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At some point, you have to hold the OTHER person responsible for the lust in their mind. You don't control their thoughts, and nothing you do (or wear) will ever give you that ability.

Absolutely! In Young Women, we have a lesson every year on modesty. I tell the girls straight up that they are not responsible for the Young Men's thoughts. Then we go on to talk about self respect, respect for the gifts they have, respect for the covenants they have made and will make, etc. Are the men around us so weak that we have to shepherd their thoughts? They're not.

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Guest mirancs8

Take me, for example (this is going to sound EXTREMELY unusual, but its still true, and I'm going to say it anyway just to prove a point):

I am VERY attracted to men dressed entirely in black, or in suits, or in robes-- yes ROBES! Don't ask why, I just love how they drape and flow when someone moves. Those things are supposed to be attempts at modestly and decency. But to me, its more attractive than a man showing skin! In fact, the more skin he shows, the less attracted I am. Very odd, I know. But true, nonetheless. I have no idea why this is, its just the way I've always been.

I finally don't feel all alone in the world LOL! I too am VERY attracted to a man in dress suits. Black, dark blue anything basic classic suit just does something to me. My friends think I'm just nuts they don't see what it is I see. It's probably the most covered up outfit for a man but to me it's the most sexiest. As long as I can remember I've had this attraction to men in suits. It is odd to most but to me a clean cut clean shaved man in a suit seems perfectly scrumptious :D

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Lust versus Attraction.

Attraction to Lust.

I think for me one of my biggest problems has always been finding that point where control is in place. Modesty is sexy. I think there is nothing sexier than a classy well dressed woman who is attractive.

Wierd attractions beside, it is morethose constantly changing realtionships between people that can decide where modesty or the lack of it, turns a situation from one with an attraction or mutual attraction into one dominated by lust.

Modesty does not mean boring or unattractive, and those woman who embrace it are ladies. I say thank you and if I see you I will probably complement you on your taste. then I will grin like a fool and walk away, DaZZled! :o)

S T Fin

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Lust versus Attraction.

Attraction to Lust.

I think for me one of my biggest problems has always been finding that point where control is in place. Modesty is sexy. I think there is nothing sexier than a classy well dressed woman who is attractive.

Wierd attractions beside, it is morethose constantly changing realtionships between people that can decide where modesty or the lack of it, turns a situation from one with an attraction or mutual attraction into one dominated by lust.

Modesty does not mean boring or unattractive, and those woman who embrace it are ladies. I say thank you and if I see you I will probably complement you on your taste. then I will grin like a fool and walk away, DaZZled! :o)

S T Fin

See, that's what I'm saying, lol. Yet another example of a person who is ATTRACTED to modestly, rather than being repelled by it. Again, it doesn't matter how you dress, somebody is going to think its attractive. I know men who think nun's outfits are tempting, lol. Crazy, but true. There's no way to NOT draw someone's interest. Not even by gaining weight, or by "letting yourself go", because there are even people who think that's attractive, lol. :)

Edited by Melissa569
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