren't the leader of the Church, since even GBH doesn't seem to.

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Mind if i jump in?

In our denomination (Community of Christ) I have heard many similar stories about tithing payers as the original post in this thread. I think it may have a lot to do with the outlook of the person. While the original poster saw good fortune from paying tithing those others in the story could possibly attribute their problems to this act as well. As a result of this one person paying tithing there was an automobile accident, a deer, one of God's creatures, was killed not to mention what must have been a massacre of chickens. Maybe we should ask the opinions of all involved. What seems a blessing for one may not be for the other.

Attitude is the key I think. If we think we are going to be blessed then we are going to associate the good things that happen to us with the paying of tithing. We all have good and bad things happen to us whether we pay tithing or not.

A positive attitude about tithing will cause the person to see blessings from it. I don't have a problem with that. I'm not sure i see them as cause and effect however.


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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Cal+Jan 17 2004, 04:24 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Jan 17 2004, 04:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Peace@Jan 17 2004, 11:10 AM

estump---I don't "pooh" on the story, I "pooh" on your INTERPRETATION of natural random events. Good things happen to people all the time--it doesn't mean there is a connection between tithing and the event. If there were this "Law" of cause and effect, then good things should happen everytime someone pays tithing, and it doesn't. Some people on this site like to equate the laws of physics with this so-called law of tithing as though there were some connection.

It's true. The Lord maketh the Sun to shine on both the righteous and wicked. But there are somethings which are predicated upon the 'power' withwhich you obey the laws... It is cause effect, but with more factors than you might notice from the outward appearance...

The Lord rewards by what's in the heart. If there are doubts when one pays, or one pays with reticence or regret... the reward will not be at all, or at least not the same as the reward for someone who obeyed this law of tithing with a willing heart filled with the love of God, having confidence inpower....

....It isn't what you see and judge...it is what the Lord sees and judges...

Then factor in the Wisdom of God....who sees all the needs (spiritually) of His children...and you may see a test of endurence and faith...which can also be a blessing.

Of course with this last factor you will have those who will jump on it and say....hey...you are just using that as an escape claus....

But then we can come back and say...you don't understand the big picture...and you will come back and say.....yadayadayada...

It get's old. The bottom line is....some of us really do know the way God thinks and His grand purposes for this life.

It isn't about a simple black and white, one dimensional scheme. It is very intriquet and INDIVIDUAL programs for each of us...so that we can 'grow' and progress as much as possible.

This is like a class at school only more individualized, where you must stretch your own powers... The Lord gives us all exactly what we deserve, require, and desired from this life's experience.

This life isn't about this life....it is about the life you had before you came here and the life you will have after you leave.

Wow------ finally found someone who knows how God thinks. How special. How come you aren't the leader of the Church, since even GBH doesn't seem to.

LOL :lol: I wouldn't have the job. Thanks very much.
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Guest antishock82003

I have a story for you, and it's True. Two TBM people payed tithing their entire lives. They lived in poverty. Their businesses failed repeatedly. 3 of their 4 children fell away from the Church, and the fourth one who is Faithful broke his back and is paralyzed for life. One was finally felled at age 63 of a heart attack after breaking her leg. The other experienced four strokes in one year, and is mentally incapacitated and living in a trailor park. They paid their tithing. The former worked till the day she died. The latter would be working, but is now dependent on his social security check of $900/mo. to get by. They paid their tithing.

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by antishock82003@Jan 18 2004, 11:51 AM

I have a story for you, and it's True. Two TBM people payed tithing their entire lives. They lived in poverty. Their businesses failed repeatedly. 3 of their 4 children fell away from the Church, and the fourth one who is Faithful broke his back and is paralyzed for life. One was finally felled at age 63 of a heart attack after breaking her leg. The other experienced four strokes in one year, and is mentally incapacitated and living in a trailor park. They paid their tithing. The former worked till the day she died. The latter would be working, but is now dependent on his social security check of $900/mo. to get by. They paid their tithing.

Have you thought to ask the Lord why? Have you asked those people what they think? Can you judge their hearts? Do you have a clue at all about what this life is for?
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