Polygamy Possible In Canada?


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I would whoop them for teasing any one gay or straight.

Of that I have no doubt! :lol:

I myself do not want them handing out wooden folic symbols and teaching high school students male and female how to put condoms on. Yes, this happened in sex Ed with my two oldest sons

In the US parents can opt out of such lessons. Is it different in Canada?

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Since it is your [false] claim that "Jehovah is a homophobe", the burden of proof lies upon you!

Prove there even is a Jehovah. Then prove the one you worship is the correct one (of thousands of variations). When you can do that I'll be more inclined to care about what this Jehovah says about homosexuality. Until then, it is just a religious thing I don't feel all that bound too being as I believe in no Jehovahs or religions.

Since I know that God exists, the burden of proof rests upon you to prove that He does not exist. ;-)

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You can but that makes big waves all of its own.

It is part of heath class curriculum. My teenage sons at the time had just moved in to a new school and we know little about the curriculum at the time.

I called the school and was told I signed the consent from along with a stack of others. We have forester son at the same time and some how I missed it.

I did not miss them the years to fallow.

I don’t mind then teaching safe sex but sexual life style choices is not their place.

Since I know that God exists, the burden of proof rests upon you to prove that He does not exist. ;-)

I like that.

It reminds me of a story a bishop told that in collage he saw writing on a bathroom wall.

Some one wrote “God is Dead” Nietzsche and someone replayed “Nietzsche Dead” God :idea:

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Since I know that God exists, the burden of proof rests upon you to prove that He does not exist. ;-)

That is as impossible as you proving god does exist. So since you can't prove any god, much less yours, I see no particular need to follow those rules.

Oh, and I have a invisible fire breathing Dragon living under my house..... prove He doesn't exist.

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As LDS, it is our duty and responsibility to teach our children the truth. Children learn to accept homosexuality as being normal in public school libraries with textbooks such as "Meet my two dads" or "Meet my two moms". The position in the Church is to love and support homosexuals in their desire to change their lifestyle, not to promote it as "healthy and natural".

You have yet to establish any reason for the rest of us to accept the homophobia of Jehovah. Care to give a reason or two?

Since it is your [false] claim that "Jehovah is a homophobe", the burden of proof lies upon you!

Ok. Here's what Jehovah has said:

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination" (Lev 18:22).

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act." (Lev. 20:33)

Obviously, he's got a problem. Moreover, he give's no reason why it's an "abomination" other than 'cause he says so. Big deal. Just cause 'W says there's WMD's in Iraq, doesn't make it so.

How about a reason?

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It reminds me of a story a bishop told that in collage he saw writing on a bathroom wall.

Some one wrote “God is Dead” Nietzsche and someone replayed “Nietzsche Dead” God :idea:


Since I know that God exists, the burden of proof rests upon you to prove that He does not exist. ;-)

That is as impossible as you proving god does exist. So since you can't prove any god, much less yours, I see no particular need to follow those rules.

Oh, and I have a invisible fire breathing Dragon living under my house..... prove He doesn't exist.

In another post, you proved you have multiple personalities...which personality owns the fire breathing dragon? LOL

Ok. Here's what Jehovah has said:

"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination" (Lev 18:22).

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act." (Lev. 20:33)

Obviously, he's got a problem. Moreover, he give's no reason why it's an "abomination" other than 'cause he says so. Big deal. Just cause 'W says there's WMD's in Iraq, doesn't make it so.

How about a reason?

The United Nations confiscated WMD in Iraq.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

Seek and ye shall find...provided you consult with a Higher Authority. ;-)

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If I believed ADHD was an organic condition I would have to believe many people in this forum suffer from a major case of it.

Kinda strange how a thread on polygamy turns into a thread debating whether Emma Smith and some other wife got into a cat fight -- prove they did, prove they didn't. Sheeeeeezzzzz!

Then here polygamy turns into a discussion of homosexuality? Can't people keep their attention better than this?


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If I believed ADHD was an organic condition I would have to believe many people in this forum suffer from a major case of it.

