The Final Thread On Recent Member Bans


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This will be the last time I address recent events. I know that there have been many questions as to what exactly occurred, and I have felt that it was inappropriate to discuss them fully. Please be aware that I have not taken any action without due cause. I am only making this post so that everything is out in the open and we can move on.

At the time Setheus was removed as a mod, it was something that I had felt needed to be done for almost a month. I will not go into details as to why, but simply that I felt my personal feelings weren't enough to remove him, as I knew he was well liked, and from what I could tell, he was doing a good job. It wasn't however until I was asked by some other chatters to investigate that I saw what exactly was happening in the chat room. The logs showed inappropriate behavior by a few of the members of the board. Action was taken against all of them in one form or another. Setheus was removed as a moderator and also banned, being as he was involved in all of the inappropriate events.

Setheus wrote me quite a few times from an email account, wanting to be put back in as moderator and wanting to rejoin the site. I told him he would never be a moderator again, and outlined what he must do in order to rejoin the site:

1 – You come back as Setheus and apologize to the board (no need to give any details)

2 – You do not have any other aliases on the site and you tell me all of your previous alias names so they may be deleted

3 – You don’t use the chat room for inappropriate behavior

I then unbanned his name so he could do just that. Instead of complying, he chose to fake his death and involved Justlooking in the plot. He then returned to the board under a new name and identity. Schemes of this nature are just sick and will not be tolerated, considering the emotions of fellow chatters that have already been played upon. The means of this plot was made evident by the aliases mannerisms, the use of the same ip address by the aliases and setheus, and finally proven beyond doubt tonight when Setheus wrote me from the same email address that he had used when asking to return to the board as a moderator.

I apologize to those of you who have suffered emotionally over these demented games. Please be aware that Setheus has done this in the past. This was not the first time he faked his death, nor will it probably be the last. I’m sorry that there isn’t more I can do besides give warning to be careful in whom you trust. Setheus is still on the board, and may respond to this if he chooses to. His current alias is Jack Sparrow.

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Guest Jack Sparrow

Almost all true. I didnt have anything to do with my suicide. Justlooking took something I said in passing litterally and made up the whole thing with her brother Humble Pie. I re-joined as jared and THAT is when I found out about the suicide but decided to lay low. When I tried to log on as Setheus that name was STILL banned. So how was I to make my apology? But since I am here now I will make my apology. I am sorry for flirting with women who flirted back. While I did not force myself on anyone and all flirting was very mutual I will still admit it wasnt the right thing to do and I again am sorry. I hope you will all forgive me.

I know I played dead on the old bord but this time I did not do that. I've outgrown such childish behaviors.

Anyway, I hope I can be unbanned and have Setheus back. Not as a Mod but I just prefer that name to Jack Sparrow.

I hope that I will be given the same mercy as Ari *Aristotle* and Distrubed1 *hoosier_baby*

Thank you.

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Guest Jack Sparrow

Sugarbay was one of the women I flirted with. Who willingly engaged in inappropriate conversations over the phone. I've tried multiple times to ask her forgiveness but she refuses. Which is ok. I can only ask I cant worry if she accepts.

Anyway, I am sorry to any and all that were hurt.

Thats all.

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Facts: The account name Setheus was a member, not banned from 1/13/06 - 1/17/06. The 13th was the day I wrote you to tell you the stipulations for coming back. The 17th was the day after Justlooking posted in chat that Setheus killed himself. Jared, the name you created, was created on the 16th. From the 16th until today, there are numerous logs of Jared asking about "that guy who killed himself" and wondering about "setheus." If you had come back to the board and found the name Setheus banned, you should've wrote me and told me you were going to come back to apologize but there was a problem logging in.

Please don't insult my intelligence or anyone else by trying to get them to believe you had nothing to do with faking the death. If you thought it was as sick as I do, you have had 5 days to come clean about it. Instead you have played along. The only reason you even came clean is because I banned you. Honestly, I don't think Justlooking or anyone who considered themselves to be your friend would play such a sick joke without your permission.

There is quite a difference between you and Ari. (Disruptive has not been let back on the board yet.) Ari came to me and told me who she was. I'm not sure if she tried to hide it from anyone, but I do believe her intentions are good, and she wanted to make a better start on the board. She was banned because of her approach and misguided information. As I stated in a previous post, I don't care if anyone wants to flirt on the board. What I saw in the chat rooms, with multiple women, was well beyond flirting.

I can't believe anything you tell me. I feel that it's just lies to cover up even more lies. There are chatters, chatters you have mislead, who have been deeply hurt by what you have done. What you thought was a game, was real to them. From what I have heard, they don't want you to be allowed back.

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Sugarbay was one of the women I flirted with. Who willingly engaged in inappropriate conversations over the phone. I've tried multiple times to ask her forgiveness but she refuses. Which is ok. I can only ask I cant worry if she accepts.

Anyway, I am sorry to any and all that were hurt.

Thats all.

