The Seven Deadly Sins Of Sacrament Meetings Talks

Winnie G

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Bush Sr. ------------------> "I think what's at stake here is the new world order. What's at stake here is whether we can have disputes peacefully resolved in the future by a reinvigorated United Nations. Or will the United Nations, it's peacekeeping function having been elevated to its most promising height since 1948, be sent back to the Dark Ages because we failed to fulfill it's mandate?" - U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 7, 1991

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Have we seen a source other than to say Google. Google is a search engine. You can find all kinds of facts, fiction and outright lies by doing a google search.

How about something like: "President Bush belongs to a secret society. They plan on creating a New World Order. Satan will rule and control this New World Order. They will all want to put the Mark of the Beast on us all. That is what debit cards are about." My Grandmother.

This is a true quote but not factual. My grandmother was a devout pentecostal woman and we were going to hell if we allowed someone to stamp our hands going to the movie. Mark of the Beast and all.

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How about something like: "President Bush belongs to a secret society. They plan on creating a New World Order. Satan will rule and control this New World Order. They will all want to put the Mark of the Beast on us all. That is what debit cards are about." My Grandmother.

This is a true quote but not factual. My grandmother was a devout pentecostal woman and we were going to hell if we allowed someone to stamp our hands going to the movie. Mark of the Beast and all.

As a matter of fact, your Grandmother was right. :-)

Ok, hold on to your hats...this may come as a great shock...the quotes are right out of the John Birch Society! (I quoted them in my political newsletter.)

Oh, and just for the record...Pres. Ezra Taft Benson was a member of the John Birch Society. ;-)

- Mrs. A

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Jason where are your sources for doubting her source? Anyone listening to Bush over the last many years could back her source up.

Don't you ever listen to Bush?

Once again, this is very elementary, the person making the assumption must provide a credible source. It's not my responsibility to verify every hair-brained theory in the world. :rolleyes:

Ok, hold on to your hats...this may come as a great shock...the quotes are right out of the John Birch Society! (I quoted them in my political newsletter.)

That's not good enough. And it seems the the Bircher's have degenerated in scholarship ability. The sources you quoted aren't even good enough for a 7th grade paper.

Oh, and just for the record...Pres. Ezra Taft Benson was a member of the John Birch Society. ;-)

Once again, you're wrong. ETB's son was a member, but Benson himself never was a member.

The following is from the John Birch Society magazine "The New American":

"He also continued to participate in patriotic activities outside his church, though he wisely refrained from endorsing political candidates. In the early 1960s, he became acquainted with the young John Birch Society and its dynamic leader, Robert Welch. While he himself did not join the Society, his wife Flora and son Reed did. Reed even accepted employment with the JBS and helped to bring about much of the Society’s early growth in Utah."

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ETB's son was a member, but Benson himself never was a member.

Yes, you're right...I was mistaken on this issue. My apologies to the forum.

Pres. Benson was very supportive of his son joining the John Birch Society. "When he [Reed] joined, I expressed my opinion that I was convinced that the John Birch Society was the most effective non-Church organization in our fight against creeping Socialism and godless Communism. I also stated that I admired Reed's courage and applauded his decision. Some people have told me this was not a good strategy, but I disagree. I feel it is always good strategy to stand up for the right, even when it is unpopular. Perhaps I shoud say ESPECIALLY when it is unpopular." - Ezra Taft Benson, Prophets, Principles And National Survival.

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I knew someone that every fast and testimony meeting would give a ten minute talk. It was a hobby to see what he would say. Would talk abut things off the internet he brought up think he have to say them. Quote movies and life story.

Stories such as the switchman and the bridge. Stories in especially for mormons. Many are morbid twinkies to get a point across. Bruce R McConkie said to read a written sermon is o not rely on spirit. Need to rely on spirit and talks can give you them but use them in talk not the talk. A movie like charly lds contemporary music and other fictional stories sure it teaches truth but does it edify is it by the spirit as well that is what is important.

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