Kinda strange how a thread on polygamy turns into a thread debating whether Emma Smith and some other wife got into a cat fight -- prove they did, prove they didn't. Sheeeeeezzzzz!

Then here polygamy turns into a discussion of homosexuality? Can't people keep their attention better than this?


These threads are inter-related. Polygamist minded-men have a problem with nonpolygamist minded-women. Men fantasize about being with more than one woman simultaneously. Polygamy would feed right into this fantasy. Polygamists marry minors; homosexuals recruit minors. If polygamy were legalized, homosexuals would lobby for the right to have more than one "same-sex partner" [minors].

What is underneath the debate over Emma Smith/Eliza Snow has nothing to do with proving or disproving the validity of the story. It is about polygamist minded-men feeling threatened by non [anti] polygamist minded women.

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What is underneath the debate over Emma Smith/Eliza Snow has nothing to do with proving or disproving the validity of the story. It is about polygamist minded-men feeling threatened by non [anti] polygamist minded women.

More like it's about someone trying to justify spreading unverified stories that malign those who are no longer alive to defend themselves.

And if there is a "polygamist-minded man" on LDS Talk, we've yet to meet him. More unfounded assertions... :rolleyes:

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<div class='quotemain'>

What is underneath the debate over Emma Smith/Eliza Snow has nothing to do with proving or disproving the validity of the story. It is about polygamist minded-men feeling threatened by non [anti] polygamist minded women.

More like it's about someone trying to justify spreading unverified stories that malign those who are no longer alive to defend themselves.

And if there is a "polygamist-minded man" on LDS Talk, we've yet to meet him. More unfounded assertions... :rolleyes:

No, it's exactly as I stated. :-)

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No, it's exactly as I stated. :-)

Your opinion is noted, as inaccurate as it is. :rolleyes:

I believe I hit it directly on the head. The Emma Smith story is a rumor, disputed by the people involved. I stand behind my statement: it's about someone trying to justify spreading unverified stories that malign those who are no longer alive to defend themselves.

And if there is a "polygamist-minded man" on LDS Talk, we've yet to meet him. More unfounded assertions...

But if you have evidence that there are "polygamist" advocates here, by all means let's see the proof. :hmmm: If polygamy is what you see as being "under" that discussion, then it is only on your behalf...

In your place, be careful of the accusations I made about other members being "polygamist minded"..

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Your opinion is noted, as inaccurate as it is. :rolleyes:

My opinion, as presented, is totally accurate. (Again, with the eye rolling...soon you'll be wearing corrective lenses!)

I believe I hit it directly on the head. The Emma Smith story is a rumor, disputed by the people involved. I stand behind my statement: it's about someone trying to justify spreading unverified stories that malign those who are no longer alive to defend themselves.

Don't hit your head against the wall!

You stand behind [your] unfounded statement based upon false accusations intended to malign witnesses to the fact.

And if there is a "polygamist-minded man" on LDS Talk, we've yet to meet him. More unfounded assertions...

"Unfounded assertion" is an oxymoron. Do you speak for everyone in this forum: "we've yet to meet him"?

But if you have evidence that there are "polygamist" advocates here, by all means let's see the proof. :hmmm: If polygamy is what you see as being "under" that discussion, then it is only on your behalf...

It is not on my behalf, as I am not a proponent of polygamy.

In your place, be careful of the accusations I made about other members being "polygamist minded"..

What accusations should I be careful of that you made about other members being "polygamist minded"?

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My opinion, as presented, is totally accurate.

No doubt it accurately represents your opinion, but said opinion is not based on fact, but empty conjecture...

You stand behind [your] unfounded statement based upon false accusations intended to malign witnesses to the fact.

Not one of my statements has been unfounded, as yours have.

"Unfounded assertion" is an oxymoron. Do you speak for everyone in this forum: "we've yet to meet him"?

Actually, it is not, as one can make an assertion that is founded on fact; yours just do not happen to be so. And yes, so far, no member here has advocated polygamy.

