The Best Diet???


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Which I guess brings us back to JohnnyLingo's post on page one, cutting portion sizes. Which then could be accomplished by 3 plates of food a day, no snacks? I have been somewhat successful just eating three meals a day, one plate of food per meal. Thermodynamics works apaprently.

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I think that you need to ask yourself if plans and restrictions are what you need to succeed. Im sure you have heard someone say it before, but dieting usually is a temporary solution till you have reached your goal. Which in most cases after that you just let yourself go again. Thats not to say that it haven't been a succes to some people :)

My opinion is that you need to make a full life change. That means something you can live with and enjoy, the rest of your life.. if planning and calcuating your intakes and such isn't working out and it feels more like a boot camp, then ask yourself if you wanna live in that boot camp the rest of your life? If not, its more likely you will fall off that path if you take it.

The more greens and fruits you eat, the less you have to plan and you can be more casual about it.. however if you want more fat and sugar filled foods, thats when you have to be carefull and look at calories and such..

I lean towards fruits and greens, because it allows me to snack and have these cozy moments with food you have, without feeling guilty.. the trick is just to find things that appeal to you in taste, that are easy for you to reach out for. Just have fun and play around with recipes. If you want any easy ones, give me a tell!

I have to say though, that there is a transitioning period.. where you have to get use to some different textures and tastes, but i suspect that you know that :) having tried raw foods before.. ofcourse, it does not have to be a 100% raw food, but your own consience for what is good to eat and what isn't.. most people have a fair sense of what is good to put inside your body and what is not.

Eventually, your not even going to crave fatty and sugary food, its going to make you feel a bit strange and queezy. And the foods that are good for you, are going to be the ones you want to reach out for.. i think that is the long lasting change nessicary to make, to make it a lifelong habbit..

The mental transition is whats going to affect your body, so listen to the consience first =) enevidably your body will change, you control how fast that will happend.

Just some thoughts ^.^

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  • 5 months later...
Guest alexedwen

I used to follow a diet plan since one year. The healthy body and the maintenance of our body is basically depends upon the food we eat and also the amount of work we are performing with our body. The fitness and health of a person depends mostly on the condition of the brain and then next to the entire body. The Meditation is the best practice of keeping these both healthy and fit. Eating real good food that contains proteins, nutrients, carbohydrates and all other necessary things to our body makes us stood fit. Please provide some more links regarding the topic.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest madishonluke

he proper diet should be followed with out neglecting and the food that we eat must consists of proteins, carbohydrates and all nutrients required for our body. The energy supplements for fitness and health are many as all of us need to be healthy and also fit . Proteins are the best supplements for the fitness and even more must have eating tips for heart,bones,muscles,brain even for the best fitness, health and nutrition tips delivered to our body daily. Eating real good food that contains proteins, nutrients, carbohydrates and all other necessary things to our body makes us stood fit. Please provide some more links regarding the topic.

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Guest levi992
Posted (edited) · Hidden

Diet is very important role to our health and my body, i think the best diet is fresh salad and vegetables and fruit is also very good to our diet, and fish is also very good for our diet and my health and body, i also eat these things and my body and health is classes Libertyville

Edited by levi992
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  • 5 months later...
Guest helinbert

I had gone through the posts. The suggestions produced here are very interesting and useful for many of us seeking for this information. The healthy body and the maintenance of our body is basically depends upon the food we eat and also the amount of work we are performing with our body. The fitness and health of a person depends mostly on the condition of the brain and then next to the entire body. The Meditation is the best practice of keeping these both healthy and fit. Eating real good food that contains proteins, nutrients, carbohydrates and all other necessary things to our body makes us stood fit. Please provide some more links regarding the topic.

healthy living magazine

healthy eating tips

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