Green tea inside of supplements

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You guys are crazy fun on you topics!

I love how unbalanced the views get on the Word of Wisdom.

Why do we focus so on coffee and tea but ignore the minimizing of meat? What about processed foods, salts, over-indulgence, exercise, etc? It is a health code based on wisdom from God. There would never be a situation where God would ask you obedient and fat, or diobedent and healthy. Being fat and taking stimlulants are both unhealthy.

So a question I ask a lot of church member is, if you can't drink tea then can you drink an extract of tea? Of course they say no. The I tell them that that is what caffeine is.

I worked in a hazardous chemical distribution center for five years. One of the chemicals that I worked with a lot was caffeine. It caused us a lot of headaches to deal with. We shipped it to a soft drink manufacturing plant. It was listed as a Food Grade material which meant it was ok to eat but the twist was that it was also listed ad a Poison and to be treated as a hazardous material. So we couldn't ship it with the other Food Grades 'cause it was a poison, and we couldn't ship it with poisons 'cause it was a food. So I had to do a lot of research on it. And come to find out it is extracted from tea and coffee and is not chemically manufactured. And almost all of it comes from China. So the caffeine that is in you soda or medications comes from coffee or tea.

My friend argues with me that Coke is ok to drink and caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom. I tell him that it is against the Word of Wisdom because I have seed the Material Safty Data Sheet and know for a fact that it is very bad for you and is actually a poison. And I know God would not approve of us taking poison, plus it is an extract of coffee.

Of course he says I am a hypocrite because he saw me drinking a Mountian Dew the other day. I said I am not a hypocrite. I said caffeine was bad for you, I didn't say I didn't drink it. I do struggle with it but I know it is wrong which means I can eventualy overcome it. But saying a sin is not a sin is worse because you will never try to overcome it.

That was a long winded way to say don't justify your problems with the Word of Wisdom so that you don't have to deal with them.

You don't have to have God tell you every little thing that is bad for you. You are full grown adults that can figure it out for yourselves. You are here to learn. You have the internet so there is no reason for you to not do the research.

Or if you like an easier path then follow this motto: If in doubt, Don't.

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  • 1 month later...

In my opinion,

Green tea is a product made from the Camellia sinensis plant. It can be prepared as a beverage, which can have some health effects. Or an “extract” can be made from the leaves to use as medicine.

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Yes!! If the WofW was supposed to be given as health advice (which IMO, is not the best advice), then wouldn't a person strive to be healthy and be reasonable in following that advice. If you've decided that you believe abstaining from coffee and tea is healthy for you, then fine, but to go overboard and view the commandment in such a legalistic way, that you totally ignore the whole purpose of the commandment; then IMO that is just plain crazy.


Two things: I agree with you that it's foolish to make yourself unhealthy by using the excuse of following the Word of Wisdom--frankly, I don't see why there can't be a happy medium. If you won't drink tea for health benefits, find something else! There's plenty of options out there.

Second thing: Besides the tea thing, what other negative health impacts do you feel the Word of Wisdom has, since you say it's not the best health advice? I've seen a lot of nutritionists commending paleolithic diets, which is more or less what the Word of Wisdom is.

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I don't mind a little green tea sometimes. I use it as a medicine sometimes too. My sister bought Energy Tea... it's actually just a green tea mix. A year ago or so we had a very bad cold to the point it was as if we had the flu with headache and feeling really tired because of it but the tea did help to the point of atleast getting that annoying headache away. I didn't drink any of the tea again since that annoying cold but if I happen to have a headache of that kind again I will also use the tea as a medicine again since it did make me feel better.

.... read the full post on page 2...

Personally tea is tea. Whether black, green, herbal, iced, etc. Plus green tea is a fairly effective laxative! :eek: (Must drive faster!)

What does amaze me though is the claims that teas and now coffee are full of anti oxidants and so good for everyone. I'm not sure an adddiction is good for anyone.

Herbal tea is not against the WoW atleast not here there is no real tea inside but only herbs. You won't get addicted to it but it's a nice alternative on drinking water or all that sweet stuff (like fanta or so). No calories (unless you put sugar in) and gives a bit of taste to water.

It's also healthy in a way if you hate using pills/medicine for certain things. Sometimes in a mix and sometimes alone.

For example you can already give a baby fennel tea. It wont hurt the baby in a bit it's even really good if a baby has a stomach ache. Here it's even advised by the pediatrician.

My mother sometimes also gave it to me next to breastfeeding and sometimes through where she would drink the tea. Still like said babies can have it.

I also know from a YW or a YW + Relief Society evening where we'd drink cups of herbal tea with cookies and play games together. So I think herbal tea is fine :3 and best of all not addicting. Still all the talking about tea while thirsty...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I believe you are absolutely correct. I see friends (as well as me) hammer double cheese burgers from Wendy's, drink 64 oz. of Pepsi from the nearby truck stop, but will become indignant when it comes to coffee and tea. I don't drink coffee or tea, I eat too much, and I eat way more meat than I should. I drink 44 oz. of Coke regularly. Shame on me. We do pick and choose our poisons.

You guys are crazy fun on you topics!

I love how unbalanced the views get on the Word of Wisdom.

Why do we focus so on coffee and tea but ignore the minimizing of meat? What about processed foods, salts, over-indulgence, exercise, etc? It is a health code based on wisdom from God. There would never be a situation where God would ask you obedient and fat, or diobedent and healthy. Being fat and taking stimlulants are both unhealthy.

So a question I ask a lot of church member is, if you can't drink tea then can you drink an extract of tea? Of course they say no. The I tell them that that is what caffeine is.

I worked in a hazardous chemical distribution center for five years. One of the chemicals that I worked with a lot was caffeine. It caused us a lot of headaches to deal with. We shipped it to a soft drink manufacturing plant. It was listed as a Food Grade material which meant it was ok to eat but the twist was that it was also listed ad a Poison and to be treated as a hazardous material. So we couldn't ship it with the other Food Grades 'cause it was a poison, and we couldn't ship it with poisons 'cause it was a food. So I had to do a lot of research on it. And come to find out it is extracted from tea and coffee and is not chemically manufactured. And almost all of it comes from China. So the caffeine that is in you soda or medications comes from coffee or tea.

My friend argues with me that Coke is ok to drink and caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom. I tell him that it is against the Word of Wisdom because I have seed the Material Safty Data Sheet and know for a fact that it is very bad for you and is actually a poison. And I know God would not approve of us taking poison, plus it is an extract of coffee.

Of course he says I am a hypocrite because he saw me drinking a Mountian Dew the other day. I said I am not a hypocrite. I said caffeine was bad for you, I didn't say I didn't drink it. I do struggle with it but I know it is wrong which means I can eventualy overcome it. But saying a sin is not a sin is worse because you will never try to overcome it.

That was a long winded way to say don't justify your problems with the Word of Wisdom so that you don't have to deal with them.

You don't have to have God tell you every little thing that is bad for you. You are full grown adults that can figure it out for yourselves. You are here to learn. You have the internet so there is no reason for you to not do the research.

Or if you like an easier path then follow this motto: If in doubt, Don't.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Miles125
Posted (edited) · Hidden

You are thinking good.... Green tea is an excellent diet supplement for the weight reduction and fat burning.

You should take it regularly if you want to lose the weight successfully.

Edited by Miles125
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  • 7 months later...

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