It is not on my behalf, as I am not a proponent of polygamy.

Perhaps not, but you're certainly hung up on the subject.

What accusations should I be careful of that you made about other members being "polygamist minded"?

Just take the warning and keep it in mind.

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No doubt it accurately represents your opinion, but said opinion is not based on fact, but empty conjecture...

By their fruit ye shall know them. Neither empty...nor conjecture.

Not one of my statements has been unfounded, as yours have.

Prove that "Not one of my statements has been unfounded, as yours have" by providing official church documentation. Otherwise, don't falsely accuse me of being a gossip, since my statements are based upon quoting a speaker of the Relief Society. And I am not held liable for what is said in a Church meeting.

Actually, it is not, as one can make an assertion that is founded on fact; yours just do not happen to be so. And yes, so far, no member here has advocated polygamy.

An assertion is a positive statement--positive means leaving no doubt; unfounded means having no foundation; therefore, it is a contradiciton, or an oxymoron. Is your statement, "And yes, so far, no member here has advocated polygamy" an official statement representing LDSTalk?

Perhaps not, but you're certainly hung up on the subject.

Do you consider all people who answer posts as having a hang up?

Just take the warning and keep it in mind.

Why, am I in impending danger?

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By their fruit ye shall know them. Neither empty...nor conjecture.

Yes, I've seen the fruit you're trying to produce here. And yes, it was empty conjecture. You know it, I know it.

Prove that "Not one of my statements has been unfounded, as yours have" by providing official church documentation. Otherwise, don't falsely accuse me of being a gossip, since my statements are based upon quoting a speaker of the Relief Society. And I am not held liable for what is said in a Church meeting.

Who needs "official Church documentation?" Since when must a rumor be proven false by Church authorities to prevent people from spreading it? You should just know better. If a rumor got started about you or your family, would it be okay for others to spread it as long as there was no documentation that it was false?

As for your unfounded statements, you stated that It is about polygamist minded-men feeling threatened by non [anti] polygamist minded women. Prove it, or just admit that it was conjecture.

Yes, spreading gossip is a terrible thing; the fact that you heard it at an RS meeting is no excuse. You are liable for what you repeat; you know that.

An assertion is a positive statement--positive means leaving no doubt; unfounded means having no foundation; therefore, it is a contradiciton, or an oxymoron. Is your statement, "And yes, so far, no member here has advocated polygamy" an official statement representing LDSTalk?

You seem to have your definitions mixed up; one can certainly make an unfounded assertion. English 101. It is not an oxymoron. From the oxford dictionary:

Assertion: as·ser·tion

1. The act of asserting.

2. Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.

Happy to help. ;)

I've been here for a number of years, and have never seen anyone advocate polygamy; if you have evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to look at it. If not, you're just making noise.

Do you consider all people who answer posts as having a hang up?

Only those who try to paint others as being "polygamist minded" without factual basis, and who want to make it central to the issue of the gossip about Emma. Of course it is just an attempt to distract from the issue, which is that there is no evidence to support the rumor.

Why, am I in impending danger?

Of being reported, but only if you keep trying to paint other members with your false accusations of polygamy.

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Yes, I've seen the fruit you're trying to produce here. And yes, it was empty conjecture. You know it, I know it.

A blaming statement...and again, unfounded.

Who needs "official Church documentation?" Since when must a rumor be proven false by Church authorities to prevent people from spreading it? You should just know better. If a rumor got started about you or your family, would it be okay for others to spread it as long as there was no documentation that it was false?

My concensus is that you have no official Church documentation. It would be very appropriate to counter a rumor by providing official Church documention to the contrary, which is why I challenged you to produce it. (BTW, you have spread a rumor in this forum about me being a gossip.)

As for your unfounded statements, you stated that It is about polygamist minded-men feeling threatened by non [anti] polygamist minded women. Prove it. Yes, spreading gossip is a terrible thing; the fact that you heard it at an RS meeting is no excuse. You are liable for what you repeat; you know that.