If you ever drag my name through the mud again, you will be in court so fast you won't know what spun your Stetson. How dare you. Becasue I don't accept a lame apology? I think not. Go ahead an push me on this one, Setheus/Jason/Jared/HP/Ethan/Massiliamo/ Eros,/ Enzo/John/ ad nauseum aka Pickaname.. Or pick another you have. I will not tolerate you speaking of me that way. Or shall I bring up the underage one you " flirted with". Your multiple times apology is not accepted. You don't apologize for what you did out of remorse but because you were caught. You barked up the wrong tree when you complained to a mod tonight about my "man" attitude affecting the integrety of this site?? LOL! You stepped on the wrong toes with this one, pal, and I have a long memory. So go for it.

P.S. Finding where you live was not all that difficult should the need to serve papers arise. Remember that, Mr. Oil Man. LOL!

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Guest Jack Sparrow

Jason, you sweet lovable jumper of conclusions, I'm a fellow Jason. Me dear sweet mum stole your name and used it. :P You think my real name is Setheus?

This is the second personal attack on me so far on this thread and ......and I'm not even upset about it. Dont hear me crying to the Mods.

I'm not evil. All I'm guilty of is lyin about who I am *on the internet no less* There is no law against pretending is there?

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Setheus, You used my name? You jerk. No wonder I get the cold shoulder in the chat room... :angry:

Jason, my board friend..... If I ever give you the cold shoulder in the chat room....smack me!

For everything else: I have found that forgiveness helps heal the worst hurts. Anger just festers up and distroys you from within.

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Jason, you sweet lovable jumper of conclusions, I'm a fellow Jason. Me dear sweet mum stole your name and used it. :P You think my real name is Setheus?

This is the second personal attack on me so far on this thread and ......and I'm not even upset about it. Dont hear me crying to the Mods.

I'm not evil. All I'm guilty of is lyin about who I am *on the internet no less* There is no law against pretending is there?

Yes there is a law against pretending. Heather's post has been very clear about that. Now, who are you really? I would bet you can't even give an answer to this as you don't know yourself.

I will trust Heather's statements about you over whatever you choose to say because you have proven you can't be trusted. Don't blame the people of this forum for not trusting you when you have done nothing to earn it.

Just a few cents about nobody at all.

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Just a few cents about nobody at all.

Perfect. Absolutley perfect line.


Jason, you sweet lovable jumper of conclusions, I'm a fellow Jason. Me dear sweet mum stole your name and used it. :P You think my real name is Setheus?

This is the second personal attack on me so far on this thread and ......and I'm not even upset about it. Dont hear me crying to the Mods.

I'm not evil. All I'm guilty of is lyin about who I am *on the internet no less* There is no law against pretending is there?

You sure cried to a mod last nite that my

man-hating" attitude mught disrupt the integrity of the site.

LOL! The new repentnent Setheus. Applause , applause.


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I agree with Soul. This is not accomplishing anything. We are not going back where we just came from, let's wash the board clean and start afresh. The board has been told what happened by Heather, things have been set straight, everyone knows where everyone stands. Let's grow up, wash the board clean of anything pointing fingers or tearing anyone down, and go from here, and when the moderators feel someone is out of line, they will take care of it and if we feel someone is out of line, we can always report them to a moderator.

This is too nice a site to spoil it with this. Let's enjoy what Heather has given us and go forward from here, not backward....

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I've waited awhile to see how this thread goes, but thought I'd offer my thoughts, as one who has largely been out of the loop.

1. Role-playing at a denominational website is underhanded, at minimum. Very early on here, I realized I needed to be open about the fact that I was non-LDS, that I was a clergyperson, that I'm married, and that I'm a middle-aged male. Why? I did not want to be accused later on of being a stealth anti-Mormon missionary, or of feigning ignorance to grant unearned trust. I did not want anyone to think I was available for relationships, or that I was preying on the young. In other words, avoiding the appearance of deceit was important for me. Straightfoward honesty has allowed me incredible liberty, and a lot of beneficial interactions.

2. One or two-sentence flirtations might be innocent fun, but anything beyond that is SIN, IMHO. (Of course singles aren't prohibited from looking for love online).

3. Some posters here really enjoy oneupmanship, win-lose debate style argumentation, and "Who's the smarter one" contests. On the other hand, I have found that conversational posts garner conversational responses, whereas confrontational posts begat...well you get it.

Just my ... :twocents:

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We agree. I, Aristotle, joined this forum with my wife, Mrs. A. We have been posting as such. The administrator was made aware of the fact that my wife was a member, and that the circumstances surrounding her previous ban are questionable. The administrator has approved us posting in the forum as a couple.

- The Aristotles

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I'd like to thank Heather for addressing this ... Setheus I know you think it's harmless flirting, but you have no idea how disheartening it is as a woman to try to be involved and make friends, only to have your first PM on the site being someone hitting on you and making comments about your body. ESPECIALLY on a site like this, where you come to try to further your spiritual growth.

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