What you refer to as "unfounded statements" is an expression of an opinion; an observation. Therefore, it requires no proof. Many people share stories told from the pulpit at Church...that doesn't make them a gossip any more than it makes me a gossip. If you have a problem with this story, put the blame where it lies, and take it up with Bruce McConkie's sister.

You seem to have your definitions mixed up; one can certainly make an unfounded assertion. English 101. It is not an oxymoron. From the oxford dictionary:

Assertion: as·ser·tion

1. The act of asserting.

2. Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.

Happy to help. ;)

I've been here for a number of years, and have never seen anyone advocate polygamy; if you have evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to look at it. If not, you're just making noise.

The definitions I found are officially from Webster's Dictionary and used in the correct context. I don't make noise, I make sense.

Only those who try to paint others as being "polygamist minded" without factual basis, and who want to make it central to the issue of the gossip about Emma. Of course it is just an attempt to distract from the issue, which is that there is no evidence to support the rumor.

The topic is polygamy. Relating a story that Bruce McConkie's sister related in regard to Emma and Eliza is cental to this issue in regard to how the sisters in the Church feel (and have felt) about polygamy. If this story is false, I have seen nothing to counter it...not from the pulpit, and not from you. If Bruce McConkie's sister is guilty of telling falsehoods in Church, nothing was said in my stake in that regard, to correct any of the information she gave.

Of being reported, but only if you keep trying to paint other members with your false accusations of polygamy

Reported for what? Have you been falsely accused of being a polygamist? And by who?

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A blaming statement...and again, unfounded.

Nope, not unfounded at all.

My concensus is that you have no official Church documentation. It would be very appropriate to counter a rumor by providing official Church documention to the contrary, which is why I challenged you to produce it.

Again, common sense tells you that you don't have to have "official documanetaion" in order to not repeat such stories. And again, I note that you fail to produce any documentation that it ever happened. I am not surprised

(BTW, you have spread a rumor in this forum about me being a gossip.)

No, I have not. I have simply observed that spreding rumors is contributing to the problem. Any personal offense you take is on you.

What you refer to as "unfounded statements" is an expression of an opinion; an observation. Therefore, it requires no proof. Many people share stories told from the pulpit at Church...that doesn't make them a gossip any more than it makes me a gossip. If you have a problem with this story, put the blame where it lies, and take it up with Bruce McConkie's sister.

I choose to take it up with the one who repeated it and is defending it here. If you don't want to be put in the position of backing it up, don't support it.

The definitions I found are officially from Webster's Dictionary and used in the correct context.

Just explained wrong by you then.

I don't make noise, I make sense.

In your opinion... ;)

The topic is polygamy. Relating a story that Bruce McConkie's sister related in regard to Emma and Eliza is cental to this issue in regard to how the sisters in the Church feel (and have felt) about polygamy. If this story is false, I have seen nothing to counter it...not from the pulpit, and not from you. If Bruce McConkie's sister is guilty of telling falsehoods in Church, nothing was said in my stake in that regard, to correct any of the information she gave.

Again, an attempt to justify gossip. It is a story that by all appearances was made up to illustrate what some think all sisters should feel, and it's sad.

Again, you do not need "official documentation" in order to do the right thing. Emma Smith has been maligned by this story. Perhaps you realy just don't get it, and think gossip is okay...

Reported for what? Have you been falsely accused of being a polygamist? And by who?

Be warned, and act like you have common sense, please.

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My position stated simply: The story about Emma has no historical evidence, and maligns her character It should not be repeated by honorable people. The story was disputed by those who were there, as I've shown, and no evidence at all has been provided to show otherwise.

Gossip is wrong, and Emma deserves to be treated better.

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I would agree that the above discussion is hearsay to say the least. I don't know if I would classify it as gossip, no intention to do someone wrong, but definately hearsay.

When it can be found written in someones journal, someone that was there not heard a story then it would have more validity.

Let's please stop the personal attacks on one another about who is a gossip and who is not. It does not add to the forum.

Thank you

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